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Donald Trump Golf Cart Incident


Cringe, but Free
Remarkable Onion
This kinda thing irritates me, mostly because age -related cognitive decline comes for everyone in some form. Then there's this nigga acting like he's not within a few years' time of that, or that he's not already standing/waddling around like he's wearing adult diapers himself.

Also inb4 the ballgarglers attempt to defend him when he starts making the same oldman flubs as Biden.
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High performance shitposting
An Onion Among Onions
This kinda thing irritates me, mostly because age -related cognitive decline comes for everyone in some form
Not everyone is running for president and claiming to be as sharp as they ever were, though.

I can't wait for Trump to go fully senile and start posting to social media off his meds. You know his dementia tweets are going to be wild.