Onionfarms Movie Night

In the process of being set up.

Non-Country Banter and Cyberbullying/Harassment What's The Difference?

Thread that is not connected to a particular country or miscellaneous posts

Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt

Global Moderator
I am going to start this off because this has become an important topic on the minds of a lot of people that are subject to online abuse.
In general banter ends when you log out of the forum. Harassment on the other hand follows you around.


Anything that affects the subject's real life is clearly in the harassment territory.

Examples of cyberbullying:

-Doxxing aka. releasing personal information, even of their family members.
-Maliciously contacting people on their social media accounts.
-Trolling plans


Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt

Global Moderator
I would draw a distinction between "official dox" such as an official address that you would send fan mail to or an official social media page that acts as an intermediary between that celebrity and the general public and personal dox such as someone's personal residence or phone number.

Need For Sneed

I feel the need
Hellovan Onion
