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The account Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt on lounge96 is a phony.

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Community Featured Submissions: Last Update January 28, 2025

Announcement Applying for a Local Broom Position

Oh good lord no. My wife doesn't even allow me to use scissors anymore.

On an unrelated note did you know that opening up an unlicensed dog salon in your house is a crime that you get a $5,000 fine for?
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Oh good lord no. My wife doesn't even allow me to use scissors anymore.

On an unrelated note did you know that opening up an unlicensed dog salon in your house is a crime that you get a $5,000 fine for?
So is selling cars you fix yourself if you do more than a certain amount per year without a dealers license. Typically around 4 or 5 per year depending on the state. Land of the free my ass. "Oi mate you go' a loicense for tha' loicense?"
So is selling cars you fix yourself if you do more than a certain amount per year without a dealers license.
Another question: Is there such a thing as cruelty to automobiles? Because there is such a thing as cruelty to dogs (it's called Chinese culture).

Put it this way, would you stick your kid in a daycare with completely unregistered staff?
Another question: Is there such a thing as cruelty to automobiles? Because there is such a thing as cruelty to dogs (it's called Chinese culture).

Put it this way, would you stick your kid in a daycare with completely unregistered staff?
Of course not, but the car thing is just another way for rich politicians to skim money off the top of normal people. Which is how they become rich. Chinese people incorrectly believe that abusing them increases the flavor but that's because they're used to eating food that should be in resident evil 6.
Because there is such a thing as cruelty to dogs (it's called Chinese culture).
Chinese people incorrectly believe that abusing them increases the flavor but that's because they're used to eating food that should be in resident evil 6.

@Catministrator @kiwifails

May I please have a thing under my name that says "Honorary Moderator"?

I just want it to further enrage loli96ers 🤣

I would like no responsibilities, special privileges, or access to anything. I just want the title.

Similarly, if honorary mod sounds too professional, I will gladly take "Shitpost Quality Control"

Respectfully the answer is no.A title such as "honorary moderator" would muddy the waters between staff and regular users. But I could sure use help in other areas of the Onionverse. I will DM you.
Read it again, Danny Owens and jewfag. I have become the staff writer for OF. They gave me the freedom I always wanted. Onion Farms is branching out, and my contribution will be as a writer.

Keep gossiping about us and seething, hoes. I'm the first of many. OF comedy articles start dropping next week 💋
Read it again, Danny Owens and jewfag. I have become the staff writer for OF. They gave me the freedom I always wanted. Onion Farms is branching out, and my contribution will be as a writer.

Keep gossiping about us and seething, hoes. I'm the first of many. OF comedy articles start dropping next week 💋
You are now the local broom for the Onionfarms Comedy Lounge.