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Religion & Psychology & Personal After completing a Specialization in Psychology I now know that the majority of BPD Girls dont really have BPD.

Religion and Psychology and Personal
the highs were high
BPD is a misogynistic lie made up to discard the legitimate feelings of women who don't suppress their emotions enough according to a false standard
or on the other end of the spectrum

BPD is a misogynistic lie made up to explain the legitimate feelings of women who don't suppress their emotions enough according to a false standard.

If you can't keep yourself silent while cooking and cleaning then you must be deemed mentally ill.
When people diagnose themselves with BPD on the internet does that stand for bipolar disorder or borderline personality disorder? Because honestly I can't keep up anymore.
The '80s: derr me have multiple personality disorder
The '90s: derr me have ADD
The '00s: derr me have bipolar disorder
The 10s: derr me on the spectrum
The 20s: derr me identify as a woman

Fuckin assholes. Everyone born after 1990 should be lined against the wall and shot. We need to start over fresh while we still have the ability to reproduce.
Reason: There it is. This is the most perfect post I'm ever going to make on this forum.
Having the compulsion to dye your hair, get tattoos and piercings, is also a symptom of BPD
The excessive compulsion to dye your hair, get tattoos and get piercings is directly linked to rapid cycling episodes of Hypomania, commonly associated with both Bipolar 1 and Bipolar 2 disorders.

However, Individuals with Bipolar 1 disorders are more statistically prone to this behaviour due to the more severe Manic episodes.

Its tragic really.
The '80s: derr me have multiple personality disorder
The '90s: derr me have ADD
The '00s: derr me have bipolar disorder
The 10s: derr me on the spectrum
The 20s: derr me identify as a woman

Fuckin assholes. Everyone born after 1990 should be lined against the wall and shot. We need to start over fresh while we still have the ability to reproduce.
30's will be interesting
Everything starts off as a joke until it isn't