• Law and Order Special Cow Unit merged into Cows and Moovies
  • Trends on X.com has been merged with The Pot of Grok, News, and Trends


  1. The Gays From LA

    United States News and Drama "Why Gen Z Won't Join the Military"

    I keep seeing these videos: Hint: they're "unqualified" because nerds make gear that only other nerds can use. The end result of this is that only nerds can join the army. Nerds cannot raise everyone to their level (because they're inherently too anti-social/autistic to do that), they can...
  2. The Gays From LA

    United States News and Drama 73% of Zoomers & Millennials felt it was simply too expensive to get married

    "the average U.S. wedding, including the ceremony and reception, cost $30,000", come on, there has to be a cheaper way to get married. "Just 16% said they were planning to pay for their own weddings in full", if you can't afford your own wedding, and you can't afford to keep it under $30k...
  3. The Gays From LA

    Non-Country Millennials and zoomers explain why they won't have children

    The right wants you to think they aren't heaving children because they refuse to adult and just want to party all the time, but when you read their own answers and reasons, a very sobering picture emerges. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/people-decided-stay-child-free-214603084.html Some of...