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Last Update January 21, 2025


  1. Wasteland Scholar

    Kiwifarms Associate Haley Joy Thomas/JambledUpWords/redoniblueoni/Numerous Other Socks

    Haley Joy Thomas, or JambledUpWords as she is known on Kiwi Farms, or redoniblueoni here on Onion Farms, is one of Kiwi Farms most prolific female posters and is a member of the Beauty Parlor's inner circle. Jambled spends all her time on Kiwi Farms, Onion Farms, Lolcow.net, and Discord running...
  2. AzraelTheAvengingAngel

    Naomi Clark/Ivy Dickens

    Naomi Clark is an absolute narcissistic sociopathic attention seeker on facebook who frequently tries to harass and threaten people a majority of the time for no reason, Just about every post of her's involves a screencap of someone she tries to call out and start pointless drama with for her...

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Conner "Null" Moon

    It was less of a trolling plan and more of a spur of the moment decision. >implying I used a sock for this >implying I don't have 93 active sock accounts on KF right now