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All races, ethnicities, religions, gay or straight, cis or trans: We don't care. If you can rock with us: You are one of us

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The account Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt on lounge96 is a phony.

The claim on lounge96 that we have a domain "loli96" is also phony. It is simply an attempt to hoodwink the community.

Community Featured Submissions: Last Update January 28, 2025


  1. Nektar Geist

    Dalai Lama

    https://uk.news.yahoo.com/dalai-lama-apologizes-asking-young-093317767.html https://archive.md/Hp2EX CIA asset into kids... quelle serprize
  2. Real Beth Gibbons

    Religion & Psychology & Personal Atheism and Theism...

    The longest debate on the web, IMO. Is God real? Is Atheism correct? Atheism History & Definition Theism History & Def Why do YOU believe or not believe in God? How do you argue the belief? *NOTE: This is just a fun discussion, Please no God/Atheist sperging, just state your case and debate*