Celebrities, public figures, current events, internet drama

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If you have a technical issue with Xenforo: Please post your request in the Town Square or the Talk to Staff (If you want more privacy) and one of us will check it out to address your concerns.Thank you for all your forum contributions (Owner - Onion Null).

Phase One Empty the Vault (Completed):
Phase Two Rework the Prefix Topic Nomenclature
  • I am seeing an increase on new topics and content being generated by the rank and file in the community, and a lot of peeps on our Online Statistics. Two thumbs up to all of you.


  1. Constant

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Zoosadist Content Hosted on Kiwi Farms

    Joshua Moon hosts illegal zoosadist content on his website. In this “archive” are graphic photographs and videos of animals being sexually tortured, mutilated, and raped to death in very gorey fashion. This has been hosted on his site for SEVEN YEARS and even Josh acknowledges there is no reason...
  2. MylarBalloon123

    Debate the balloon fucker on KF, CP, America, and Onionfarms being a communist website

    Good, let Kiwi Farms die. all American troll websites should be banned.
  3. Gamercat

    kiwifarms can't sneed lol

  4. Gamercat

    Soyjak Community Soyjak Community and Dump Thread

    Soyjak.party (AKA the sharty) is an online imageboard dedicated towards development of the soyical arts (soy duels, soy quotes, soy spam) ETC. Despite being a fun place to post soys and act like an unhinged schizo it has faced a myraid of issues, mainly CP spam from discord faggots like...
  5. naught

    how Joshua "null" Moon and CWC Chris Chan got back into contact

    The following has not been posted anywhere, until now. they are not in order.
  6. Onion Null

    Announcement Catministrator announcements

    Spoiler Tag for video
  7. naught

    Kiwifarms Inner Circle Drama

    Ask yourself, what is the difference between this various figures? is there one at all? Kim Wilson legs also known as https://kiwifarms.net/members/loveyoulongtime.215/ (archive) Kim Wilson (archive) she has only recently been recognized as a troll by far despite her involvement going far back...
  8. Onion Null

    Orbiter Dillin Thomas: YouTuber Thirsty for CWC Drama. Veiled Jealousy of Kengle Over 2nd CWC Letter from Jail

    Apparently I caught Dillin's eye a while back with this YouTube Video He has recently made a YouTube Video on my letter even though he hates me (I will give you three guesses on his favorite subject on YouTube) His Twitter:https://twitter.com/DHTDillinThomas His Patreon...
  9. Onion Null

    Public Figure - Niche Russell Greer Disabled Aspiring Songwriter/Paralegal who tried to sue Taylor Swift

    This is hilarious.Oh Russell, you are the gift that keeps on giving. I look forward to what Nick Rekieta has to say on this. https://kiwifarms.net/threads/russell-greer-theofficialinstaofrussellgreer.30488/page-2338#post-7379403
  10. Onion Null

    The irony of kiwifarms

    kiwifarms.net is the best friend Onionfarms ever had. It's kept it in business all this time.
  11. Onion Null

    Kiwifarms revenue is $1Million with 6 Employees

  12. Syrup

    Celebrity’s you despise.

    Captain Tom Moore - War Glorifier and RNHS supporter, glad he’s dead but saddened he lived so long. Frankie Boyle - Unfunny Cunt Leftist. Limmy may be a leftist prick but at-least he’s funny. Brentant Tarrant - Child Killer, Glad he’s got the living hell of complete social isolation for the...
  13. ForgetfulFerret

    Kiwifarms Speculation Internet Daddy Griefing Thread

    Are you mad at your internet daddy? Bitch about him here.
  14. Dum Cruise

    Kiwifarms Linked Flamesoul / "Redd" / ReddZArtz / Artzredd / reddzdeddz / xReddifx / Skypaw298 / like-a-redwhisker

    Welcome to my first Onionfarms lolcow thread. This is a hala-I mean a "Kosher" and fuck asking for mod approval, jannies get the bullet. @Flamesoul / Hannah(born nov 6th 1995, Chicago) is an onionfarms and kiwifarms user animal abuser, proud pedophile groomer and that first came to my...
  15. Onion Null

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Financial BS

    You have probably heard ad nausem how he moved to the Ukraine to cut down on expenses. Bullshit. He could have shared an apartment in Pensacola to cut down on expenses. He could have moved an hour or so north to rural Alabama which is probably as cheap as it gets. Sacrifices? He could have found...
  16. D

    Debate twatter on the ethics of being fat and bad at math

    By my calculated state reported obesity & dc, and divided by 51, I got 31% obese Americans. Americans are fat fucks, but so are the Aussies, Canucks, and Kiwis. Guess what Canada, Australia, and New Zealand got for their obesity rating? 30%. We do outnumber them by obese people, because we have...
  17. Syrup


    I live in a CIA prison. A nigger runs my prison. In prison, the nigger tries to torment me. We can take away his knives by confessing, every day. In about 2000, I masturbated fantacizing about my niece, Lani. She looks like Star Trek Seven of Nine! In 1985, at my sister's wedding, I stuck my...
  18. Syrup

    Communities 4chan /lgbt/

    i am LGBT so i like to browse the LGBT board on 4chan. It is filled with tranny tripfags who often kill themselves. Here is a glossary of the terms used here (more will be added as the situation warrants) AGP - Being a tranny for a fetish Hon - Non Passing Tranny Enbie - Hecking Cute and Valid...
  19. Randy Know

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    Joshua Moon is a mentally ill involuntary celibate who often sits in chat and screams at his own users. Usually Josh is angry about shit he did or didn't do himself, or occasionally he gets mad about philosophical concepts or politics. This thread is for archiving all instances of Joshua...
  20. Mario

    Suggestion Suggestion Box

    Post small suggestion not worth making a whole thread about but make sure: No on has suggested what you have Its something that can be reasonably expected to be implemented in short time frame Be Accurate and precise in what you want Keep other users experience in mind Now I will start it off...
  21. constant exposure

    No general lolcow forum?

    Why is there no general lolcow forum on this site? Where am I supposed to post threads about cows who don't fit into any niche?

    ALR is fat

    And I would not have sex with her.
  23. Onion Null

    Nick Rekieta and Joshua Moon Discuss Russell Greer's Lawsuit Against Kiwifarms

  24. Onion Null

    Cheetah Lady

    I saw this unlisted thing on KF so I am posting it here
  25. Onion Null

    French Article on the Phenomenon of Trolling Lolcows

    Very interesting article on the phenomena of trolling lolcows. It mentions Christian Weston Chandler and Kiwifarms: http://archive.md/HpdHA