Celebrities, public figures, current events, internet drama

Who can be a part of our community?

All races, ethnicities, religions, gay or straight, cis or trans: We don't care. If you can rock with us: You are one of us

Kiwifarms may disable or restrict registration. We don't.

The account Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt on lounge96 is a phony.

The claim on lounge96 that we have a domain "loli96" is also phony. It is simply an attempt to hoodwink the community.

Community Featured Submissions: Last Update January 28, 2025


  1. Doll

    Gothic Lolita Street Japanese Fashion.

    Now that I can actually post about stuff that genuinely interests me and I can be myself I wanted to make a thread about Gothic Lolita Japanese Street Fashion since it's always been a passion of mine. While it's an expensive hobby I've always loved how regal and pretty the aesthetics can look...
  2. 【VOID】

    Music Related & Entertainment Tokusatsu Shows

    What IS Tokusatsu?! Tokusatsu shows are Japanese live action superhero shows that heavily feature practical special effects. The genre inspired many American television shows in the 90s including Big Bad Beetleborgs and Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters From Beverly Hills and, of course, Power...