Celebrities, public figures, current events, internet drama

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Phase One Empty the Vault (Completed):
Phase Two Rework the Prefix Topic Nomenclature
  • I am seeing an increase on new topics and content being generated by the rank and file in the community, and a lot of peeps on our Online Statistics. Two thumbs up to all of you.

internet drama

  1. 【VOID】

    Miscellaneous Furry Drama

    Found this a while ago https://archive.fursuit.me/dirlist/ The directories for a dead furfag website. Some pretty good stuff in there though. It's like a time capsule for degeneracy with thousands upon thousands of images. Christmas 1998...
  2. naught

    Robby Pilkington / Tonkasaw / Robi Vio

    Robby Pilkington / Tonkasaw / Robi Vio Tonkasaw was a part time skeptic and full time aspiring grifter, the other noteworthy part of his personality is encompassed by asking for others I'm the internet to fight him 1 on 1 when he can't take the banter, many such cases and even more hurt...
  3. Yandere

    Suggestion Thread Requests

    I'm sure we all know someone who's a lolcow, guru, snowflake or even a celebrity that you wish had a thread and/or place to gossip about them, but don't have the time to make one yourself. However much I urge you to give making a thread yourself- go ahead and leave someone who you think should...
  4. Onion Null

    Melvin Louis Scandal Famous Bollywood Dancer Caught up in Sex Scandal

    Oh boy, this is rich. If you don't know who Melvin Louis is (don't feel stupid, I didn't know who he was either), he is a famous self-taught Bollywood dancer who started a couple of unique dancing styles (i.e. krump-hop and Bolly-swag). He started off as an investment banker but got canned for...