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The account Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt on lounge96 is a phony.

The claim on lounge96 that we have a domain "loli96" is also phony. It is simply an attempt to hoodwink the community.

Community Featured Submissions: Last Update January 28, 2025


  1. Jonko4Allah

    Public Figure Miscellaneous I have a gay furry in my college class...

    Greetings my fellow internet dwellers, As the title suggests I just started college and I have this weirdo in my class; this weirdo meaning a homosexual furry with an onlyfans. How did I find out? He told us all, and his texting app avatar is a drawn german sheppard with a purple bdsm collar...
  2. W

    hologalaktik and princewelcomematt groomer allegations

    cosplayer hologalaktik (now privated) is a fucking groomer and tiktok famous cosplayer princewelcomematt helped him. I'm new here so I don't know how to prefi / flare properly but I'm sick of being silent so here. Take this. I don't really expect a bastion of support or anything. I, in fact...
  3. GreeneCoDeputy

    Public Figure - Niche Dark Ninja / Isaac Lee Flores / Dark Isaac / WarGreymon Productions

    Dark Ninja [Isaac Lee Flores ] aka [Dark Diddlah] is a Filipino idiot Hispanic ninja who can be found in many Kiwi Farms threads bragging about poo touching and running 1-man ops on obscure cows. when not busy grooming children and producing youtube videos as a ninja. KF profile (archive) He...