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  1. Time 4 Guillotines

    Lounge96 Lounge 96

    For those reading this in the future (probably 2 months from now), Lounge 96 was yet another failed attempt at a Kiwi Farms splinter forum. Founded by =Gargamel&o=date']someone closely associated with the Catler Yiffy Leaks, they were bound to shine bright and attract the greatest minds who were...
  2. Jonko4Allah

    Public Figure Miscellaneous I have a gay furry in my college class...

    Greetings my fellow internet dwellers, As the title suggests I just started college and I have this weirdo in my class; this weirdo meaning a homosexual furry with an onlyfans. How did I find out? He told us all, and his texting app avatar is a drawn german sheppard with a purple bdsm collar...
  3. C

    Public Figure - Niche Jasonic1977

    Hello Everyone, So there is a lolcow out there that goes by the name jasonic 1977 he has had sex with a sonic plushie for 20 years. he recently reappeared on the internet. I just conducted a sting operation and this guy is a pedophile. He sent r34 sonic the hedgehog porn to what he thought...
  4. Marc Bogart

    E7 the bitwave homo (Ian Kabbel)

  5. Busty O'Queef

    Is there a huge gay DM chain yet?

    If there is, can I have an invite? If there isn't (lol) should I start one?