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Last Update January 21, 2025


  1. Time 4 Guillotines

    Poll: Are The New Icons Fucking Trash?

    Look at what this mongoloid has decided to do to our entirely unaesthetic shit hole This is some broke dick farms shit, fr fr 🚫 🧢 It's just web 1.0 garbage arbitrarily shoehorned in by a fucking boomer who cannot stop making things worse, but that's just my opinion. What's yours?
  2. Syrup

    Kiwifarms Speculation HOMOSEXUAL Joshua Connor Moon FLlRTS with Kiwi Farms member

  3. Preacher Fox

    What are you currently reading? (Manga Edition)

    Alright, I think you know the drill if you can read the thread's title. What are you currently reading? Are you enjoying it? Why/why not? What are you gonna read next? Currently I'm reading- (incomplete list, I'm reading 20+ series, only putting down what comes to mind first) Demon Slayer - As...