Celebrities, public figures, current events, internet drama

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Phase One Empty the Vault (Completed):
Phase Two Rework the Prefix Topic Nomenclature
  • I am seeing an increase on new topics and content being generated by the rank and file in the community, and a lot of peeps on our Online Statistics. Two thumbs up to all of you.


  1. paintingatree

    Far East and Oceania Man behind Japan’s deadliest arson in decades sentenced to death

    The animation studio stole his OC's or something so he set the building on fire. Body count 36 and several more injured. A Japanese court has sentenced a man to death for the Kyoto Animation arson, which killed 36 people in 2019. It was Japan’s deadliest crime in decades, stunning the anime...
  2. AVMC

    Loud House fandom

    Loud House is an unfunny cartoon series about a family with 11 hyperactive children. I watched a couple of episodes and found it to be completely boring. But that's not the worst part. Fan art of this show is mostly sexual in nature, centered on Lincoln trying to have sex with every female...