Celebrities, public figures, current events, internet drama

Who can be a part of our community?

All races, ethnicities, religions, gay or straight, cis or trans: We don't care. If you can rock with us: You are one of us

Kiwifarms may disable or restrict registration. We don't.

The account Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt on lounge96 is a phony.

The claim on lounge96 that we have a domain "loli96" is also phony. It is simply an attempt to hoodwink the community.

Community Featured Submissions: Last Update January 28, 2025




    This comic is not made in association with Jewsh and is loosely based on the kiwi farms and other individuals(you can probably guess) Kiwi is the person in the costume, while Josh acts as the speaker. Despite his small stature, Josh is meant to have a rather deep voice. When combined with...
  2. Rez

    Elaine April Gertler Miller / Lainey / Trollcow

    Elaine Gertler Miller is a 20 year old aspiring model & commodity trader who resides in London. A tory who flaunts her family’s (questionable) wealth on social media and brags about attending Westminster School, an expensive and prestigious London boarding school. Elaine is a self proclaimed...