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Last Update January 21, 2025


  1. Kiwi Kitty

    low tier animals and why you dislike them

    i'd say my least favorite animal is the zebra. sure they can blend in with the tall grass around them because of their stripes and it works because their main predator are lions which are color blind but they look like they're disabled horses trying to look too much like white bengal tigers...
  2. Real Beth Gibbons

    Religion & Psychology & Personal Atheism and Theism...

    The longest debate on the web, IMO. Is God real? Is Atheism correct? Atheism History & Definition Theism History & Def Why do YOU believe or not believe in God? How do you argue the belief? *NOTE: This is just a fun discussion, Please no God/Atheist sperging, just state your case and debate*