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Last Update January 21, 2025


  1. M

    eating cow possy

    too sour? too sweat? what spices go good with a cow's private part? anyone with experience pls share tips
  2. Gamercat

    Communities Soyjak.party

    Soyjak.party (AKA the sharty) is an online imageboard dedicated towards development of the soyical arts (soy duels, soy quotes, soy spam) ETC. Despite being a fun place to post soys and act like an unhinged schizo it has faced a myraid of issues, mainly CP spam from discord faggots like...
  3. naught

    Robby Pilkington / Tonkasaw / Robi Vio

    Robby Pilkington / Tonkasaw / Robi Vio Tonkasaw was a part time skeptic and full time aspiring grifter, the other noteworthy part of his personality is encompassed by asking for others I'm the internet to fight him 1 on 1 when he can't take the banter, many such cases and even more hurt...
  4. naught


    /cow/ 8chan 9chan julayworld guntlogs Someone far more eloquent then myself articulated the various iterations of /cow/. I miss /cow/, it was my intro into this world. @JEWS was best mod. https://kiwifarms.net/members/jews.1113/...