• I am cleaning up the Cowsphere forum. If you are looking for something in the Cowsphere and can't find it please check in the celebritysphere.


  1. W

    hologalaktik and princewelcomematt groomer allegations

    cosplayer hologalaktik (now privated) is a fucking groomer and tiktok famous cosplayer princewelcomematt helped him. I'm new here so I don't know how to prefi / flare properly but I'm sick of being silent so here. Take this. I don't really expect a bastion of support or anything. I, in fact...
  2. Prophetic Clown

    Bad cosplay

    Some bad cosplay floating around. I assumed this is a Pogo the clown cosplay but was just informed it's supposed to be kefka Got this cute homosexual couple Found this badass pickachu who drinks kinda like this one and it would a much better pokemon show if pickahu was constantly drinking and...
  3. Cat Administrator

    Granny Cosplayers

    Lord have mercy on us all :haha: https://www.google.com/search?q=Granny+cosplay&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=FGDzaB8eCBvxDM%252Cb-0IloexUYOwSM%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kS_RZMU7D9q7-u2knhDrrX-n09BkQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjzybPH2ILzAhUln-AKHflQBTYQ9QF6BAgMEAE&biw=1600&bih=732#imgrc=FGDzaB8eCBvxDM Will...
  4. naught

    Cowsphere Sarah Guilbeaux (Pixyteri)

    Pixyteri Sarah Guilbeaux aka Pixyteri is a 29 year old cosplaying weeaboo from Victoria, Texas. Pixyteri is best known for her extreme denial over her looks and her race. Pixyteri is convinced that she is half-Japanese, because a windchime in her yard is "proof" that her mother cheated on her...
  5. naught

    Jesse Nigri

    She's your average cosplayer who puts as little effort as possible while showing off what others consider her assets. There's been some controversy on /cgl/ since they were able to tell she was cutting corners. ED, it is well done - https://encyclopediadramatica.wiki/index.php/Jessica_Nigri...
  6. Cat Administrator

    Niche Celebrity (Cowsphere) Evie Lee Mikomin - Adult Cosplayer

    Her graphetron showing how she is doing on patreon: https://graphtreon.com/creator/mikomin She is actually doing pretty good. Her Twitter: https://twitter.com/MikominCosplay 230.2K Followers Look who is following her Twitter: https://twitter.com/Schwarzenegger