Onionfarms Movie Night

In the process of being set up.

coca cola

  1. Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt

    Coca Cola Overview

    Coca-Cola is probably one of the most famous companies in the world as well as the world's best known soft drink. So I figure developing a gossip and drama subforum for Onionfarms would be especially appropriate. The flagship website for Coca-Cola is https://www.coca-cola.com/ From there it...
  2. Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt

    New Coke Zero

    New Coke Zero - Does it pass the taste test? According to this Coke Taster
  3. Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt

    Historical: Failure of New Coke in 1985

    How the 'Blood Feud' Between Coke and Pepsi Escalated During the 1980s Cola Wars https://www.history.com/news/cola-wars-pepsi-new-coke-failure