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Last Update January 21, 2025

christian weston chandler

  1. AvonBird35

    Christory Chris Chan/Flutter Pregnancy

    https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14124411/chris-chan-girlfriend-flutter-pregnancy-announcement.html I really hope none of this is true. Can you imagine if Chris started taking care of a child? I hope this never happens. I feel as if Chris Chan's story just keeps on going and it won't...
  2. AvonBird35

    Christory This is what you get from ChrisChanity

    We all know about Chris Chan...I mean Christine....I mean Jesus Christ Chan Sonichu Prime. However, "Christ Chan" is creating some of the most brainrot infested videos on youtube I have ever witnessed. I don't know if any of you have seen the recent videos where Chris is doing singing...
  3. ieropunk

    Contacting Chris/Christine

    can someone pls tell me how to contact chris in jail?
  4. Catministrator

    Christine Weston Chandler Has Mailed Me - Surprise Package

    Okay, I have something real special for you tonight. A short time ago I contacted CWC because I wanted to see how she was doing in jail. I am assuming some of us on the Onionfarms were curious about what life was like in jail. She responded pretty quickly. I just got the letter today. Now this...
  5. Chairman Miaozer

    Sonichu Bucks Praetor LLC - A group of grifting teenagers stealing money from Chris Chan.

    Compared to the Idea Guys, the group calling itself "Praetor" has gained some attention for being Chris Chan's official vendor of his famous Sonichu Medallions, along with being allegedly responsible for nearly having Chris stun gunning himself with a Taser. Caden Peck, an 18 year old man...