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Last Update January 21, 2025


  1. Catministrator

    Twitter Circle Associates of ADF

    While I did not go through all his associates, I have compiled a list of 13 Twitter channels who follow ADF and who ADF follows in return. At least at the time I did this in the afternoon while the site was down. This list can be subject to change. ADF's Twitter channel is Satan-affiliated...
  2. Catministrator

    ADF/ Philip Vincent Haskins-Delici/ Isabel Rosa Araujo - Transgender, Communist, Antifa Soldier

    ADF/ Philip Vincent Haskins-Delici/ Isabel Rosa Araujo was listed as an epic lolcow on the former Encyclopedia dramatica and has been well documented on the KIiwifarms Kiwifarms Documentation Introduction to ADF - Kiwifarms Documentation https://kiwifarms.net/threads/introduction-to-adf.21155/...