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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Search results

  1. Christine's Pickles

    Hayden Jagst / Carnifex879 / HunterxHunter78

    Hayden Jagst Previous address: 368 Woodlake Dr. Brighton, MI 48116 https://www.michiganresidentdatabase.com/person/4003815875/edward-jagst (archive) Current address: LOL JAIL Hayden Jagst (born 2003) is a zoomer from Brighton, Michigan, or as he liked to call it, "Gretchen Whitler's People's...
  2. Christine's Pickles

    Subtitles on Lolcow Threads?

    Hey, can we get subtitles enabled for threads in the Lolcow subforums? It would make it easier to list the talking points of why there's a thread on the subject. Thanks!
  3. Christine's Pickles

    Astin Soul / Vixen Soul / Luna Prey / Lunaprey / Alise

    Names: Astin Soul, Vixen Soul, Luna Prey (Lunaprey), Alise Birth Date: ??/??/1997 (23-24 years old as of this post) Known Locations: Daytona Beach, FL (2016), Madison, WI (more recently), China? Known For: Administrating/"coding" (?) the Sociopath Community forum/chat (2013-2016, and likely for...