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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

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  1. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    It's ALWAYS about trannies isn't it
  2. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

    >alergic >promtly >todler >spaces before periods Why did God let this person reproduce?
  3. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

    It made Null feel dysphoric.
  4. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Speculation Lidl Drip

    I completely agree, Lidl! Wait, we are talking about null, right?
  5. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    Fat person noises at 9 seconds. lmao.
  6. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    No one would be here (and this site would probably not exist) if Null was a reasonable person.
  7. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

    That's great and all, but this thread is about Kiwi Farms.
  8. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    Ah yes, the (((far-right)). What a joke. In the same vein, I believe JambledUpWords said she was Jewish as well, and this whole "post inflammatory shit" thing isn't new for her, she's been doing it for at least a couple years now.
  9. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    This is the reason, along with the fact that Null wants to rule over as many people as possible, including people he personally despises. Fatty wants control, plain and simple.
  10. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    There is, however, financial benefit to tolerating the radfems. Appealing to the BP women makes money. They spend frivolously. They're too stupid to realize he's milking them for their money, and he's too stupid to realize that radfem money is a poison pill that will kill the site in the...
  11. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    Another name change. And a face lift. And lipo.
  12. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    even if he could, you have to deal with these things called "managers" that you can't call a tranny faggot the moment you get mad at them.
  13. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    Null's a jobless loser; he'd be first in line at the welfare office and we all know it.
  14. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    90% of a podcast is the voice of the person speaking, and Josh sounds like a tranny. Of course, it also doesn't help that what he says is usually retarded.
  15. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Speculation Lidl Drip

    Unfortunately, unlike Josh, I have a life and can't waste my time doing that.
  16. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Speculation Lidl Drip

    Someone needs to post that on his profile and get a screencap.
  17. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    With apologies to the lady in the picture, for being compared to Josh.
  18. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    Ban the whole site, then.
  19. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    And yet he hates those chuddy politisperg rapefugee incel [continue adding buzzwords here]. He'll never put together, in all his Jew hating platitudes he got from /pol/, that Feminism is a jewish ideology. Because he's retarded.
  20. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    Lmao. Seriously. Imagine him struggling to fit a plate around his gunt in a minute.
  21. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    *In Josh's whiny, nasally voice* Behold! The wrath of the free speech terrori- ope, one second, let me get a grip on this pistol... god damn it... *incomprehensible muttering*
  22. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    Please tell me SOMEONE points out his hypocrisy in that thread.
  23. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

    What? Does this retard not realize Kiwifarms is literally no different in that regard?
  24. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    Yes, and it's hilarious.
  25. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    I'm sure that first part is far from a unique situation, I'm pretty sure I got snarky with a teacher like that once back in the day. "Speech terrorist". Lol. Lmao. Actually, maybe he's right, since terrorists tend to just cause damage and vilify themselves without furthering their causes. As...
  26. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that Mcdonald's will probably not look up your internet history. Fear not, Josh! Stable income is only one humility lesson away!
  27. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    No shit, retard. And that's no one else's fault but yourself. It will never swing a way that works for you because you hold retarded, conflicting beliefs like "trannies are bad, but feminism is necessary and good" and "I hate right wingers, they're all evil gay nazis, but fuck jews and the...
  28. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Speculation Lidl Drip

    He only needs to gaslight one of the hogs into believing this for it to work! (and believing that he's soft and caring - I'd bet money any woman living with him would become his punching bag the next time something doesn't go his way)
  29. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    I find the obsession some so-called "right wing" people have with BMWF interracial sex... disgusting. I don't like it or want to promote it, so I never talk about it. Why do these people talk about it all the time, and better yet, why do they raise the subject when it's completely unrelated to...
  30. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

    I support Heemeyer AND this hypothetical kiwi. I'm no hypocrite :like:
  31. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    Check Dyn's KF thread. I think there's a screenshot of it there.
  32. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

    I think "gorl" is funny because it sounds like a word you'd use to describe a fat girl. You take the skinny 'i' and make it into a fat 'o'.
  33. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Speculation Lidl Drip

    "Saying null got owned despite yadda yadda yadda" He did get owned; He has no kids. Lidl, *you* have no kids. She has a kid now.
  34. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    Which, IMO, would be fine if they were honest about it. But no, it's "do as I say, not as I do".
  35. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

    idk about pedo but she is Jewish.
  36. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    And now he has it in Lidl Drip! What a world, huh? 🤭
  37. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    So uhhh What happened to the $100k the paypigs JUST gave you, Josh?
  38. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    So what I'm seeing is it's OK for ISPs to stand up for themselves, too. Josh doesn't realize he's the little irritating ankle-biter in that transaction.