• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Moonpie is having a big meltie over on KF and Xitter because le heckin incel chuds won't bow down to some grifter Conservathot who decided that sucking tranny cock is no longer serving her best interest.

Moonpie is having a big meltie over on KF and Xitter because le heckin incel chuds won't bow down to some grifter Conservathot who decided that sucking tranny cock is no longer serving her best interest.
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Jersh, you cannot complain because you signed up for this. This is what the Far-Right is really about these days.

I don't like giving the Leftoids credit but if there is one thing they are right about is that Incels on the Internet are often far-right extremists.

So why do Incels adopt rightoid views? The one thing that all extremist ideologies have in common (Communism, Fascism, Theocracy) is that they prey on the disenfranchised and those that are down on their luck.

Have you notice that extreme ideologies tend to be at their strongest during a social and/or an economic crisis? Because those ideologies can only exist during tough times. When times are good, there is no reason to be a fascist or a communist or a religious nationalist.

Why do so many Incels adopt far-right views and watch Nick Fuentes? Because they are indoctrinated to think that it has to be society's fault and it's not their fault that they can't take a shower and go to the gym. They are taught that it's the fault of the Jews that they can't get a girlfriend.

Extremist ideologies in general are for the disenfranchised, they're not for the people that are well off in life. This is what you signed up for Jersh, beggars can't be choosers.
No idea how they haven't been banned yet, Jewsh and his jannies have banned for far less. Though Its pretty funny watching this unfold. Glad to see that stuck up cunt get a taste of her own medicine.
They don't get banned because Null is afraid of them. That's why they're targeting Trombonista, because he made her moderate the Sharty thread while he hides in his bathroom.
soy 1.png
soy 2.png
Null did try to covertly lock their thread recently and they responded by spamming the chats until he submitted.
Moonpie is having a big meltie over on KF and Xitter because le heckin incel chuds won't bow down to some grifter Conservathot who decided that sucking tranny cock is no longer serving her best interest.
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Dissecting the only three issues that matter, according to Josh.

1. Debanking is horrible and everyone (outside of terrorists and criminal organizations) deserves to be able to do commerce. However, it is a problem that only affect 0.0001% of the population, one of whom is Josh. The overwhelming majority of the population will never have to worry about being debanked. Also, if Josh didn't want to get debanked, he wouldn't host doxes on his site, which is against the TOS of every payment processor ever.

2. Nobody outside of wignat spergs on /pol/ thinks about or cares about the white birthrate. Most Americans aren't racists who let nigger rape live rent free in their heads 24/7. Also, aiming for a fertility rate of 4.0 is fucking retarded. Birth rates are declining throughout the world and no Western country has a fertility rate higher than 2.5. The only countries that have a fertility rate of 4 or higher are Afghanistan and several dozen African countries.

The only issue of his that actually impacts a large number of people is reducing immigration, which is why it's the only issue that is part of mainstream political debate. The other two issues only matter to a few far right wignat spergs and don't impact society as a whole.

By contrast, censorship of anime, video games, etc..., as juvenile of an issue it may seem, directly impacts the millions of Americans who are fans of that sort of content, so naturally people are going to be more upset about that then debanking or fertility rates. People value their entertainment and don't like it when corporations or government try to infringe on their entertainment. It's not "manchild shit" to have hobbies or enjoy things.
I'm not apologizing for anything from 17 years ago.
Nigger, nobody's expecting an apology from you. People are just pointing out you're a fat homosexual and the living embodiment of hypocrisy. A fat, friendless, violent, perpetually celibate nekoshota gooner crusading against anime and proselytizing women's rights, enemy of the trannies, but also of traditional gender roles in society, a hypersensitive, overly-aggressive broom preaching about freeze peach and freedumbz. And did I mention fat?
Definitely the funniest thing about Josh is that he still loves to prattle nonstop about 'muh free speech' to this day. Nevermind that he comes off as a petulant toddler for even doing that, or the numerous examples over the years that show he's a totalitarian freakshow, what's truly stunning is that the dude is a high school dropout, and never even attained a GED. He doesn't know the basics of USA civics and it shows.
It's a very common talking point on femcel Twitter that most young men are losers who do nothing but play video games and watch anime. He's parroting their talking points so they come onto the forum and replace A&H types as the dominant subculture.
disagree, Null knows Trannyfarms will never become a bastion of feminism on the Internet, that's why the Shewi app was attempted, but failed despite it's revolutionary pap smear verification method. All he has are the chuds and he resents them for it, feminism is the stick with which he beats the them because twitter addiction caused Null to mentally transition into a woman.
Reason: engrish
It failed because of it's verification method, in that he found out he'd have no way of truly knowing whether the girlies he was talking with had dicks or not.
It failed because it's so transparently creepy. What sort of woman wants to "verify" herself to a fat guy on the internet obsessed with reproducing just to post? Everyone knows it ends in leaked DMs with Josh's broken dick in it. Josh will have to find another way complete his Love Quest and Save the White Race™️.
What sort of woman wants to "verify" herself to a fat guy on the internet obsessed with reproducing just to post? Everyone knows it ends in leaked DMs with Josh's broken dick in it. Josh will have to find another way complete his Love Quest and Save the White Race™️.
None of those are happening first off, and thank god he can't reproduce, we don't need a cycle of failures, we already have one.
New copypasta just dropped:

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Forgot to actually make the text pastable award
If there is one living person in this world whom I pity to the highest degree more than anyone else, it is Joshua Conner Moon.

He gained notoriety on the internet for simply being an orbiter of a mentally autistic future mother fucker (literally) and working alongside a cripple in working on an imageboard which featured loli/shotacon content and was frequently spammed with child porn.

And even, despite these occupations not requiring much talent or effort, still managed to completely fuck it up, taint his reputation and cause internet sleuths to dig deep into his online history, in the, process finding out he was a notorious sperg on a forum for a children's block game where he, in the company of his e-girlfriend, admitted to masturbating to pedophilic drawings of children, had a mental breakdown because aforementioned block game e-gf was probably not taking him seriously as a romantic partner, subsequently threatened to rape and kill her and also, allegedly, kept up his habit of jerking it to kids by apparently jizzing to real infant hurt core porn.

His own family hates due to his main '''job''' documenting internet schizos biting him in the ass and causing his family to be harassed because he really had to keep up a 300 page thread on some nobody British wannabe journalist.

People's view on him (and I mean actual people, not Null ballwashers) is that he is some chubby fat dork who who runs and operates a forum full of similarly chubby fat dorks obsessively documenting the intricate details of the life of a mentally deficient vagrant, who a normal person would simply glance at in the street and quickly forget them, seeing them as simply a worthless individual not worthy of more attention or analysis.

After all that, what does Josh have to show for all this?
A long outdated web forum slowly tumbling into obscurity, and he is such a goddamn pitiful person that he sees this, or some other inevitable future where his internet kingdom where he has the only small iota of power in his entire life, is some horrible dystopian reality.
Because, according to Josh, we really need Kiwi Farms to stay up until the end of forever, we must hold this website, which was found for the purpose of stalking a literal 50 IQ braindead tranny, in such high regard, it should be exempt from all responsibility, all laws, all morals, all others be damned so this overweight, closeted homosexual can feel superior over everyone else and to the detriment of others.

I mean, realistically, what purpose does Kiwi Farms serve?
What value does it have to literally anybody?
Why should it be kept up?


You wanna know why, because no one fucking cares, do you really think that you archiving the tweets and youtube videos of some homeless person you know a lot about is worth anything to anybody? That's all it's there for, to put the incoherent musings of a person barley functioning into a website so it can stay there for the conceivable future. And for what? So you can jump for joy whenever that bum commits a crime and you can sit there in kiwi chat with your fellow dimwit pals. smirk and say "see, i told you". Congrats, you had to wait for a schizo to rape a child to validate your obsession with them and take pride in being 'right'.

I remember last year when Nick Rekieta got arrested for being a druggie alkie and his thread on stalker farms was literally blowing up, there was like 3 new pages every 3 minutes. And the way they talked about, they were almost giddy over it, one guy said it was "like Christmas" for him. That's the kind of person the average kiwi poster is, being gleeful a family is being torn apart because there parents are drug addicts all over the simple fact that Rekieta didn't live up to the expectation they had of him in their heads. It's fucking pathetic.

Honestly, I hope Josh just one day takes the rare opportunity to self reflect and realize what worth is there keeping that shitty site up. It's caused him nothing but headaches and constant stress and it seems the Kiwis are starting to rebel, they are actively seeing how much of a sperg Josh is, how much he gives special treatment to posters he likes and flips the fuck out over people giving weight loss advice and banning people over it lol.
Maybe one day we'll see a kiwi civil war where Josh and his army of cat lady femcels takes on a battalion of chuds and soyteens, each hoping to take the reigns of the kiwi kingdom and the principalities of Sneed and reshape the Kiwi kingdom in their own image... or it'll just fucking die because that's what inevitably awaits it, no matter how much Mr. Moon wants to deny it.

I drench my sorrows in masturbation so often that it becomes too hard to get off to heterosexual intercourse for the sole purpose of reproduction."
- Joshua Conner 'Null' Moon
It failed because it's so transparently creepy. What sort of woman wants to "verify" herself to a fat guy on the internet obsessed with reproducing just to post? Everyone knows it ends in leaked DMs with Josh's broken dick in it. Josh will have to find another way complete his Love Quest and Save the White Race™️.
If Josh is so desperate to get (actual) women to notice him, he can always start by developing meaningful hobbies and interests. But that would require communication skills, of which he has none and made clear many times he has zero intention on advancing on such.