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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Sexuality Drama Maya Vivian Strange/Vivian Strong/Vivian Zelda Strong/Dorian Strong/Dorian Zelda Strong/Voltairine de Guerre - rapey tranarchist with Palestine Derangement Syndrome

Sexuality related drama
Vivian Strange mourns the death of film director David Lynch



I can't quite recall, but I think Why Jean-Luc Godard Chose to Die was the first Vivian Strange video I watched when I decided to browse his channel after happening upon his Livestream about Aaron Bushnell being trans - that he has now privated along with the rest of his Livestreams. I was wondering if this crazy troon might be worth making a thread about and decided to watch some of his videos to find out if he was worthy of lolcowdom. I don't know why I watched this video first. Maybe because it was shorter than the others and I just wanted to get a quick sense of his content? Maybe because I was surprised that a young cinephile was into Godard, enough to care about his death? I hate to admit this now, but what intrigued me about this video was Vivian's s e n s i t i v i t y (kill his word, this is a narc, he has none) towards these older filmmakers. There was something poignant about a millennial admitting that all the cinemas he has worked at had already converted to digital and that as a consequence he has "never touched celluloid". (There is a certain film museum I once visited, I won't mention where or when, that I recall sold discarded strips of celluloid from their film archive in their gift shop, likely targeting Vivian's set.) Looking at the video now I realize that it's one of his less performative, less scripted videos. Vivian himself admits this when he looks off camera and remarks that the video is "so chaotic and first-drafty". Vivian's voice almost breaks when he mentions Lynch once he starts listing the boomer film directors that he knows are going to die next. Knowing what I know about Vivian now, I don't know how real or performative that was.

Vivian mentioned David Lynch over several other videos that he has now privated. He did an episode on Mulholland Drive for the GenderWeird podcast together with Jane Brown that I still have on audio but that is now gone without a trace from the internet.

On his "5K CELEBRATION STREAM!" Vivian was transing David Lynch claiming he's "one of those he/him lesbians" for making Mulholland Drive. (David Lynch just has a girl-on-girl fetish, like a lot of straight guys, and was using his movie to get his kicks.)

Last summer, in one of his now privated Livestreams (Communiqué & Chill Streamed live on Jun 5, 2024), Vivian said that he'd like to meet David Lynch before he dies.

However, in another privated Livestream, Vivian also said "I would've been OK with Inland Empire being David Lynch's last film" and "Being able to live more than 70 years is a privilege.".

Vivian is on Letterboxd right now having a commemorative Lynch movie marathon:



"I quit being a man as soon as I could", you're a still a man, just a delusional man now.

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DJ Muel, Youtube and Bsky's resident rape apologist and abuse launderer silencing victims of SA - This did not start with Vivian Strange, he has a history of doing this! - "the dj muel statement may be one of the vilest things ive ever read on the internet and ive read glinner and mumsnet posts about me" - DJ Muel, Vivian Strange, Sophie from Mars: "The Rat Pack Of Youtube Sex Offenders"


It started with this BS on BlueSky:

reminder that DJ Muel launders the reputations of abusers like Sophie From Mars and Jane Moon under the guise of allyship and threatened me and others into retracting allegations against the latter. He's a british man and no amount of virtuous posturing will change his villainous bald nature.

“sinister bald polyamorous man who is vaguely socialist but also deeply anticommunist and always hangs with abusers” is highly specific and yet is a full on archetype of Guy online that has been sucking on the teat of the internationalist left for far too long.

no he's just one of those gross looking guys who is desperate to get drilled by a tranny...he's the Vaush of being a bald british wokescold

Someone immediately pointed out DJ Muel's connection to Vivian Strange as a known apologist:

He played defense for Vivian Strange too


Immediately people pointed out that DJ Muel defended Vivian Strange too:

DJ Muel, Vivian Strange, Jane Moon, and Sophie From Mars are a Rat Pack for Youtube Sex Offenders. Do not let them in your circles, warn your friends about them, warn your communities about them! Each of them have a history of abuse and threatening victims!


Remember DJ Muel, the Youtuber on Bsky who tried to guilt-trip the victims of Vivian Strange by insisting they were "monstering a transwoman" by posting about their actual real experiences of repeated abuse, manipulation and boundary violations? DJ Muel has now changed his Bsky alias into "DJ Evil". I decided to have a look into this guy and it seems like he has a long history of being a rape/SA apologist on Bsky - that is, as long as the person being accused of being rapey or even an outright rapist is trans.


DJ Evil claimed that him straight up lying about the extent of Vivian's abuse of the victims - DJ Muel claimed that Vivian only said disturbing things and only kissed someone goodnight - was him "having scruples".



DJ Muel's career as a rape apologist started when he published an essay trying to justify a rapey British trans Youtuber by the name of Sophie from Mars. He hasn't said anything about Vivian recanting on his threat to doxx his DMs, now doxxing his DMs from behind a paywall to force his victims to pay him to watch him doxx them.


And these people still think that someone justifying terrorism wouldn't budge at justifying rape just as casually.

Eventually none other than the serial rapist himself, Sophie from Mars, shows up in response to DJ Evil to defend a fellow sexual abuser, because birds of a tail feather flock together:


Remember, these people on Bsky will bitch all day long about how Twitter is full of Nazis, incels, Zionists, liberlols, etc, but they literally have serial rapists on their platform flocking together to defend one another to DARVO the victims.


Remember this post I made here in the thread about the "post left clique", linking to a Demon Momma video where he was talking about these people. DJ Evil is apparently also a member of the "post left clique":


Source: https://bsky.app/profile/onuaryder.monster/post/3kjuvfcdov42m

Even TomDark has now made a video about DJ Muel:

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Vivian posts a video about political assassinations, claims to quit Youtube yet again - changes the description of his Youtube channel: "a chilly dormant & defunct channel - a house haunted by butterflies & ghosts - the last will and testament of Vivian Strange" - privates his Instagram account again - turns off all commenting to his videos & Community tab - post a 10 minute meditation video in memory of David Lynch

Vivian posted a new video titled, "The Ballot or the Bullet?" describing it as "a collection of anarchist text readings by V. de Guerre, compiled to commemorate a special occasion. a Finale...and Farewell.".

The video is on the topic of political assassinations and the propaganda of the deed:

Towards the end of this video Vivian filmed himself ripping up the US flag with a knife and a pair of scissors, while once claiming to quit Youtube "for real this time":






As an aside, even while he's stabbing and cutting up the flag, Vivian doesn't come across as an aggressive person. I find this hard to put into words, but I don't get a sense of genuine aggression from his movements attacking the flag. I really hate to say this, but TBH: these do not come across as violent hands. (Vivian's contemptuous, glaring eyes express more violence and anger than his hands actually do.) I mean, he even made sure to lay down that white sheet to protect his floor white stabbing the flag, and he zooms in on his poor cat Garnet looking at him frightened from behind the curtain, as if acknowledging how he must look doing this, even to his cat. Vivian looks like a child breaking his toy out of a desperate need for attention more than anything. The way he looks up at the camera and grins at the end reinforces the juvenile quality of the act.

"Thanks for watching but this is goodbye... (for real this time)", like, how many times has he rage-quit Youtube by now?

While I was watching the above video, Vivian changed the description of his channel to the following:

a chilly dormant & defunct channel
a house haunted by butterflies & ghosts
the last will and testament of Vivian Strange


He also turned off commenting to all of his videos and also turned off all the comments under the posts in his Community tab (except for a few like this one).

Vivian has privated his Instagram account yet again:


About two weeks ago, Vivian posted this picture of his calendar on Instagram as well as under his Community tab. There is a yellow skull posted on the 20th. Yellow letters at the top state "Two weeks until...", presumably in reference to the yellow skull.


According to this calendar Vivian is supposed go back to uploading V.S. ("Video Star") Commentaries of his old Youtube videos to his Patreon account on the 31st and February 7th, so what does the yellow skull mean? Was that the day Vivian was going to abandon his Youtube account for good? According to the colour coding on this calendar, Vivian was going to upload yet another C.V. (Cabaret Voltairine) video on February 5th. It's not the first time Vivian has rage-quit Youtube, so I don't know what this means. Is he having his "period" again or what?

Vivian also deleted a video he uploaded recently, titled Internet Killed The Video star (trailer + channel update), where he was recanting on his promise not to doxx his DMs with the victims, now saying he was going to do it anyway on Patreon in his "Video Star" Commentaries:


A few days after he posted this video - where he also said he was going on a date - Vivian unfollowed and blocked his new target "tattcat" on Letterboxd. Maybe "tattcat" doesn't like David Lynch and Vivian got mad at them because his favourite film director had just died and "tattcat" wasn't there for him while he was mourning? There's also Ali Nahdee publicly denouncing Vivian on BlueSky and saying she was going to cut all ties with him, after being contacted by Sarah of The Leftist Cooks about the Google Doc with the allegations. Maybe having a date gone bad, losing yet another Youtube associate and the death of David Lynch was a little too much for Vivian.

After shutting down all comments and declaring his Youtube account "defunct", Vivian posted the following video to Patreon:

David Lynch World Meditation Memorial

today, Jan. 20, 2025, at noon (PST), countless people all over the world participated in a ten-minute meditation in honor of David Lynch......


I am not quite sure but it looks to me like Vivian has dyed part of his hair black. The books spread around him are all David Lynch books. Vivian sounds like he's on the verge of crying when he mentions that today would've been Lynch's 79th birthday.

The above video is in reference to this post by Lynch's family, where they asked David Lynch fans to meditate for 10 minutes at a given time to commemorate him:

Youtuber Mainely Mandy did a Livestream where she elaborated on the Gaiman allegations and the expose on Vivian Strange

Mainely Mandy talked at length about the aftermath of the Google Doc allegations against Vivian:

In between the allegations that have come out about Gaiman and the allegation that have come out about a fellow Youtuber, Vivian Strange, I have been feeling, just, like, extra frustrated with the world and the way that abuse just keeps happening and people keep getting hurt. And if feels like we're never learning the right lesson. If there is a right lesson, if there is one right lesson. I don't think there is one. Like, there is a lot you can learn from these stories. It just sucks that it keeps happening. And it keeps coming from people that you'd think would know better. And it's really frustrating. (...) Full disclosure: I do not trust men who call themselves feminist. I've never seen Gaiman call himself a feminist. He was very much espousing supposedly feminist ideals. And maybe he did and I don't know. I was a fan of his but I wasn't somebody that was, like, I could tell you every detail about him. I try not to do that with public figures anyway, cos I feel weird about it. Occasionally I'll allow myself a little bit of parasociality. (...) When a man tells me he's a feminist, I do not believe him. I'm, like, show me. Show me. You're a feminist? Cool... how do I know that? That's just a word. (...) (Reading a chat comment from Pim's Crypt:) "Vivian was someone I collaborated with once, so that hit pretty hard.", yeah, I with you on that Pim. I mean, we didn't do a full collaboration, but she did speak in my Polyamory is Queer video, which we were talking about earlier actually. She was one of the people in that. And she did a voice in the Mom video. So... she and I had some private conversations and were generally friendly towards each other. We weren't like best friends or anything, but yeah. No, that really hurt, it sucked.

Yeah, no beef, I got beef with Vivian, I definitely have beef with her for what she did and the way she's acting, and all this weird stuff she's been pulling with the 'I'm gonna make a video/I'm not gonna make a video'/'I'm quitting Youtube'/'I'm not quitting Youtube'/'I'm better leftist than all of you'/I'm reuploading a video of mine and changing the voice actors'/it's just, bleh. It's frustrating, I hate it. (...)

(Reading a chatcomment by Fane_Abyssal:) 'I missed something, who is this?', so this is the Youtuber Vivian Strange. All this stuff has come out publicly so I don't think me talking about it here is a big deal. Like, I don't think it's bad for me to talk a little, just a little as a treat. She's a fellow Youtuber, she's around the same size as me, I think she's technically a little smaller. But she is a Youtuber who has been in videos of mine before. She was in the Is Polyamory Queer? video. She's one of the video whom I had answer question throughout that. And she did a voice in my Mom video. She's collaborated with other Youtubers. She had a series where she would have Palestinian... I'm still unclear as to what happened exactly there. I don't think I was around watching those videos. But she was very gung-ho for Palestine, which is great, but there was some weirdness about her uploading other Palestinian creators' content. Supposedly she was doing that to help get more eyes on them. But there was some, like, concern that she was doing that, that she was then reaping the benefits of that financially (note: Vivian denied benefitting financially from his Ghaza Diaries compilations, stating in the channel description: "the editors of The Gaza Diaries do not make any money whatsoever on the work we publish; NONE of these collections are monetized in any way"). There's allegations of, unfortunately, some abusive and toxic behaviours, including assault, from other Youtubers, actually. Including Lola Sebastian whom... everyone loves Lola. And it's very frustrating to hear that. Vivian's response to all this was basically to claim that these are all lies, that they're just trying to take her down, she's tried to blame trans misogyny (she, for context, is trans), 3 of the 4 people who have come out with allegations are also trans. So this is not, "people are coming for a transwoman" situation like she's trying to paint it as. It's an inter-community situation. So, um, that's very frustrating. And there's been some other stuff. She had this stream... she came out with this video at one point where she was, like, "let me just go through this drama really quick". I'll maybe make a video about this so let's just try and have this here, I guess. But she, like, came out with this video that was called, like, "(something), a measured response" (note: She is referring to Vivian's Hot Allostation Load reading), but it wasn't actually a response. It was promising a response at some point. Cos she couldn't prove that this didn't happen. So, she had like, 10 minutes saying that. And the rest was her just reading somebody else's essay, like, a transwoman of colour's essay* about cancel culture, basically. Then she came out with a stream (note: This was the "Death of Vivian Strange" stream that Vivian has now privated) where she said that she was just gonna quit Youtube and not bother making the video because she didn't want to, like, quote, "ruin their lives" the way they ruined hers. She was gonna be the bigger person. That was her whole play on that. I was like, cool, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out, I guess, like, byeee! Part of that was also her claiming to be a way better leftist than all of us, including Neil and Sarah of The Leftist Cooks. Which was, like... she called them out by name, which was, like, are you fucking kidding me?! If you find yourself on the opposite side of an issue of The Leftist Cooks, then maybe... you should listen. So there is all that. And now, she has since continued to upload videos. They're "videos" mostly in the sense that they're just her reading essays (note: this is referring to the Cabaret Voltairine videos of Vivian's alter ego Voltairine de Guerre reading anarchist texts that Vivian had saved up). They're not analysis. They're not anything. It's just her fucking reading. And then she has come out with some kind of update video claiming that she is still making this take-down video, supposedly**, so... it's a fucking mess and it's stupid, and I'm angry about it. And I'm angry that I keep getting sucked into it. Because I keep checking to see what's on her channel, so I'm part of the problem. I am feeding that ego of hers. So yeah, it's a mess and I apologize for the ramble.

It's, like, so similar to Franklin Veaux (note: this is a man who has abused women in polyamorous settings, someone Amanda has made Youtube videos about) for me. And knowing that, she was, like, in my community. A friend of mine. Again, not like best friends, but, like, friendly. And... I remember her and I having a private conversation where she told me that a former co-host of hers was going around behind her back and telling all these lies about her. And I tried to take it at face-value, and was like, "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that". I wish at this point that I had said more, and investigated that more. But also, again, like I said earlier. It's not like wrong to take someone at face-value. Someone tells me that something is happening to them, I generally am going to believe them until I see counter-evidence. Anyway, that's wrapping that up. We don't need to talk about that anymore.

* Hot Allostatic Load was not written by a POC troon. In the description of his video of the HAL reading, Vivian linked to another essay, Position of Guilt: Black Hot Allostatic Load, by Anonsee (2024), a purportedly transgender Youtuber who is black, practices BDSM and who was accused of sexually abusing his masocists in BDSM settings.

** Vivian isn't making just one video but a whole series of them. These videos are presented a Commentaries to his old Youtube videos, but they're really an opportunity for him to doxx his DMs with the victims under the guise of commenting on his Youtube career. Vivian has invented a new persona, a clown called "Video Star" and has been posting his Commentaries to Patreon as "Video Star".


Vivian is effectively forcing the victims to sign into his Patreon and to pay him money to watch him doxx his DMs with them. Vivian also posted that picture of his calendar on Instagram and onto his Community Tab with his upload schedule, making it seem like he was going to cross-post one of these Patreon exclusive "Video Star" Commentaries to Youtube. That video was supposed get cross-posted to Youtube a couple of days ago, but apparently Vivian decided not to post it anyway. I don't know what will happen to the "Video Star" Commentaries now that Vivian has decided to abandon his Youtube channel, whether he will continue posting them on Patreon or if he has abandoned that video series as well. Vivian has rage-quit Youtube a couple of times before, so who knows if this time it's really permanent. He promised to post Part Two of his de Sade video in June of 2025, so who knows if he will still do so.

Regardless of what Vivian does, I will continue my "With the benefit of hindsight" posts of Vivian telling on himself in his old Letterboxd reviews, and I will also do that post I promised about that weird discovery I made. In fact, that'll be my next post.

I will also do a post with some screenshots I still have in my archive of Vivian's responses to his viewers, since he's now disabled commenting on all of his videos, which led to all previous comments and his replies being lost. I saw that Vivian has now even disabled commenting on his secondary Ghaza Diaries channel, so he really doesn't want anyone interacting with him or his videos anywhere anymore.

I don't know how I feel about this. I don't know if this is what his victims wanted other than to warn Youtubers within their corner of BreadTube to avoid Vivian. Jane Brown was apparently so traumatized by Vivian that he quit Youtube, Twitter and Letterboxd, but did Jane want Vivian himself to follow suit and disappear from the internet also? I thought the purpose of the Google Doc was for Vivian to understand that he has hurt and frightened his best friends and to apologize to them, but he can't bring himself to do that so he's rather rage-quit than concede the point. Vivian is unable to understand that trying to force a bj out of your best friend on the basis of a guilt trip is not loving or pleasurable, either for them or for Vivian himself - unless Vivian truly is a sociopath who enjoys obtaining sex from unwilling people through a mindfuck or a guilt trip. I personally suspect that Vivian systemically lying to his best friends comes from a deep rooted shame within himself that he hasn't actually dealt with, despite all his posturing as an unrepentant degenerate who is beyond shame or other human emotions like love, romance, hesitance or reluctance. I get it that he's a narc and he doesn't care about understanding these things, and that he just wants to see what people will let him get away with, but I personally didn't want him to disappear leaving behind an empty ruin of a channel with ghosts and moths. It's gothicAF and I'm into that, but it's not what I wanted. I get it he's doing it to make it look like the victims drove him off the internet, but with Vivian's history of repeated rage-quitting, I don't think anyone is buying that.

CREEPYAF: Why did Vivian's boyfriend Serafina write a script in 2023 about gender-swapping teenage brother/sister twins... where one of the siblings is called "Sebastian"? :shocking: - Close reading of "The Fortuneteller" by Serafina on Daviantart



If you've watched Lola's Youtube videos (which I am now beginning to do) you probably already know Lola has mentioned having a brother in her videos (just mentioning this so people don't assume I'm trying to doxx him or whatever). I don't know if Lola ever talked about her brother to Vivian in DMs but if Vivian visited Lola's family home regularly (as per her testimony in the Google Doc), he might have even met her brother at some point. Regardless, even if Vivian had never met Lola brother, he might have known about him from Lola herself mentioning her brother in her videos.

Knowing this about Lola and her brother, imagine how utterly fucking creeped out I was when I recently discovered that Serafina - Vivian's cucked boyfriend that he now calls his "wife" and whose surname "Goodnight" he has apparently adopted as his own - had written a screenplay in 2023, the same time that Vivian was associating with Lola, about teenage boy-girl twins swapping gender (meaning: the sister becomes her brother, and the brother becomes the sister)... but one of the siblings in Serafina's script was specifically called "Sebastian"?

Creepy, huh?

My discovery of Serafina's script immediately creeped me the fuck out. The existence of this 2023 script to me suggests that Vivian must've told Serafina everything he knew about Lola, he must've even told Serafina specific details about Lola's family, including Lola having a brother.

Reading the script it began to dawn on me that Serafina took all this information he was given about Vivian's new friend/future "hot lesbian roommate in LA", and immediately turned it into some AGP gooning material about gender-swapped teenagers who are also siblings - Serafina obviously knows that one of Vivian's greatest sexual fetishes is incest, hence Vivian's obsession with Nabokov's Ada and with the incestuous brother and sister in We Are The Flesh. (Ohai soyjak, if you guys are lurking along y'all might wanna look into this, cos I think we might have another Orion on our hands here.)

What's really creepy about this is that while Vivian was apparently disclosing everything he knew about Lola to Serafina for his AGP gooning script, Vivian at the same time was trying to keep Lola away from directly communicating with Serafina, lest Lola discover what kind of relationship Vivian and Serafina actually have: a co-dependent degenerate junkie relationship where they sexualize others and vicariously live through each other's sexual conquests, which also provide fodder for their AGP scrips.

Unlike Vivian, who keeps his "genius" screenplays behind lock and key - even though they're apparently just trooned out versions of existing movies like The Ring and Sleepaway Camp; I guess Vivian was betting on a future Hollyweird where every mainstream movie gets a troon reboot and his scripts might become hot commodities - Serafina has very generously published all of his scripts on his Deviantart account. That's where I discovered the screenplay about the gender swapped teenaged siblings with "Sebastian", so let's go over it.

When Serafina posted the second GoFundMe scam, in the description text he said something to the effect that he's the one who gives Vivian his best video ideas. I was curious about this, so I did some research and I think I've discovered Serafina's Deviant art account as "seragoji", where he was posting his stories and scripts.

Archived: https://ghostarchive.org/archive/gVb9Z

I thought I'd go over one of his scripts, because unlike Vivian who is super-protective and secretive about his scripts, Serafina just dumps them online for the whole world to read.

The Fortuneteller

A short-ish Story in Five Acts

Cast List

Rose/Sebastian (in Disguise as Violet)(15)- Violet’s Twin

Violet (in Disguise as Sebastian)(15) - Rose’s Twin

Hunter (18)- Violet’s Boyfriend

Darren (15)- That one guy

Em (14)- Violet’s Best Friend (Girl)

Joel (14)- Violet’s Best Friend (Boy)

Jasper/The Clown (38)- Technician, Actor (By Necessity), Team Dad.

Tara Blessed/Abigail (24)- Actress (Townie), Fortuneteller, Fool.

Roxy Femm/Morgan (28)- Actress(whatever, man), magician, girlboss.

Jesse Fitzgerald/Blair (18)- Entertainer, contortionist, force of nature.

And introducing

Mallory Hayward/Guenevere (22) Actress (The Star), Queen of Roses, Dreamer

So we have a teenager character called "Rose/Sebastian". I don't know if that's in reference to anything... Then there is another teenager, Violet, who is Sebastian's twin but also "disguises herself as Sebastian". We already have the "gay twin" skinwalking theme established. Also notice the ephebophilia with a lot of these characters explicitly being legal minors.

Violet- my sister - was painting a picture of herself on my face in the sunlight, which was just now yellowing into orange with age.

I felt similar

‘I’m getting too old for this’ - I realized the thought had completed its evolution into speech too late.

“This will be the last year, I promise” said as she dragged an eyeliner pencil across the edges of my eyes- I struggled to keep them open in the light - we didn’t have any ring lights, or a fancy makeup vanity until….well, later- but V knew plenty about vanity.

“ I just don’t know if it’s going to work this time”

“It will” she stopped making me up for a moment and stuffed her hair under the hat that ‘I’ only wore once a year.

So the narrator is Sebastian? Sebastian's twin sister Violet is applying make-up on him - classic AGP "forced feminization" trope - while wearing his hat, and they're planning to do something but Sebastian doesn't know if "it's going to work this time".

We had gone to the Autumn Faire on the opening night every year, since even before dad left, before Violet and I had started swapping places with each other, first at outings and then - rarely- at school.

So the twins, Sebastian and Violet, are TIM and TIF. Violet LARPs as Sebastian, and Sebastian LARPs as Violet. Serafina wrote a screenplay where he trooned out Lola and her brother in other words.

“Besides….Are you Listening?” I refocused on my sister and nodded slightly.

“We’ve never been caught before” And she took to styling my allegedly too long hair to look as much like hers as possible.

It was true: we had been successfully weaving in and out of each other’s shoes without incident.

They're at the fair but Violet is still being Sebastian's hair stylist. AGPs are always playing with their hair because it's a nervous tick, not because it's "feminine". Real women usually have a practical haircut that allows them to go about the day without having to mind their hair all the time. AGPs think that women just sit there playing with each other's hair all day. It's so stupid.

But….Puberty was creeping onto my skin and body, threatening to take all of that away. I had noticed the beginning of some hairs on my face and, although I had been quick to cut them down, a shadow remained. The makeup will cover it up, I repeated what Violet had told me.

And yet, it wasn’t just my changes that scared me.

Of course it's gonna be a story about transgender teenagers, which Serafina himself has absolutely no experience with, because according to his Reddit posts Serafina trooned out in his twenties just like Vivian. Serafina is projecting a sexual fantasy onto teenage bodies that he is happy to see poisoned and destroyed, just to embody the sexual fantasy he and other AGPs like him are projecting onto them.

“Let’s go over it one more time” Violet said as she stuffed more filler into the push-up bra she had bought specifically for this occasion.

More creepy ephebophilic AGP shit about the sister dressing her brother up in her clothes. Serafina is really into this "4chan trap harem"/teenage feminization bullshit. It's creepyAF. Does this creep know that young men were forced-feminized over the internet and later committed sudoku because they were blackmailed with the pictures? This is some dark, fucked up shit but Serafina pretends that it's some sexy cross-dressing by gender confused teenagers.

“Okay. First, there’s Hunter. Hunter is your b…”


“Hunter is my Boyfriend. He’s a big-shot on the baseball team and he also plays online games with his friend. Recently he’s gotten handsy.” Honestly, Hunter scared me the most. He spent the third-most amount of time with Violet. He had dove head first into his hormones.. Everyone knew what he wanted, but Violet swore that she had been able to pressure him into waiting.

Well, well! We have a character named "Sebastian" who has a boyfriend "Hunter" who is "handsy", who "dove head first into his hormones", but Sebastian (LARPing as Violet) "swore she had been able to pressure him into waiting"! I am sure none of this was inspired by IRL events or anything... I am sure none of this was inspired by Vivian the Hunter constantly complaining to Serafina about his IRL experiences with a certain "Sebastian" making him "wait" while he was getting "handsy" with her against her wishes. Can AGP troons ever NOT fucking tell on themselves?!

“With Joel…..Just be normal”

“What does that mean?

Oh, what’s your passcode again?” I asked, and Violet showed me the pattern before pulling me close.

“Don’t get too close and make your boyfriend jealous” she stopped, looking up for a moment “but also don’t push him away”

I nodded and started working my way into the dress that Violet had laid out for me, And we talked about Em- Violet’s best friend who just happened to be a girl. She was rich, but she was also the only person either of us knew who gave any sort of damn about social justice- at the time I’ll confess I found it annoying. Now, I miss her bravery.

"Don't get too close or you'll make the boyfrend jealous but also don't push him away", see, this is just Serafina trying to instruct Vivian how to behave around "Sebastian" (ie Lola) and "the boyfriend" (Tali). There's also "a rich best friend" who "gives a damn about social justice" (hello Elaine! Thanks for the $100)

“You excited about tonight, babe?” and honestly I was. I loved the Faire so much and- if their website was to be believed- tonight would be an opening night like no other.


I had been spacing out- watching the road

“Yeah, I guess!” nice save

“At least it’s something to do~” I added Violet’s signature lilt.

"Babe", ah yes, we know all about the "babe-ing" of people... this seems to be a thing with both Vivian and Serafina, they just can't call people by their names. Everyone is a "babe" to them.

Fire warmed the air and guided us to the parking lot next to the gate, which- wreathed in torchlight and twilight- read


All Dreamers,

to the

Kingdom of Autumn

Though the word ‘King’ had been crossed out in red paint.

"Though the word ‘King’ had been crossed out", the tranarchist had already arrived.

Next to the gate was a rainbow colored clown- standing as the only defense between the land of my dreams and a now growing line of lesser fools- who looked down at us through green glasses that sat perfectly atop the lines under their eyes.

Had to put "a rainbow coloured clown" in the story because Serafina lives with a clown-fetishist. Even when he's writing his own scripts for himself Serafina has to cater to his toxic boyfriend and his fetishes.

“At the end of year celebration, this one” me “was voted ‘eager beaver’”

“There’s no way that’s a real thing

Gross” Hunter squeezed my shoulder. It was a real thing. Again, shame.

“ Yeah, why the fuck are you so weird?” one thing about this disguise is that I could see from a safe distance how others felt about ‘the real me’ or at least the me that my sister imagined me to be.

See, AGPs do this shit because they WANT people to call them "gross", they literally write stories about it where it happens and people tell them they're gross to their faces.

Well, I’m really excited for it. Ever feel like a movie changed the way you see the world?”

Every other movie Vivian logs on Letterboxd seems to do that to him, but me personally? Nope never. I was never affected by a movie.

“Welcome!” cracked the voice of the Clown . His greeting had gotten more faint with each party he ushered in.

“Autumn has Arrived- At last!”

“Huh” Hunter laughed again.

“Here, is a map of the kingdom with a recommended order of events if you want to get the full story..”

“There’s a story this year”

“Quite” the Clown’s eyebrows furrowed just above their glasses.

“Look, If you do not wish to follow the storyline, we ask that you not get in the way of those that do

And, please,” They looked at Hunter directly.

“The people of Autumn are not here to be ridiculed and they do not wish to be…treated indecently by outsiders and their children”

They looked back at the rest of us

“If you follow these simple rules I’m sure you’ll have a great time- Oh! I’m Jasper, and I do hope you’ll show up to the Tourney at Ten

There is to be a challenge to choose the newest ruler of Autumn and this Never happens- Never! Arthur-king was good to us these many years, but it is time for someone new”

“What happened to him?” I asked , eager for lore.

“Oh, he retired. Have a great time” Jasper held out their hat- for a moment none of us understood the gesture, but Em dropped a few crumpled up dollars into the hat.

“Thank you” they bowed, and we slowly moved past the gate.

Clown Japser is a "they" and he immediately lectures these teenagers on safe-spacing at the Faire. The rich girl tips the clown.

‘Abigail, dearest, (sighs) what do you want most in the world?’ Morgan looked down at Abigail as she spoke- she stood a head taller than Blair, who already towered over Abigail.

‘I guess I want to get paid enough that I can actually call this a job’

‘Then you understand my dedication to quality. Quality means-’

‘Means a happy audience’

‘Which means….’ she gestured for Abigail to finish her thought.

Abigail stood silent.

‘More Tips?’

‘More Tips’

‘More Tips!’ Blair had been quiet up till now, but even she knew what Morgan and Abigail were, nominally, here for.

"I guess I want to get paid enough that I can actually call this a job", this dialogue was basically plucked from IRL and was an example of Serafina lecturing Vivian on having the discipline to maintain his Youtube channel. "I guess I want to get paid enough that I can actually call this a job", how many fucking times has Vivian complained on livestreams that he wants to "get the bag"? All these complaints have been worked into this story and spread amongst different characters.

Tara looked and was satisfied, as far as she could be, with the costume and her makeup. Though she thought to herself that she looked a little more “Addams Family” than “The Crucible”, she knew that those who would understand the reference (High Schoolers forced to read the play and theAtre addled gay weirdos) would understand regardless.

"theAtre addled gay weirdos"
, this is just self-deprecation from art school art fags concerned that their cultural refernces are no longer relevant. I don't have to worry about this, because the penultimate Gen X witchy movie, The Craft, just underwent an SJW remake, so my cultural references are always up-to-date just by virtue of getting constantly ruined through these SJW woke remakes.

‘Heavy is the head…’

‘Fuck Shakespeare.

LMAOOO! The perks of living with a Shakespearean scholar!

‘R U N N O F T.’ Tara looked for a smile, and was disappointed. ‘There’s a reason I’m joking around, babe..’

Still "babe-ing". Will Vivian and Serafina ever just refer to people by their names?

she tapped on the table with the long nail on her index finger ‘Less scrupulous fortune- tellers will go to honestly disturbing lengths to get to know their marks. I’ve heard of people looking folks up on social media, but obviously we can’t do that here. Not enough time and besides…

…Wi-fi is spotty in the park.’

Why yes, I too keep receipts on the lolcows I'm milking, that's where the really creamy milk comes from.

‘So you’re an actress’

‘I want to be’

‘You aren’t acting outside of class right now?’

‘No, I am- I just. I work at a theme park. It’s hardly prestigious.’

‘....So you’re an actress’


‘I’m something of an artist, myself’ she waved her hands around to indicate the space ‘obviously,’

"So you’re an actress", LARPers gonna LARP, OBVIOUSLY.

Tara watched Mallory’s hands as she spoke. Dark hands, elegant and feminine- even more than hers, which had been scarred by various burns and the hard work she’d taken on to get enough money to move as close to the city as she could. The hands started to shuffle the cards

Troons always check out each other's hands because that's always the dead giveaway that they're men. You can feminize any part of the body except for hands. You can also tell from this how there's always a class element to these AGPs, as they always associate femininity with upper class femininity and leisure. If you're working class and have to use your hands to work, you can't possibly be feminine. What they actually desire is a life of upper class sloth, not femininity in and of itself. Serafina lives a life of misery and squalor with his fellow junkie Vivian Strange, but he fantasizes about a rich elite sugar momma saving him from this sorry fate he has resigned himself to.

‘Then why are you doing it?’

‘Mainly as a job. I know if I do well enough, I’ll never have to work in another factory again’

‘Is that why you started? Is that why the dream was born?’
‘When I was a kid, there was this movie- Driftwood Girls. One of my friends had used a fancy machine to copy it to tapes for each of the girls in our little friend group.

The quality was so bad’ She laughed, and felt a pull deep in her throat telling her that the story didn’t need repeating ‘but that only made it more magical. It was this movie about a…dream place. Some island, where all these people lived. But there was one of them, her name was Anna, and I loved her story so much- but even more, the actress who played her. Her eyes, the way her hair looked in the grainy sunlight, the colors of the clothes she wore….I wore that tape out.’ the lump pulled harder, and she covered her mouth as the tears welled in her eyes.

AGP origin stories: a film about girls alone on an island with other little girls. An AGP's "dream" indeed.

All joking aside, I personally suspect this script is possible evidence that Serafina already knew about Lola, but Lola herself was not allowed to be in direct contact with Serafina, because Vivian was info-siloing everyone so he could individually manipulate them and play them off against each other. I suspect that Serafina knew about Vivian being into Lola, and this script was written by Serafina to cater to Vivian's specific fantasies and sexual fetishes (clowns, trans teenagers, brother-sister incest, forced feminization, cinephilia, etc) about Lola and transsexualism in general.

I don't know what the fuck Vivian and Serafina actually have going on now that they claim to have married each other, but it's something very creepy and dark from where I'm standing.

@ihavedemons don't know if you're still logging in but please check this out if you do.

RIP Vivian Strange comment section - Best of Vivian Strange comments: Vivian responds to "You need to get out of the USA."

Since Vivian has decided to disable commenting across his entire channel, thus nuking every single comment ever made to any video, I will start a series of posts where I share a screenshot of Vivian's comments in response to viewers. (Don't ask me which video these were from cos I really have no idea) Vivian was often way more thoughtful and friendly in his comments than he was in his videos, especially in his earlier videos. Reading his comments I got a sense of someone who really wanted to communicate with people and was eager to explain himself and his unusual views. Unfortunately his obnoxious side inevitably reared its head and his comments become more overtly hostile overtime. Sometimes Vivian would not understand irony in a comment, and I will share some of those screenshots too cos those were really funny.

In this screenshot Vivian responded to someone telling him to leave the US:


I vaguely recall Vivian saying something to the effect that he once visited an American military base in Germany because his father was stationed there? Don't pin me on this, I might be misattributing something and I can't go back and rewatch his Livestreams to check because he privated them all. Anyways, I took this to mean that Vivian does have a passport and has travelled outside of the US. He also spoke about a trip he took to England when he was 20 for Uni.
With the benefit of hindsight - Vivian Strange telling on himself on Letterboxd: "trans people aren't dangerous"

I can't think of a more blatant example of someone telling on themselves by insisting they're the opposite of what they actually are:

The bottom line, trans people aren’t dangerous. The only reason you or anyone else may believe we are is because of an insidious myth woven solely from sensationalism and speculation by a slimy crime novelist with piss-poor research skills who was obsessed with us and our bodies.

https://letterboxd.com/vivian_strange/film/psycho/1/ Archived: https://archive.is/5PTyQ

Thus spoke the same guy who just released a 40 minute video on political assassinations, the original thumbnail of which video, as shared on his Instagram account before he locked it, was this: "We Choose Violence! An Assassination Special By The Cabaret Voltairine"


I don't know if this post from Lola on Bsky was her responding to Vivian ripping up flags and calling for Total War, but it might have been:


Not only are troons dangerous, troons are an even greater danger to each other than they are to cis people. Cis people have already caught up with your bullshit, if that wasn't yet evident to you, so you can't hurt cis people anymore the way you were used to all this time. More and more cis people are learning to recognize Cluster B narcs daily. On the other hand, there is no greater threat to a troon than the gender cult they've joined. A cis person will leave a troon to themselves as long as they mind their own business. The crazy TRAs on the other hand will hound the fuck out of a fellow troon, especially and when that troon tries to keep to themselves, coming at them with threats like "Don't think your silence will protect you.".

So, Vivian Strange, since you've decided to rage-quit social media once again, do you think your silence will protect you?
Or are you, as part of your extremist radicalization, now pretending to be that dangerous troon you once assured everyone you weren't?
The Vivian Strange Lost Media Vault: Vivian privates dozens of videos and edited Livestreams

As part of his rage-quitting of Youtube, Vivian has now gone and privated dozens of videos. There appears to be no rhyme or logic to which he decided to private, because of of these videos had thousands of views, whereas other videos with less views are still public. These privated videos now constitute the "Vivian Strange Lost Media Fault", coming soon to an archival channel on some alt tech platform.

Vivian has now privated all of the following videos (I've added some screengrabs where I still had them so people lurking at this thread who saw the videos when they were still public will recall which videos these were):

- Welcome Home! (new channel trailer for Trans Day of Visibility)


- The Mythology of Work: Unraveling the 9-5 Scam Ruining All (that he'd even private this one, also given how much animation he put into, is really surprising to me, because this was Vivian reading a Crimethinc text, which seems to be in line with his current radicalization)

- All three of his Ghaza Diaries (other edits of these are archived on his separate channel)

- American Football Is a Cult, and We Are All Brainwashed

- Dreaming of Dori (my 2016 unreleased short film)


- Celebrating the Fall of the Late American Empire (deleted!)

- The Gaza Genocide, 2024, and the Bigger Picture: All Eyes on Palestine!!

- SAW: How to Appreciate Life and F**k the Police (NOTE: According to my own independent research into the allegations against Vivian - which is still ongoing, and I have still much to post about what I've found - this was the video that Vivian was working on when he asked Lola to watch "a bunch horror films" with him at her house on the day of his 28th birthday on October the 13th, 2023. Neither Vivian or Lola mentioned this as a relevant detail in their respective recountings of what exactly happened on that night, but they were literally gonna spend the night of Vivian's birthday watching Saw films for his upcoming video essay. You're probably thinking, how very "sexy", Saw is just the kind of movie you'd watch to get in the mood for a birthday bj... unless you're Vivian Strange that is. Vivian apparently thinks that Saw is what you ask a woman to watch to convince her to blow you. In Vivian's retelling of what happened on that night, Vivian apparently thought it was very unusual for Lola to be, quote, "very tense" on their way to her house, when Lola was facing the prospect of spending the rest night after a day's work watching extremely graphic horror movies... only to have her best friend make a move on her. Vivian insists Lola was only "very tense" only because she couldn't stop thinking or talking about non-monogamy. Anyways, I am preparing a whole post on this, hopefully I'll get around to writing it and posting it eventually.)

- Being Trans in the 2020s: A Chat with Soulbunni (this was the Livestream that Vivian did on the very day he tried to guilt-trip Lola into blowing him. On this Livestream, Soulbunni and Vivian were talking about troons "dicking down TERFs" and all the queer sex clubs they've attended.)


- The Meta-Capitalist Dystopia of Barbie (2023)

- NOPE (2022): Animals, Aliens, and the American Dream

- Assassination Nation (2018): Decrypting Sam Levinson | Strange Nights

- Knives Out, Glass Onion, and the Art of Taking Art Seriously

- Is This the End of Cinema?

- What Makes Euphoria So Special to Queer People?

(NOTE: This was Vivian's first Youtube video. He deleted it along with his first Youtube channel - which was the first time Vivian rage-quit Youtube - but years later he re-uploaded it to his new channel while Lola was in Ireland with Tali and sending Vivian messages telling him she wanted to marry Tali, which apparently angered Vivian and led to him telling Lola he would refuse to move to LA with her if Tali was gonna tag along. In a longer post quoting segments from this video, I speculated here in the thread that Vivian likely re-uploaded this video specifically for Lola, because the argument he makes in this video about the different life-paths that Jules and Ru took during the first season of Euphoria, appeared to be relevant to where Lola was going in life versus Vivian. I suspect that Vivian re-uploaded this video because wanted to convince Lola that trying to please her family's expectations of her by getting (gay-)married to Tali, thus succumbing to homonormativity in Vivian's eyes, would dissatisfy her and possibly lead her towards renewed unhappiness down the line, if Lola isn't able to express the "queer desires" that Vivian purported to discern in Lola (and erroneously and opportunistically declared non-monogamous against her insistence that she wasn't) in her relationship with Tali. IMO, judging from Lola's alt account - which I won't doxx, as Lola has suffered enough with this troon and deserves peace - it seems to me like Lola's able to express her "queer desires" with Tali just fine.)

- Why the Left and the Right Don’t Matter

- Confessions of a YouTube Drama Queen, or, A Rant About Things To Come (this was Vivian's first rage-quit video)


- Why Jean-Luc Godard Chose to Die

- Has Capitalism Actually Failed?

- Should Leftists Read Theory?



- In Defense of Homestuck's Yiffy Longstocking

- What Do We Do After the World Ends?


- Why Are We So Scared of "Content"? (Vivian was 26 when he made this video and was using the name "Maya" instead of Vivian.)


- Bo Burnham and Content Cinema

- Homestuck, Andrew Hussie, and the Cult of Individualism

List of Lost Media retrieved based on this archived page:

He even privated my favourite unlisted video of his, which I never even got to share in this thread:

Egghead: A Bo Burnham Poetry Reading

He also took down the "Death of Vivian Strange" Livestream, which is the only thing semi-close to a justification he had posted for his abuse of his former best friends. The only public record left of that Livestream is my transcript here on OF.

Vivian apparently did not private these on the basis of views because some of these video had 3000+ views, whereas some of the ones that remain public have a couple of hundreds of views. Again, no rhyme or reason to what he privated versus the ones he left public.

Vivian did re-enable commenting on some of his videos, which also restored the lost comments with his replies. I guess he still wants to be able to reply to anyone leaving him comments.


Vivian has also deleted all of his playlists except for the Cabaret Voltairine one.

As listed above, he also privated the video through which I myself got into his channel, Why Jean-Luc Godard Chose To Die. Don't see why he would single out that particular video for DFE, unless it's his implicit "Fuck Off And Die" to me personally. Just so you know Vivian, I am probably one of the few people left on the internet who would have taken your side of the story and your explanation for your actions towards your friends as seriously as I did your victims', had you been willing to share your side of the story in a serious, sincere fashion... but you decided to not gave your side of the story, I assume because even you know you can't actually live down what you did to these people. One of the things that bothers me most about your (latest) rage-quit is that I never got to hear your side of the story. That is the truth, and if you think I should "Fuck Off And Die" because I documented your radicalization and mental deterioration in this thread, long before your victims decided to come out, I want you to know that I did at times ask myself whether I was contributing to your anguish and misery by maintaining this thread. I know you won't believe this but I was always very conflicted about maintaining this thread, because I saw you as a person who suffers, even as I saw your suffering as a consequence of your own behaviours and poor choices. But every time I pondered this thread and wondered whether it was better to just ignore you, you went and did or said something increasingly extremist, that I felt was important to document, lest you go out and do something far worse (to give just one example, during this Livestream, now privated, you went on Google to look up a military facility in the US that stores white phosphorous while urging your followers to go after that facility). Like Jane apparently did in private, I too had to witness your public deterioration with increasing levels of dread, only unlike your friend I hid mine behind open sarcasm and scorn in this thread because I had long peaktransed on KiwiFarms. I know me being an ex-KiwiFarmer alone means my words are absolutely irrelevant to you, but whatever you do next please don't hurt yourself, or anyone else.
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My ongoing research into Lola Sebastian's allegations about her friendship with Vivian Strange in the Google Doc - What I found and was able to verify on my own independently

This post is about my own independent research into Lola's claims about her friendship to Vivian Strange in the Google Doc. Due to supposed threats made against the victims on Vivian's Discord server, I will not name persons and locations in this post. I do want to list a number of things I was able to look into and confirm on my own independently from what was stated in the Google Doc.

1) The theater that Vivian and Lola were volunteering at: I now have the name of this theater and have looked it up. It's a small theater that Lola's mom runs on a shoestring and with the help of volunteers as a passion project. Lola's mom was barely able to raise a couple of thousand dollars for the theater during a Christmas drive on social media. This theater is a superwoke LGBT safespace. They bring in troon theater makers to stage plays about troons for troons. In their flyers, they specifically encourage troon patrons to use whichever bathroom they feel like. They even have a land colonization declaration printed in every flyer. This is the type of workplace that goes out of its way to create a welcoming, safe environment for troons like Vivian... but it was the troon himself who turned it into hostile environment. Reading through their flyer I immediately recalled the part from HAL where the troon who wrote it was crying he that doesn't feel safe in hyperwoke spaces that were created to welcome troons like him. When you're familiar with institutional troon bullshit from having spent years on KF reading and posting about all the organizations they destroyed with their ridiculous demands, the fucking entitlement of troons insisting that even the most woke of spaces aren't good enough for them is still infuriating.

2) More shockingly, I discovered that Lola's mom is a certified intimacy coordinator. I was floored when I discovered this, because this means that Lola's mom is trained to recognize and address the rapey, not theoretically but professionally. Vivian stated on his Livestream (that he has now privated) that he was immediately fired the day after he tried to guilt-trip Lola into giving him that birthday blowjob he apparently craved and was driving him crazy for so long. Vivian did not state, and neither did Lola (I guess because she didn't want to implicate her mom in her testimony), that Lola's mom, presumably the person who hired and fired Vivian, is literally someone trained to recognize sexual boundary violations in professional stage settings. Remember this when Vivian insists that he's such a professional Youtuber who always treated Youtube as a job and only befriended Youtubers because he knew he needed to network to succeed - not because he was treating Youtube channels as dating profiles.

3) What ELSE happened on October the 13th, 2023 that might have made Lola tense: a new premiere. Like I said, I am working on a post where I go over everything that both Lola and Vivian left out of their respective account with regards to what led up to the incident on October the 13th, 2023. I've already pointed out that Vivian was working on a video about the Saw franchise, and that the horror movies he was going to watch with Lola over the weekend of his birthday were not funny haha shitty B-movie horror, but extremely graphic, psychological maze-horror like Saw. Apparently this puts Vivian in the mood for a bjalso found it really strange that Lola was very tense on that day, when Lola was facing the prospect of spending a whole weekend watching Saw movies with Vivian and having to discuss graphic horror with him for his upcoming video - while the War in Ghaza was unfolding and Vivian was becoming more and more unhinged in his antisemitism on social media. However, another thing I discovered during my research that I think is relevant is that Vivian and Lola were both scheduled to work as stage techs on a new show that was premiering at Lola's mom's venue on the October the 13th, 2023. Again, due to safety concerns I cannot share the flyer I have seen, but Vivian and Lola are both listed in this flyer by name (you won't find it with Google, I already tried, so don't try). It's rather curious that neither Vivian or Lola pointed out that they were working on a premiering show on that day. Might there have been some nervousness around that? Vivian found it peculiar that Lola was very tense on the day he confronted her with his ladyboner, and he insisted that this was because she wanted to talk to him about non-monogamy. However, how much more likely is it that Lola was tense on that day because she was overseeing a brand new show with him? Once again we catch Vivian leaving out relevant details that would lead to a completely different interpretation of Lola's behaviour on that day from the one he had, that was entirely self-centered and self-serving. ("Lola is tense because she wants something (from) ME", versus "Lola is fulfilling a professional role in this theater and has other things to worry about today than my ladyboner, my Saw video, or whether non-monogamy is an option for her and Tali"). I am highlighting this because Vivian for years insisted that he couldn't work on a film, despite having three "genius" screenplays that he wanted to direct himself because he didn't want to put them through development, because is artistic vision was too radical for Hollywood. However, here we get an impression of what Vivian is like as a co-worker on a professional stage set: Vivian is such a self-centered narcissist that he literally can't even read the room. He sees his friend the stage technician acting nervous and he thinks it's because she wants to have sex with him but can't bring herself to say so. Would you like to be on set with someone like this? Regardless of how much of a misunderstood genius he thinks he is with his screenplays?

4) Tali's blues: I also found Tali's blues record on Youtube and he wasn't lying when he tweeted out that his voice is better than Vivian's.

5) Lola herself never once used the term "queer platonic" in public to describe her relationship to Vivian. The actual word Lola used to describe the role of Vivian (and other transwomen) in her life was "confidant": (This is from a social media post I am not going to share because Lola posted this under her IRL identity) Apparently there was some kind of violent incident, two years into Lola's relationship with Tali, where Tali got into a street fight in Ireland and had his nose broken. Lola took to social media to talk about this incident, which she framed as a transphobic attack, and gave a description of what her relationship to Tali is like. Lola's description of their 2-year long relationship (at that point) couldn't be more different from the way she described her friendship with Vivian Strange. Roughly paraphrasing the post, Lola describes Tali as someone who is able to calm her down and make her feel at ease and comfortable, in stark contrast to Vivian who almost went out of his way to make Lola feel uncomfortable. Reading it I did roll my eyes yet again at Vivian thinking he could compete for Lola with someone whose approach to Lola was the polar opposite of his own obnoxious, entitled, manipulative, narc-y approach. (It also made me wonder if Vivian "We need to get more comfortable with violence" Strange has ever had his nose broken. Maybe Vivian would be less flippant about getting comfortable with violence if he had.) In this same post, Lola also stated that she had other trans "confidants" in her life, whom she saw as (paraphrasing here) as her sisters in queerness. This, then, was the specific word that Lola herself used to describe her relationship to Vivian and any other transwomen she knew who weren't Tali. Lola saw Vivian as a "confidant" with whom she had a "sisterly" relationship. Vivian must've seen this post at the time (given that he had apparently asked others to keep the tabs on Lola), and must've known that when Lola mentioned her trans "confidants", that this was in reference to him. Yet Vivian insisted that Lola was putting out conflicting messages about where she was in with regards to him.

6) A month after Vivian was fired from the theater, the glass pane of the front door of the theater was smashed in. I have seen a picture of this, I can't link to it because I don't want to doxx Lola's family members. Again, I don't know if they had surveillance cameras installed and were able to see who did it, but in the context of Vivian's Discord server supposedly threatening his victims I have to wonder about this incident occurring as Vivian himself was becoming increasingly unhinged and more verbally violent in his rhetoric during the onset of the War in Ghaza. This incident happened was when Vivian started saying shit on Livestreams like: "We need to get more comfortable with violence", a message he later repeated over subsequent Livestreams now all privated.

I can understand Lola leaving out all these details from her testimony, given that she was dealing with an increasingly unhinged troon whose followers were threatening her and the others on Vivian's Discord server, but for me personally, learning all of this additional context to Lola's testimony did clarify a LOT of things. For example, learning that Lola's mom is a certified intimacy coordinator and has literally been trained to tell what's rapey and what isn't. Even if there was any doubt in Lola's own mind about Vivian trying to bum a birthday bj from her on the basis of a guilt-trip being a form of sexual abuse, Lola could've asked her mom if her "sisterly confidant in queerness" trying to guilt-trip her (into blowing his raging erection) over the way she dresses, was actually rapey. Or how about me finally seeing for myself the actual terms that Lola used, out of her own volition and free will, to describe her friendship with Vivian and other transwomen in her life. Vivian's power over others is the power of definitions and imposing his self-serving terminology upon them. Now, if you're familiar with the gender cult you already know that this kind of babble is 99% of what they do to mystify and misdirect people. But for people like Lola who are in the gender cult, and are thus precluded from seeing a predator for the predator he is (with Lola's friends The Leftist Cooks encouraging her to wallow in learned helplessness, telling her she has no power over her destiny and cannot possibly learn to identify a predator), when Vivian defines the relationship as "queer platonic" (itself a weaselly bullshit term, since most people familiar with the term from outside of the gender cult will associate the term "platonic" with sexless relationships, a kind of deeply spiritual bond or a connection of the minds, not with fuckbuddies or friends-with-benefits), that's all they hear. They never even stop to think "hey, but how did Lola describe it?", because once the Boudoir Troon has barged into the room and named things, they get to have the last word. Clearly, this was NOT a "queer platonic" relationship. Hint to Vivian: when a woman describes her relationships to other transwomen, that she is not sexually involved with, as "sisterly" and describes them as "confidants", she definitely doesn't plan or secretly crave to fuck you, no matter how big an incest fetish you claim to have, you sick creep.

With the benefit of hindsight - Vivian Strange telling on himself in his old Letterboxd reviews: "psychologically damaged & emotionally repressed homosexual narcissists", "like true white Americans"

Reading Vivian Strange's old Letterboxd film reviews, with the benefit of hindsight: The Beats were "psychologically damaged & emotionally repressed homosexual narcissists who 'dealt with' their dysphoria & disillusionment by ruining (alarmingly young) women’s lives, frying on acid, tweaking on bennies, rambling about America, suffering & the human condition, meaningless words like 'freedom'" (this is narcissistic projection, aka "confession by projection")

IDGAF what anyone says, he was just telling on himself over and over in his early Letterboxd reviews:

It’s hilarious to me that together, the book & movie On the Road perfectly illustrate the white Boomer delusion of pasts spent committed to anti-establishment counterculture ethos, romanticized just as egregiously as the “good-ole-days-&-a-white-picket-fence” conservative idea of the “American Dream.” Turns out, the Beats, like true white Americans, were psychologically damaged & emotionally repressed homosexual narcissists who “dealt with” their dysphoria & disillusionment by ruining (alarmingly young) women’s lives, frying on acid, tweaking on bennies, rambling about America, suffering & the human condition, meaningless words like “freedom,” everything except for talking about their feelings for each oth– GODDAMN IT SAL! Just kiss that smug bastard! And you! You narcissistic cunt. Throw a bone into the poor boy or leave him for good; just stop leading him on. And stop fucking teenagers.

Vivian is so pornsick and addicted to anal porn, he expects even regular to have anal scenes, because he clearly can't find enough of those clips online:

If people didn’t know better (which most straights who haven’t read it don’t seem to), they’d think that the friction comes from Sal thirsting for Dean’s child bride instead of wanting to ride that boy’s dick & show him what “beat” REALLY means. And that’s unacceptable.

Vivian, if all you want to see is actors violently penetrate one another, why the hell do you even bother watching regular movies? Why not just delete your art house downloads and just watch t-porn all the time? Obviously you're so addicted to porn that you now expect even regular movies to be just like the porn movies you're addicted to. Literally every other negative review you post on Letterboxd basically boils down to: "Why doesn't this look more like a porno movie? Why doesn't this have more porn?". If you only want to see porn, go watch porn. Or better yet, take some time off from watching porn and make an effort to watch some other things, because you know there's so much more to life than people declaring their queerness to one another and then humping.

With the benefit of hindsight - Vivian Strange telling on himself in his Letterboxd reviews: "I like movies that blatantly confront and honestly explore our society’s borderline rabid obsession with incest"

Here's what Vivian had to say about Maps to the Stars:

Also, I’m starting to get the impression that the societal construct of the white nuclear family might have fucked up all of our brains? I like movies that blatantly confront and honestly explore our society’s borderline rabid obsession with incest, and this is definitely that.

https://letterboxd.com/vivian_strange/film/maps-to-the-stars/1/ Archived: https://archive.is/eUGC0

Please, someone keep this pornsick man away from his poor 16 year old sister.

Vivian, did you let Lola know that you basically let Serafina turn her and her brother into gooning material for yourselves? Is this why you wouldn't allow Lola to meet Serafina, because you were scared that Lola would find out about Serafina working on "The Fortuneteller" and the fact that your boyfriend had written a script where he genderswapped Lola and her brother as teenagers? The only ones "obsessed with incest" are you and your boyfriend, you sick degenerates. Even your purported best friend wasn't spared from your own rabid obsession with incest.
With the benefit of hindsight - Vivian Strange telling on himself in his old Letterboxd reviews - Vivian's public limerence admission: "are there any writers in the audience who will see people in reality and just spin little stories about them in your head?...(S)ituate them inside some grander narrative over which you hold the pen"

Where Vivian finally admits to his limerence and allowing Serafina to write sick gooning scripts appearing to be inspired by Lola and her brother:

Here’s what Ellie does. She goes to a magical land, isolates the fuck outta herself, pushes people away, mires herself in her own creative fantasies. Remember, Sandie begins as just this dream persona Ellie conjures up (are there any writers in the audience who will see people in reality and just spin little stories about them in your head, situate them inside some grander narrative over which you hold the pen? Don’t be embarrassed, we’ve all done it; any writer says they ain’t, they a lying bitch, but you get the idea). Sandie is an avatar through which she can experience the past.
Being socially and historically aware is to be constantly haunted by the past. One gets used to it, and the most sensitive to the story threads of the past wouldn’t trade this haunting for anything.
Ellie is haunted by these ghosts once she learns more of what Sandie went through.

She has these dreams where she imagines walking in the footsteps of this girl who gets to experience the splendor of the world Ellie aesthetically longs for. And then…like, it would be hypocritical of any of us to judge her too harshly for it, but she straight up jacks Sandie’s style and uses it to advance her own artistry, to receive the praise she so craves (and actually receives!). [Note: this is a troon getting giddy at the idea of skinwalking, which is literally what Vivian did with Tali.]

Her dips into these fantasies seems to become less and less voluntary and constrained by a waking state.
She sees the faceless men everywhere, and to be fair to her, I see them everywhere too (I know how the art and entertainment industries work, and have always worked, and let me assure you, those phantom men are very real). But she reacts by running away. By always missing the worst of Sandie’s perils, the trials of her waking days.
Ellie refuses to look these phantoms in the eye. She doesn’t try to seriously understand them, and instead projects her own fantasies and narratives onto them. She makes art from it.
Notice the faceless men, how once she realizes who they are, they suddenly starts having distinct faces. These phantoms were real people too. And if Ellie had looked a little closer, again, she would’ve figured out the full story pretty quickly.

Ellie is not being haunted by the past. She’s being haunted by reality.

https://letterboxd.com/vivian_strange/film/last-night-in-soho/ Archived: https://archive.is/YQjbS

"Being socially and historically aware is to be constantly haunted by the past. One gets used to it, and the most sensitive to the story threads of the past wouldn’t trade this haunting for anything.", so the necrophile chose to live in a world of imaginary ghosts, instead of living amongst real people he has to be mindful of. Because the dead don't talk back. He literally says he wouldn't give up the feeling of being haunted for anything. He wants to be haunted by the past instead of living in the present.

If only people had paid attention to these film reviews, they would've known the kind of textbook narc they were dealing with: "And if Ellie had looked a little closer, again, she would’ve figured out the full story pretty quickly."
With the benefit of hindsight - Vivian Strange telling on himself in his old Letterboxd film reviews: "the trans body and soul are pure earthbound divinity, and we are all so beautiful, just by virtue of existing" ,"She helped me understand how impressive I am as a rose blooming through concrete."

Vivian has apparently DFEd his Letterboxd account. Never mind, I have enough of his Letterboxd entries archived to continue the "With the benefit of hindsight" series. It's not like Vivian can cover up telling on himself for years by DFEing his account - or moving everything to a new one and thinking I won't find it. Vivian recently re-activated his Instagram account too, so it's not like he's serious about DFEing anything. Vivian openly admitted in the comments of one of his recent Cabaret Voltairine videos that he needs to keep his Youtube channel up and running because he needs the monthly $250 he keeps getting from his Patreon subscribers and the pennies he gets from the Youtube videos that did get AdSense at the time:



Only 32 stans followed him on his new Cabaret Voltairine channel. Vivian apparently thinks that he can bypass Youtube's shadowban of his main channel by just starting a new one. The algo isn't that stupid, Vivian.

But let's go back to Vivian telling on himself on his now apparently RIP Letterboxd account...

Everything Vivian says, especially about himself, has to be as pompous and pretentious as possible. Let's appreciate for a moment that cluster B histrionic grandiosity with Vivian: "the trans body and soul are pure earthbound divinity, and we are all so beautiful, just by virtue of existing", "She helped me understand how impressive I am as a rose blooming through concrete."

this is my favorite explicitly trans movie of all time. It may sound strange, but for some reason Eddie/Pita is the one who made it really click for me: the trans body and soul are pure earthbound divinity, and we are all so beautiful, just by virtue of existing. She helped me understand how impressive I am as a rose blooming through concrete.

The movie he's referring to is a free download on Archive.org if you really need to see it:

For anyone unfamiliar with this movie, it's about an HSTS in Japan who kills his mom, fucks his own dad and then stabs his eyes, and was very obviously inspired by the tragedy of Oedipus. This movie made Vivian realize how beautiful troons are. I think it's more likely that Vivian just gooned to the scene where the HSTS fucks dad, a scene which has visible male genitalia, and then ignored literally all the rest of the narrative which very strongly implies that this kind of violent degeneracy is the result of a broken home (the main character has already killed his mother and her new lover before he troons out), only exists in an urban underworld (the dad is literally a drug dealer and a gay brothel owner where the troon ends up working), the result of urban alienation (there is a voice over about how people disguise themselves because they fear isolation and loneliness), is enabled by drugs (the main character smokes weed with his friends), which urban decay will lead to incest and insanity. This movie very obviously does NOT venerate troons but rather aims to show that this lifestyle is the result of broken families, urban alienation, consumerism and drugs. Vivian never connects the main characters' trooning out to him being literally a double murderer who most likely only trooned out because he had to hide from the law and the consequences of his actions. Vivian looked at all the misery in this movie and decided that this movie venerates troons. This goes to show how utterly blind he is to anything outside his extremely narrow and self-serving frame of reference.

Vivian, as an American degenerate, is also spectacularly uninterested in how Japanese people themselves likely view this movie in this day and age. I was watching an interview with an American mangaka who has actually worked in Japan for years drawing comics, and he said that Japanese people are so disgusted at the idea of someone being a drug dealer or a drug addict, this kind of underground activity being so far removed from their daily lives, that they will never identify or sympathize with a main character doing drugs or selling drugs, therefore mangaka are discouraged from putting such characters in their comics. We can infer from this that the character of Eddie in Funeral Parade of Roses is actually a source of disgust for Japanese audiences.

It's only "a rose breaking through the concrete" to an American degenerate projecting his own self-absorption onto a movie he clearly didn't understand and chose to misread for narcissistic reasons.

In the comments underneath this FPoR review, Vivian wrote the following:


What I wanted to highlight here is that Viviann specifically refers to this depiction of transsexualism as a "beautiful, heavenly even". He describes the synthetic hermaphrodism of an HRT-poisoned body as "earthbound divinity". I think this is an indication of how Vivian actually uses the words "heavenly" and "heaven" as an atheist. For Vivian, "heaven" is basically a metaphor for either taboo sex or an outright sex crime. With this in mind, when Vivian writes a limerent love letter to Bisan letting her that they will be united "in heaven", I think he means that he's very aware of how forbidden his parasocial attraction to Bisan actually is in her culture, he just doesn't give a fuck about embarrassing and shaming her by associating his American degeneracy with her work, because his feelz towards her are just sooo strong, he can't help himself but declare his undying love to her - you know, very a-romantic and everything. He knows that a sexual relationship between an American degenerate and a muslim woman is completely out of the bounds of what is acceptable or even possible, that he concedes such a taboo union can only occur "in heaven", in a perfect fantasy world. Basically, he knows he can't have Bisan in this life, so he fantasizes about having her in the afterlife once she's dead, a metaphysical necrophilia if you will.
Thanks for remembering me. I still lurk sometimes. It was funny at first but it makes me uneasy now. Maybe im just not cut out for a site like this. I believe the victims and hope they heal. You didn"t know better at the time but maybe edit some of the assumptions and claims you made about them before since we now know what was going on bts. Vivian is a terrible person and was hurting manipulating and creeping on these people who seem to want to move on. I'm honestly creeped out by Vivian now and even Serafina. I see value in the thread but I do worry even giving this narc negative attention might be fueling an addiction. You know how narcs are. Do what you want ofc but thats my two cents.

btw if you took a shot every time Vivian posts on youtube after saying it is finished you die of alcohol poisoning
It was funny at first but it makes me uneasy now. Maybe im just not cut out for a site like this.
That's OK, I understand. The internet drama/lolcow webforum milieu isn't for everyone. I've been online for decades, I've seen a LOT of online drama and internet lolcows come and go, so I'm jaded.

That said, Vivian did try to make a comeback recently (I am still preparing a post on this), so I do think it's important to keep an eye on him in case he infiltrates another online community that doesn't know about his Youtube antics. I don't know if you've been following the news about the Zizian Cult, but that immediately made me think of Jane's testimony and the part being made to feel like "joining a cult in its inception stage.".

You didn"t know better at the time but maybe edit some of the assumptions and claims you made about them before since we now know what was going on bts.

What parts do you think I should edit? I am not necessarily against it, it's just that I've just posted a lot, TBH not even I recall everything I've posted here, and I highly doubt anyone outside my lolcow milieu has read any of it - that is, besides Vivian who I know is still lurking at this thread. If there's a specific part you want me to edit let me know.

I do worry even giving this narc negative attention might be fueling an addiction.

Oh, don't worry, Vivian might hate-lurk at this thread but he definitely does NOT like it. I know he hates the "With the benefit of hindsight" posts, because he poured a lot of himself into those Letterboxd reviews, and he hates the idea of those (at times very personal) writings being used against him to show prior predatory intent on his part. You'll see what I mean when I do my post about his comeback attempt.

btw if you took a shot every time Vivian posts on youtube after saying it is finished you die of alcohol poisoning

I checked Letterboxd's documentation on deleted/deactivated accounts, and it says that a deleted account can be reactivated within 90 days.

Deactivating your Letterboxd account
If you wish to deactivate or permanently delete your Letterboxd account, you may do so from the Settings page on this site, or from the Settings screen of our iOS or Android apps (this action requires your password). The profile and content of deactivated accounts are hidden from view for all members, the account username is made available for other members to use, and signing into the account is disabled. Deactivated accounts remain in this state until reactivated by you (using a link we’ll email you). Our support team can assist with reactivating an account if you haven’t received, or no longer possess, the reactivation link (unless the account has been permanently deleted, as described below).

Permanent deletion
As part of the deactivation process, you may optionally request that we permanently delete your account and all its associated data.
If you select the permanent-deletion option, your account will be scheduled for removal in 90 days, during which time it may still be reactivated. We’ll email you a reactivation link immediately, and follow up with an additional email link that you can use to reduce the timeframe for permanent deletion to 30 days. There is no way to have an account permanently removed from our service in less than 30 days, as a safety precaution. Once your account is permanently deleted, it cannot be recovered by you or by Letterboxd support.

We'll see if Vivian can go without Letterboxd for 90 days. :optimistic:

I wrote the next song for "Vivian Strange The Musical" - "Trooning On Youtube's Cool" by The Gays From LA (Parody of "Being a Dickhead's Cool" by Reuben Dangoor)


"Every few years I come back here just to consult the ancient tablets."

Vivian apparently doesn't like musicals, so now I feel even more motivated to write more parody songs for "Vivian Strange The Musical"!
Here's the next parody I'm working on:


"Trooning on Youtube's Cool" by The Gays From LA - Parody of "Being a Dickhead's Cool" by Reuben Dangoor

Got in the car from Boone, NC
Moved West to a Gresham flat
Got a ring light
Some BlackMagic
and a Canon cam

Turn the knobs on my Focusrite
Adjust the sound of my Yeti Mic

I'm queer
Huh-huh, we're all queer in here

Genderweird transsexual hating cis & straight
Dressing like a thot althought I'll never have the gametes
I remember all the kids at school who'd call me names
Now I go online and groom their kids


I <3 my life as transgender
All my friends are trooning out too
Goon with me on the Discord
Everyone knows
Trooning on Youtube's cool
Trooning on Youtube's cool
Trooning on Youtube's cool
Trooning on Youtube's so skibidi toilet coooooool

Haploid cells or some bullshit
Occupy camps on uni campuses
Up on TikTok
So everyone knows:
Palestina Free!
From the river to the sea!

Hottest troons
At the queer sex club
Exclusive radfems
Die tonight
I kill TERFs (gun shot samples)
You dick down TERFs (female screaming samples)

Vaping on my Livestream
While I'm railing lines of snow

Plugging up a butthole
On my OF webcam show

Yes, I bought my camera
With Covid assistence
You know I'm cute
So don't put up resistance



I love my life
As transgender
All my friends
Are trooning out too
Goon with me
On the Discord
Everyone knows
Trooning on Youtube's cool
Trooning on Youtube's cool
Trooning on Youtube's cool
Trooning on Youtube's skibidi toilet cool

"Hipsters became troons"


"This wasn't a song, this was a warning."

"being a non binary transmasc pansexual vegan tweeting about Ukraine's cool"

"God fucking damn it. I miss these first generation of internet lookbook hipsters. Problem with hipsters now in 2020 is that every hipster has an ideological toxic political belief."

"In 2024 not much has changed. Just add some rainbow hair, hideous septum piercings, victim complexes and pronoun badges, and we're good for a few more verses!"

Vivian's prosecutorial complex: "Though my persecutors have sought to silence me with imaginary crimes and outrageous lies, I will not be silenced!"

Vivian changed his Instagram avatar yet again, now into an image that says "Better a faggot than a fascist", with a pattern of a rabid dog biting someone's hand off and a sword stabbing the sun.


In the mean time, Vivian great parasocial love Bisan Owda is back home in Northern Ghaza during the ceasefire, and of course Vivian had to release a 3+ hour "documentary" about it with pilfered videos from Bisan's Instagram account:


Let's go over Vivian's latest bout of prosecutorial complex:

Though my persecutors have sought to silence me with imaginary crimes and outrageous lies, I will not be silenced!

No one tried to silence you, troon. No one lied about you. You lied to people to worm your way into their lives in an attempt to turn them either into your disposable cum-rags or your indoctrinated radicalized drones. It's disgusting how you are still trying to use the War in Ghaza to act self-righteous in an attempt to distract everyone from the fact that you treated your former best friends like shit because they wouldn't go along with your extremism, sexually or politically. You should go and watch some of the videos I posted about the Zizian Cult and see how similar that was to your extremism. Thank God I guess that you aren't as charismatic as Ziz was, or that your friends weren't as stupid as his cult members, or you'd be on the run from the law just like Ziz is right now.

You rage-quit Youtube yourself, like you've done many times before, only to return to Youtube while admitting you badly need the $250 you get on Patreon every month and whatever bucks you get from your old video essays that still have AdSense. You could literally get a regular job and earn the $250 in a couple of days work, but we all know you'd rather stay home and indulge your imaginary limerent love affair with Bisan.

I will continue to archive and assemble the social media records of Palestinian journalists, artists, and storytellers and use my platform to disseminate the truth.

If anyone still reading along with this thread (other than Vivian that is) wants to see what this OCD hoarding of Ghaza-related social media posts looks like from Vivian's obsessive perspective, here are some screenshots of a Livestream where Vivian himself was scrolling through one of his Ghaza Gore folders. As you will see, Vivian stores the gore in between browsing and clipping posts from the social media accounts of pro-Palestine activists:


This is basically what Vivian does when he's not having sex with other degenerates like himself at the queer sex club with the trannie sex shows: he hoards social media posts about the war in Ghaza while fantasizing about meeting Bisan and how impressed she's going to be with him doing all this pertinent archival work all the way in America. As if Al Jazeera, Al Arabiya, Haaretz and other Middle Eastern mainstream media channels don't already have dedicated social media teams of researcher performing this task.

And if that makes you uncomfortable…good! There is an ongoing Holocaust carried on your dollar; you SHOULD be uncomfortable.

Fvck your comfort. Fvck your peace of mind. Free Palestine!

- VS

"VS" no longer stands for "Vivian Strange", since he doesn't want to use that name anymore, so I have decided that "VS" stands for "Very Stupid".

Here's the thing Vivian: if others don't deserve to be comfortable, why should you be comfortable? Why are you the one making everyone around you uncomfortable, from the comfort of your comfortability, but never wanting to subject yourself to anything that actually challenges your demented views and makes YOU truly uncomfortable? You want to dish it but you can't take it. Everything is one-way communication with you.