• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Stream is cancelled because Josh sharted himself.
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Without naming Daddy Trump, who Josh didn't vote for or support, Josh countersignals his desire to end "work from home" initiatives for federal employees and claims without evidence that it will increase the birthrate, implying the white birthrate.
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Someone should tell Jersh the real reason why the birth decline is happening for native white populations is because developed countries in general put an emphasis on education, especially sex education that teachers people at a young age that if you're going to do it then you must take responsibility when having sex along with the high cost of living which makes it harder for couples to have children when everything is expensive these days.

It's no secret that every developed country is seeing a decline in their native birth rates because people are taught to have responsibility when having sex; so if you want to avoid an unwanted pregnancy or avoid getting a wicked STD then you wear protection.

There's also the fact that many developed countries have forgotten how to Economics 101 when it comes to reducing the cost of living. The irony is that if there is one legitimate criticism towards Donald Trump is that his stupid Tariff plan will most likely result in the cost of living skyrocketing, not going down. So if Orange Man decides to enact his retarded Tariff plans then that will give people (especially white people) less of an incentive to have kids because Trump doesn't understand Economics 101 enough to give people an incentive to have kids in the first place. It also seems Jersh doesn't understand this either.

The reason why latinos reproduce like guppies while white people are having less kids is because latinos have an incentive, white people do not at the moment. Most importantly, latinos are becoming savvy entrepreneurs where more income means it's possible to have more kids (the same goes for other immigrant minority groups in the United States like the Chinese and Indians).
Josh takes to Twitter to complain hoping a recent executive order by President Trump (who he didn't vote for or support) will be the magic bullet. Too bad Josh doesn't call himself a conservative. His pleas would probably have a better chance of working.
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Null publicly fantasizes about watching Trump rape credit card company higher ups.
It should also be worth noting that Jersh suffered from Trump Derangement Syndrome during his final two years in public office during his first term. I remember Jersh complain about Trump over stuff like Covid 19 and the economy.

It's like how Nick Fuentes is toning down his A-Logging of Trump because Trump is getting aggressive with his deportation plans for illegal immigrants.

But Nick Fuentes always flips-flops when it comes to Trump and he goes back to A-Logging the Orange Man because Nick Fuentes has no principles. It's the same with Jersh where I'm sure Jersh will go back having Trump Derangement Syndrome the moment Trump does something Jersh doesn't like from the Orange Man.
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It should also be worth noting that Jersh suffered from Trump Derangement Syndrome during his final two years in public office during his first term. I remember Jersh complain about Trump over stuff like Covid 19 and the economy.
He's a snake. Fucker flip-flops on an oppinion when it's the most convenient for him, especially when his hive-mind is of that same oppinion.

One minute he's sucking China's cock, and the next minute he's all of a sudden back on Team USA again after he just got done bitchning about how bad it is including the fucking cheese of all things.

I'm convinced Josh is bi-polar. It's like every fucking day you wake up, go on KF, and immediately ask yourself "what kind of Josh am I going to get today?" because he changes personalities more times than he probably changes his underwear.
He's a snake. Fucker flip-flops on an oppinion when it's the most convenient for him, especially when his hive-mind is of that same oppinion.

One minute he's sucking China's cock, and the next minute he's all of a sudden back on Team USA again after he just got done bitchning about how bad it is including the fucking cheese of all things.

I'm convinced Josh is bi-polar. It's like every fucking day you wake up, go on KF, and immediately ask yourself "what kind of Josh am I going to get today?" because he changes personalities more times than he probably changes his underwear.
That is not bi-polar. Having more than one identity that cones out is MPD(Multiple Personality Disorder).
There's also the fact that many developed countries have forgotten how to Economics 101 when it comes to reducing the cost of living.
The problem is that poor people are encouraged to think they're middle class instead of poor, so poor people develop middle class spending habits that drain them instead of learn to be thrifty and save-up. There's a lot of really toxic and financially illiterate discourse amongst millennials encouraging splurging on the part of the poor, saying that "swag is understandable for black people because they never had money so when they have a little money they need to show it off"... like, WTF? No, just because you have a little money and you never had none before doesn't mean you should go and spend it all on empty meaningless status symbols.

Does Josh want to start another lawsuit?

Periodic reminder: Has Null sued Liz Fong Jones and Caraballo yet for defamation like he said he would?


Right, $170k in legal crowdfunder donos down the drain on a pointless SCOTUS appeal. I love watching Amerimutts burn their cash in the legal system like it's a fucking casino.
The problem is that poor people are encouraged to think they're middle class instead of poor, so poor people develop middle class spending habits that drain them instead of learn to be thrifty and save-up. There's a lot of really toxic and financially illiterate discourse amongst millennials encouraging splurging on the part of the poor, saying that "swag is understandable for black people because they never had money so when they have a little money they need to show it off"... like, WTF? No, just because you have a little money and you never had none before doesn't mean you should go and spend it all on empty meaningless status symbols.

Periodic reminder: Has Null sued Liz Fong Jones and Caraballo yet for defamation like he said he would?


Right, $170k in legal crowdfunder donos down the drain on a pointless SCOTUS appeal. I love watching Amerimutts burn their cash in the legal system like it's a fucking casino.
The median income of people from the Caribbean in the USA whose skin is just as black and were also enslaved is higher than the median income of African Americans.
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Null was rejected by Coinbase and going to spam emails at every government agency the USA has until he gets what he wants.
He is under the impression that Trump's reforms to the financial system to protect right-wing speech will extend to him.

Auxilium nōn veniet, Joshy boy. Help is not coming.

No one likes you Josh. There is no politician who wants to touch the ominously ticking, radioactive death-poop. No one loves you Josh. No one is coming to save you, not your mommy, not Trump and not Elon Musk.

In the words of the Victorians, you have made your bed and now you must lie in it.
Null has ambiguous "medical emergency". Cancels stream. Any guesses what happened? Also sorry I haven't been paying attention is he still fat AF?
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Joshelyn is having period cramps (actually more like kidney stones from drinking liters of diet coke every day but he thinks its his period.