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Lounge96 Lounge 96

Gossip and drama in Gargamel's splinter forum
You NEVER have to wonder about me. I love you.


too much lovering scare unyuns!
You know the gag where they blindfold you and make you kiss a pig? That but I'm going to replace the pig with Ashley. So basically the same thing.

I don't know why but I just I'm drunk and I want to get the story out. When I was with my first wife this was 20 years ago I drove her back home to Jersey. I mean obviously she was still my girlfriend at the time. Me and my friend Vinny borrowed his dad's Cadillac to take her home.

We got to her door at like 4:00 am because of course we were up all night partying. And Vinny who is my friend and was Italian yelled as I was walking her to her door "yo dude, why would an Irish guy want to be with a kike?"

I had no idea that her mom and dad opened the door right behind me.

I yelled back at Vinny "because Jewish girls suck great dick"

Her father didn't miss a step. He went "YEA, TIL YOU MARRY EM"

I have never seen her mom more mad and I have never laughed that hard in my life again.