Ok yeah I wouldn’t be into it than if you aren’t willing to do that, thanks for being up front.I don't think you would want me to, because I don't dress up like a mascot and have gay sex with people dressed up like other mascots.
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Community Featured Submissions: Last Update January 22, 2025
Ok yeah I wouldn’t be into it than if you aren’t willing to do that, thanks for being up front.I don't think you would want me to, because I don't dress up like a mascot and have gay sex with people dressed up like other mascots.
I'm not sure if it is Daniel TBH@kiwifails Look at that shit and tell me that's not Daniel
I'm not sure if it is Daniel TBH
Been my whole weekSame, I'm enjoying my new bit of treating every account I don't know as Danny
Same, I'm enjoying my new bit of treating every account I don't know as Danny
He's not a dog.I bet you would fuck me wouldn’t you whore?
Wait there's actually a splinter site? Oh my god lmao
a splinter of a splinter???
It's a fucking bootleg website of a bootleg website. I respect Ken because he was like "I'm going to have a KF without a tremendous faggot in charge" ..
and Gargamel went "I want to be Onion Farms with a tremendous faggot in charge"
We already had that, Gargamel. It's called kiwifarms. Except it's successful and has users. Unlike you. Who the fuck do you have, other than a couple of stooges who "spy" for you and gimmick accounts?
Yea, have fun with your deep conversations with winners like homeless Daniel and unyun's retarded ass, dummy.
How could you forget Ashley Hutsell Jankowski? She's the size of a barge.Yea, have fun with your deep conversations with winners like homeless Daniel and unyun's retarded ass, dummy.
How could you forget Ashley Hutsell Jankowski? She's the size of a barge.
This is the post version of that pepe meme where he's dropped the lunch tray on the ground in front of his crush