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Grok Pot Nope Greenland does not want to become a part of the United States

Threads drawn primarily from Grok
Greenland's autonomy push is driven by a desire for independence and self-governance, emphasizing their identity as a distinct people with the right to determine their own future. The push for autonomy is also fueled by a historical reckoning over past colonial-era practices, including efforts to preserve and strengthen Greenlandic culture, language, and traditions. Economic considerations play a role, with Greenland seeking to reduce reliance on Danish financial subsidies by developing independent sources of wealth, which could make full independence more viable. The political landscape, with all five parties in Greenland's Parliament opposing integration with the U.S., reflects a unified stance towards maintaining or increasing autonomy from both Denmark and potential external influences like the United States.

It’s hilarious to think they would want to or there is any power to make that happen. I feel like it would be much cheaper for the United States just to have a base there.