Also how come none of you have any idea how to spell Jocelyn correctly?
Fuckin rums.
Fuckin rums.
It would have been sad if he wasn't such an ornery, ungrateful prick. If Josh was just 1/1000th as great as he thinks he is, KF would have been a much fun site and he would have been more respected. Now the only people that talk about him besides OF and other rational people are spergy, angry lolcows that either hate or love the site.Null's purpose in life is to run his shitty website to the ground. He has nothing else going for him. He can never work a proper job again, and even if he could, he has no way of depositing income because no legitimate bank wants to service him.
If he didn't have Kiwi Farms, he'd have nothing. It's just sad and beyond pathetic, and honestly very pitiable. Maybe KF administrator truly is his divine calling.
Imagine throwing your entire life away at such a young age because you were too much of a sperg and a nigger to know better.
He seems to have genuinely been retarded enough to take the phrase "any publicity is good publicity" literally.It would have been sad if he wasn't such an ornery, ungrateful prick. If Josh was just 1/1000th as great as he thinks he is, KF would have been a much fun site and he would have been more respected. Now the only people that talk about him besides OF and other rational people are spergy, angry lolcows that either hate or love the site.
He's had enough chance to redeem himself but he rejected them all.
So, someone who should be shot by the aforementioned 15 year old female Wisconsin school shooter. Got it.No punchline, just him saying "I love raping young boys" and saying he wanted to have sex with the 15 year old female Wisconsin school shooter.
Josh conceded last MATI that "a large portion of the litigation fund has been going toward helping Vinny," Josh's Australian friend who didn't show up in court to defend himself against Liz-Fong Jones.
An Ugly and Ineffective Tactic (August 16th, 2024) - Mad at the Internet
An Ugly and Ineffective Tactic (August 16th, 2024) - Mad at the Internet
https://madattheinternet.com/2024/08/16/an-ugly-and-ineffective-tactic/ Trouble in Hell (England), Google and Microsoft have problems, the murder of every video game I've ever played, structural beardrumble.com
This case doesn't involve Kiwifarms whatsoever and beating this case doesn't help Kiwifarms at all. Kiwifarms won't be a better or safer place should his $400,000 judgement be overturned.
Josh gets in a slapfight with oldfag ForTheHoard who wants more litigation updates. He also seems irked that much of the fund has been going to Josh's retarded Australian friend who chose to not defend himself in court. Josh has previously conceded that a "large portion" of the fund will go to his Australian friend "Vinny." Josh has somehow convinced his users that overturning Vinny's case (that is in Australia and not the USA) will somehow help Kiwifarms. Josh claims that "we have not used a lot of the money..." and "Starting another lawsuit right now is not in our interest."
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Does anyone else see the conflicting statements he's made?
1. "We have not used a lot of the money."
2. "A large portion of the litigation fund has been going towards helping Vinnie."
"but you promised you wouldt ddidle the kids joshua!"True, but Clitty Farmers cope by saying that Josh's shota and femboy obsession was "just a phase" from when Josh was a teenager (even though most of the leaks are from when Null was in his early 20s) and that xe's totally a straight and trad man now.
Shota fetishes (or any type of fetish) don't just magically go away. Fetishes typically stay with you for life and the only way to "cure" them is to make a conscious effort to avoid that type of content. It is abundantly clear that Null, between xir obsessive hate lust for twink lolcows and xir disdain for any expression of heterosexual sexuality, still hungers for catboy bussy and consumes such content regularly. However, most Clitty Farmers are oblivious to the obvious signs of Null's homosexuality and look the other way and anyone who calls him out on it gets jannied.
However, if (or when) Josh were to pull a Vaush on stream, the anti-LGBT trad types on Clitty Farms would no longer be about to ignore the obvious and all hell would break loose.
"It is perfectly normal behavior for a male teenager to masturbate to drawings of four year olds with cat ears being sexually abused""but you promised you wiuldt iddile the kids joshua!"
"mmmm yes i wont lay a hand on them"
"but the internet shall cull the weak"
"And this is my shota desert"
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Hmmm, wonder why.
Oh no, is Josh winning? If he defeats a grown man without the help of his mother, we're never going to hear the end of it.
If Jersh wins his lawsuit then good for him.
He's still going to stay debanked from every bank, credit union, and payment processor out there because no one wants to do business with the juvenile equivalent of Stromfront.
Coca-Cola is never going to advertise their drinks on Kiwi Farms.
Okay if what you are telling me is true then that is fucking sad on Jersh's part.Actually I am a member in good standing and frequent monetary contributor to stormfront. You can send them money online.
Unlike Josh![]()
Jersh, the reason why you have to do that is because back in the Alcohol Prohibition days, gangsters and mobsters like Al Capone laundered their dirty money by using disposable foot soldiers to hide his money (like starting a restaurant serving Italian food or a laundromat to hide said dirty money).View attachment 81035
Null does not like having to take a selfie to buy bitcoin.
Okay if what you are telling me is true then that is fucking sad on Jersh's part.