I believe they think they're Mr. Cool Ice, a Kiwi Farms user who is a pooner that I'm not sure is banned or not now.
I didn't know him on KF, to my knowledge. He won't admit who he was but he made a lot of posts about me with blatant lies like that I'm a feminist who hates it when troons are criticized. Not even close. I actually made a post there debunking a bunch of the crap View claimed about me. He says he wants to dox me,
@The Gays From LA and
@kiwifails because he finds us "cringe and unfunny". Daniel posts a little bit on Lounge96 under the name
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I was active in the SRS horrors thread and I'm plenty fine with troonism being criticized. I frankly think they need psych meds and therapy instead of hormones and surgeries, just like any mental illness. I do think we should have empathy for them like any person struggling with mental illness but that doesn't mean we can't meme on them or that it should legally be hate speech to use the wrong pronouns.