My "tragic" girlfriend situation does not concern you. If anything, I have a girlfriend now, a kind of girl you could never conceive with your imagination. Maybe the yandere type still trying to find out.
Eitherway, you don't know why I choose Rose over all of you losers. I was gas lit into oblivion and still am. You want her dead so bad it's fucking crazy to me. Let's say that the day does come. Will you feel so accomplished? There will be no use to the sex bot you made of her probably even the amount of nudes you have saved on your hard drive.
@Timepace and that bitch that leaked my dms are savages. Very jealous for no reason. Both ghosted me as some power trip because that's what women do now in the years of the 20s. Rose did defend me during that situation on vr and you're wrong actually, she was the first one to defend me. Rose has done nothing but open my eyes, yes she is influencing me but for the better. You don't know a fucking thing about rose and it's getting to point, she feels its safe to even tell me her darkest secrets because we are just that close. Her lover is a legit chad and he laughs so much at your pathetic dry dick. The video game you said you were working on, where is that at?