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Recent content by indecent

  1. indecent

    Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

    Yes and since im not a zoomer using forum for the first time since kiwifarms i believe i can navigate through it and qoute shit. im telling you i couldnt add that retard's quote in. alright maybe i shat on the forum a bit too much but you have to admit you harness a tranny-friendly environment...
  2. indecent

    Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

    >hehe touch grass very original of you faggot did you wet your panties writing this witty reply because you come off as a dishonest person who is trying to grow his own community mimicking the farms, yet laughing at and clapping at the farm's demise while you see it going down the way it does...
  3. indecent

    Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

    whats got me double posting is the broken functionality of the 10th grade high school homework you trannies call "forum"
  4. indecent

    Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

    "kiwifarms is a tranny website" started here didnt it. you trannies are the ones
  5. indecent

    Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

    josh is a retard lolcow himself of course he posts funny shit. it's either funny or sad with him. im pretty sure i registered with my real ip and have logged in with it a few times too, it never loads as intended. even images load like shit. inb4 wE deleTe uSerR loGs sure you do lol
  6. indecent

    Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

    The shit you posted is barely running you incapable weeaboo, that's how broken this joke of a website is.
  7. indecent

    Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

    It's obvious none of you care about any of these "sites" since you rejoice for their falling. Nigger, let's be real for a minute here: We all know Josh is a borderline clueless, uneducated retard who had almost NO IDEA what he's doing all the time. What null the retard has is autism and...
  8. indecent

    Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

    >teee heee im baiting le chuds again xdxdxdxd tee heee ;dddddd ^.^ ^.^
  9. indecent

    Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

    tranime has rotten your brain you fucking retard. there's no your or my side you absolute degenerate it's the twitter trannies vs the people and why am I even talking to a twitter tranny right now? You're a weeaboo and nothing you say holds any value in any context
  10. indecent

    Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

    >AAA HE DOESNT WANNA READ MY BULLSHIT RANTS WHAT WILL I EVER DO NOW why are you banned faggots so salty? btw nobody misses you over there
  11. indecent

    Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

    Pretty obvious there's at least one horde of glowniggers behind the tranny. The psychotic animal abuser's father, that Janke rapist, is certainly rubbing his hands like a kike. I understand the trannies are a loud bunch but there is no way a crowd of fags whining on twitter bent over cloudflare...
  12. indecent

    IP2 Related IP2 /

    Today I learned @Empresa has migrated here, made his own ip2 thread and became a janny. Nice updates though, appreciated.