• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Something came across me, I know he spent all the money these niggas gave him on the greer shit but I think that should tell niggas not to ever donate to his funding ever again. Keep ya money in ya pockets safe from Josh
I think that should tell niggas not to ever donate to his funding ever again.
lmao, thinking these NPC slaves have any free will and economic responsibility is like thinking any average niggger from average ghetto is able to be civilized
Reason: fuck you kengle for censoring the n-word
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lmao, thinking these NPC slaves have any free will and economic responsibility is like thinking any average nigger from average ghetto is able to be civilized
If they stopped and actually take a look at they're cancerally covidally online leader they'd actually be able to get somewhere (obviously that shit aint happening but still)
Dude, don't do that. Don't you know that Null cross-posts all the dickpics he gets in the mail on his forum?

For those of you who don't know what this is, Null has a thread about some porn actor on KF - totally just for the sake of sharing "fair use porn criticism" about him, of course. The actor began threatening Null about his thread over e-mail, he got mad and sent Null a bj pic (presumably of himself receiving oral sex), at which point Null immediately cross-posted the whole correspondence onto KF, including the bj-pic. BTW, this was Null himself posting porn on his own forum, so he can't blame his users in this instance.

Unless you want your dick pic to end up on KF the same way as the above porn actor, please do not send Null any lewd to prove your manhood.
Prove your manhood to Null by telling him to go fuck himself and walk away from his forum.
There was a thread about Donny Long and a feud he had with some other porn actor. That was at the time that Vodrak made an alternate forum and implied it was Donny Long running the forum. I believe that Donny Long helped Null expose Vodrak. In return Null deleted the Donny Long thread.
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Some kwiffar actually dares to question the broom hand...
lidl, as you will know, repliies to this... five minutes laytur...

Hmmmmm. It's a paradoxical thing... yes, jannies do overstep the mark (ban people for posting stuff jannies don't want you to know, even editing the post, so the "incriminating" evidence is removed), but if they actually did their job... would Commie Farms have so many problems?