• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
1) The donations to the legal crowdfunder are anonymous, so Null doesn't know who's donating to him and 2) Turkey Tom already has a thread on KF where they constantly drag him and his girlfriend. By your logic Turkey Tom should be one of the very last people to want to donate to Null just because he was a thread. Yet Turkey Tom doesn't seem to care that he has a thread where strangers are disparaging his girlfriend all day long.

Are you perhaps familiar with the Youtuber Jeremy/The Quartering? I have mentioned him here on OF before. Jeremy is Sektur-adjacent and used to be on Livestreams with Null and other Sektur people during #GamerGate. Unlike a lot of Sektur people who fell into the margins, The Quartering has over a million subs on Youtube. He mentioned #DropKiwiFarms when it happened in 2022 in a video. Clearly he's not too worried about getting a KF thread. In fact, I suspect The Quartering would DDoS KF more effectively than the troons do just by pointing his million+ fans there.

Now, how likely is it that The Quartering was one of the people who chipped in and gave Null a large amount? Given that The Quartering already came down on the side of KF in a video during the campaign? I mean, really, who other than multi-millionaire Youtubers like The Quartering and Keemstar who run big Drama channels would think that something like KF is worth salvaging?

You've offered an argument for why Youtubers would want to avoid donating to Null... but you still haven't pointed out another possible large donor. Who else would give 5 figures to Null? Michelle Malkin, that same Philippino woman who supports Nick Fuentes? Kanye West? Who?
I have already previously posted about how Josh has swept for Turkey Tom:

You can't outright delete a thread that would have had major consequences for Josh and his reputation but not only that removing a thread triggers the Streisand effect and it could potentially damage Josh's walled off ecosystem that he has meticulously maintained for years. If the discussion is held on the farms then Josh can control the narrative, he can set the standards for what's true and what's a "gay-op". He can set the pace by hiding it in a less visited subforum or by sending in his MATI spergs to force the direction of the thread to be more positive.

Turkey toms thread is actually a perfect example of this as it is not in the lolcow section but in Multimedia. It's dead even tough we had recent drops that Lerix is either cucking him or dating his former gf and the wierd shit like him deleting his discord or how he likes creepy fanart on twitter isn't even mentioned in the thread. Instead it's just 12 pages of people linking his content.

As for the donation question. I don't think people are donating large sums as of yet there isn't proof of anything beyond kiwis dropping their welfare checks. Any wildcard I can think of that has disposable income Null has either slandered (Sam Hyde) or he is feuding with Watkins, Keemstar, Torba.

QuarterPounder & Keemstar operate on the same philosophy as Ethan Ralph if it doesn't make a dollar it doesn't make sense. They would flip their politics tomorrow if they thought they could get away with it and earn more money. They are not gonna pour money on some retards gofundme if they are not getting something from it.
null got really pissed in the thread and made an effortpost with statistics because she claimed girls get molested more.
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In a thread about an minor being raped and impregnated by a male priest! Holy shit Null read the room!

And hey doesn't this go against all that terf shit he's been spouting lately about how women are the most oppressed minority?? You had better dial this shit back Null or else your lovequest will suffer!

>Josh getting blown the fuck out by Android Raptor
You hate to see it, folks!

"Gay men rape boys."
What a profound statement, Josh! That's almost as profound as, "straight men rape girls." Who knew gay pedophiles were into boys? Where would be we without Josh's keen insight?

Wow, all of Josh's years of collecting Cheese Pizza must have given him so much insight!

I am shitting this is the most hilarious thing to come out of the Farms. Holy shit holy shit imagine going into a fucking thread about a male priest raping a schoolgirl and knocking her up just so you can screech about gay people AND THEN THE TERF BLOWS YOUR BACK OUT

So this is what bothers Null....something about bisexuality scares him. Is it some sort of manifestation of his desire to cut his dick off and become Joshina?

It's almost like there are more straight people than bisexual people to choose from or something :shocking:

"Bisexual" as a label has been flooded by straight tumblr white girls who want to feel special. Before we had trannies, we had bisexuals. They hook up with men because they're straight. Actual bisexuals are 1% of an already 1% population.

He claims not only is loli illegal but all hentai is "essentially illegal" which makes no sense because some of it portrays inoffensive, vanilla sex.

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Bizarre adventure? Is that a Jojo reference?
If loli is indeed illegal, why is it so easy to find Loli hentai on the clearweb using Google, an Amerimutt search engine?

While kiddie porn is indeed available sometimes on the clearweb, it is 99% of the time the soft type of porn with some reasonable doubt about it something innocent (if you recall the webcam video from debacle on YouTube many years back). Anything more than that and it will definitely get shoah-ed pretty soon unless it's some obscure forum and you'll have to scour the dark web for that.
Talk about some seriously dumb projection. Its clear as daisy’s that Josh is a big anime fan. Even the gamergator on twitter claims that josh has confided to him that hes a huge weeabo. To just blanket people who watch something like 90’s toonami Dragon Ball Z or read graphic novels like Berserk or Vampire Hunter D as pedophiles is some of the dumbest logic ever.

It makes me question what the fuck kind or cartoons hes been watching to justify this shit he doesnt even believe.
During the trial, there will be a surprise witness to testify against joshy... Commie Dick Gurl... "Remember me, broom? Do you? Remember who I am? Remember crawling to me?" Cut to the jury looking in shocked disgust at the broom, cut to CDG, dabbing tears from the eyes with a silk hankie, cut to shame faced broom, cut to ads...
I like how his mati hamster thing has a slice of pizza on its chair like pedos haven't been using it as a calling card on Twitter for years. It works on many levels, because he is a fat pizza addict and that's where all his legal funds are going. Cheese pizza farms.
Wasnt Null into "shota" which is just cartoon porn of like elementary school boys?

And didnt he have a safe space, I mean "containment area" for child porn?

The way he spergs about how much he hates pedos, as a childless 30 something who's never had a girlfriend, is beyond even someone who should be worried about pedos like a parent or someone with a child in their life.

Why is some old lone male with no kids, not even nieces or nephews, this paranoid and obsessed with pedophilia? Oh, and he has a history with being around and looking at that stuff...

Very smelt it dealt it overcompensating sussyness.
User suggests that broom has been putting in some work with his "ample free time" (just say the broom has no life outside of the hugbox, why don't you?) Broom denies it (cuz he's a lazy cunt, who can't code for toffee).
Why is some old lone male with no kids, not even nieces or nephews, this paranoid and obsessed with pedophilia? Oh, and he has a history with being around and looking at that stuff...
Don't forget, is a Streamer. Targeting Kids. It's lucky the Kwiffar all have personality disorders and mental retardation. FOr the broom and themselves. Literally write down all the scummy and scammy things the broom has done, while online... He complains about his banking getting fucked with... while lying about money.