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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
If it's against the rules to touch the cows on kf does that mean interacing with null is breaking that rule?
It's more like
>Explains how he doesn't have the ability to properly moderate
>Yet personally banning people from the Man-Hate thread even though BP have 3 active mods
Just give it some time. He seems to be getting there by burning himself out. Probably.

when i was swatted at my old place same spiel was given with fake gf that i shot because I was suicidal with the tts voice , vpn , etc he must think he's so brave lol
for the few kiwi lurker fags that don't know , elaine got one of her pedophile neets simps to waste money on a background check for me , and then got torswats to pull it off I was frankly insulted they used the old played out script , way to make a troon feel NOT SPECIAL , smgh.
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ROFLMAO He is still going. Why did this hit such a nerve?
A lot of Null's emotions have been coming out in his tard rants.

He's brought up so much "I can do what I want, it's muh website!!!"

All I'm getting from that is that he hates himself and his life. The reason he is sperging so much and saying that is because the truth is he is butt blasted over the fact his own userbase is turning against him. Owning Kiwi Farms is all he has.

Think about it for a minute. This guy threw away his entire life, future, any chance to have a sane well adjusted wife, and moved to a crappy 3rd world country over owning a website focused around documenting literal retards. He handled things badly as a young adult and if he didn't make so many enemies and burn so many bridges he would not face as much crap as he does to keep the forum up. Look at 4chan for example, that website has done more to actually radicalize people yet it still hasn't faced as much legal trouble and issues being up on the clearnet because Moot and the other people running it after him haven't acted as tardish as Null has. Doxbin doxes people way worse than KF ever has and that site still has a lot less legal problems too.

Without Kiwi Farms or people worshipping he has nothing and the small taste of rebellion is enough for him to go full sperg which is ironic because the more Null acts like this the less respect I have for him, if the dude would accept his own flaws and not sperg out so much he would not lose respect from his own users as he does now. "IM RUINING MY LIFE TO LET YOU FAGGOTS TALK" can only get you so far.

TLDR: It would not surprise me at all if Null ever An Heroes in the future.
God bless you @TheAnimeRetard for highlighting this recent happening.

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"I don't even know what my own site is doing."
Looks like there's some infighting going on with "free expression" against Josh's own community. All over women and politics.

If he hates A&H so much, just get rid of it. He has threatened it before, but kept it. Unless he loves being miserable at other's expenses. Especially when A&H echoes his exact opinions.
I'll post this again here too for people not active in kf general since this is being brought up a lot here and is partially relevant anyway. I was going to post it here as part of a previous comment anyway but it was more fitting for the other thread so i posted it separately there instead.

Man hate thread hate thread
Man hate thread
Woman hate thread hate thread
Woman hate thread (closed)
Woman hate thread
He's only sick of them because they aren't as far right as he and his MATI simps are. The right wing users on KF were useful idiots to help grow the site, now that Null has become radicalized and has gone full RaHoWa, they too have to be alienated and discarded.

So me telling him to fix the problem with the disappearing text box was me trying to "get away with murder"? :rolleyes: I've read comments from a lot of people who hate Null to the effect that he's insane, but now even I myself am starting to think that he's literally crazy.

If Null needs a 1A lawyer in California, why doesn't he just reach out to attorney Kenneth White aka Popehat? He's the one famous 1A lawyer in Los Angeles who has been representing right wing people for over a decade. Ken White wrote an article defending hate speech, I'm sure he would love to have Null as a client:

"lawyers of kiwifarms"
I looked at KF this morning while Onion was down and apparently they started a retaliatory "man hate" thread in Deep Thoughts. I jumped to the last few pages and read this:

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I can't imagine why Null is having a shitty time with his website when he's been begging people like this to use his website
I can't help but laugh. Aren't we supposed to laugh at lolcows? Even so, he allowed politics to seep in his website so this is a monster of his own creation. The actress guy was suspended, now this happens. Involving women.
I can't help but laugh. Aren't we supposed to laugh at lolcows? Even so, he allowed politics to seep in his website so this is a monster of his own creation. The actress guy was suspended, now this happens. Involving women.

Makes me think a lot about how important it must be to ban political talk from modern spaces. The source of all drama is politics.
i dont think anyone is going to ruin their professional standing and high paying job to help out a fringe individual that wont benefit them one bit.

Dude, I swear, go to Popehat's blog and have a look for yourself in the comments. He has a whole network of fellow far-right ambulance chasers. Even when he doesn't want to take on a case himself, he can always refer to someone else in his network who will.

At 2:28:00 Null is once again teasing with suing Liz Fong Jones. He quotes a segment from a recent WaPo article where LFJ admitted that he was the one running the #DropKiwiFarms campaign, something that was disputed by members of this forum:

[LFJ] says: Katherine L. and I invited Nitasha Tiku to see the work of our multi-disciplinary, all-volunteer team has been doing over the past year as Kiwi Farms was de-platformed from over 32 providers located in 22 countries that found it in violation of their Acceptable Use Policies. By our count, we set in motion more than 24 of those terminations with our abuse reports and our professional follow-up to ensure that they were actioned. Because of needing to repeatedly find and change to new providers, the site achieved approximately 50-60% reliability as observed from US consumer ISPs over the past year, as opposed to the 99,5% or higher reliability a typical law-abiding website with competent administration will offer.

For those of you who denied that LFJ was behind #DropKiwiFarms, here's LFJ himself admitting he coordinated all this, and openly bragged about it to this WaPo journalist.

Null says that he and one of his other lawyers, who isn't barred to practice in California, are cold-calling the lawyers in LA that were suggested to him in the KiwiFarms thread. He also said he plans to crowdfund the lolsuit against LFJ he's been endlessly teasing with.
Josh: "I will rape that bitch and kill myself by SWAT team. Total Nigger Death. We're in the Kali Iuga. RaHoWa. White Sharia. Good times, weak men, bad times, strong men."

Also Josh: "Why is my userbase filled with rightoid nuts that hate women"

It's a mystery, Josh. We might never find out. But don't worry, we have A&N brightest minds on it!