• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms

The Woman Hate thread where we have been spending most of our time complaining about Null and the Reddit tier actions him and the jannies have been doing got a tard rant from Null.

He says we have been threatening to kill and rape the women when entering the man hate thread but none of us have even said anything like that. So apparently making fun of femcels for acting a certain way in their own thread and also roasting their bad takes equals wanting to rape them.

I cannot believe how hypocritically stupid he is being because Kiwi Farms is full of people who document and laugh at trannies yet the trannies think that equals literally killing them by misgendering them and revealing their dead name. Null always complains about how overdramatic that is but he's acting like himself.

Also not sure if anyone actually threatened Null and the website himself over this but I think he's talking about us being uncertain about Null as a leader and the website's future and taking that as a threat. As someone who can really dish it, he cannot take it at all. What a faggot. "PLEASE STOP BEING MEAN TO KY QUEENS YOU SMELLY INCELS!!!"
@TheAnimeRetard is you want to post about "whores" on OF there is a thread for that. Keep those posts out of the Joshua Moon thread though.

OK, on the topic of feminists infiltrating KF and Null feeling the need to be extra protective towards them. Let;s go back in time to when feminists first began to show up on KF:

Here is Null on MATI back in 2018 talking about the influx of TERFs on KF:

2:06:00 A lot of TERFs, a lot of feminists are really big fans of the KFs right now because a lot of them have been banned from Twitter for talking about this guy. TERFs are aligned with us, with my site, they'd rather be aligned with people they hate. I am getting support from 50-60 year old women. Whatever, I take what I can get.

The fact that TERFs participate and use KF for research was later confirmed in the following expose, which went on to speculate about TERFs using KF to organize "pile-ons":

Last week, XTra Magazine published my profile of Elisa Shupe, an ex-"detransitioner" who leaked her full correspondence with the anti-trans movement to the press.
It’s one of those smaller stories that I want to share — a story about how Marchiano and her colleagues have acted to discredit and, at times, viciously harass trans journalists who got too close to questioning Marchiano’s role in the spread of the ROGD theory. It begins with a trans woman named Zinnia Jones using Google, and it ends with Jones being portrayed as a sexual predator on Fox News and having her nude photos leaked online.

Because this camp is particularly sensitive about being misrepresented or taken out of context, I will endeavor to present all emails in full. I’ve redacted sensitive information like deadnames, phone numbers, and exact locations of non-consensually shared explicit content, so as not to recapitulate harm.
From feelings of nervousness and exposure, both women seem to have pivoted immediately to digging up dirt on Jones. Shupe sent Marchiano news that Jones had been written up on KiwiFarms, a harassment forum with a growing body count of trans people it had convinced to commit suicide. Marchiano replied with an email about Jones’ supposed "porn account."

Perhaps coincidentally, on the same day — July 2, 2017 — something else happened: Jones’ tweets about straight men dating trans women were targeted for a pile-on by gender-critical sexologist Ray Blanchard.
The mental image of Marchiano trawling KiwiFarms looking for some trans woman’s nudes is wildly at odds with the respectable, motherly, "concerned" face that anti-trans advocates like to present when talking about trans healthcare. (For that matter, it’s wildly at odds with what we expect from therapists.) Yet it goes some way to explaining how the pile-on reached critical mass so quickly, and how other pile-ons like it may be coordinated behind the scenes.

Jones, like a lot of people, has willingly shared explicit images of herself in the past, but sharing those images without her consent, in order to silence her, turned them into revenge porn, an act of violation and sexual humiliation which is increasingly being recognized as a form of sexual assault.


There are, similarly, questions raised by this chain of events — why was Marchiano "nervous" about having her involvement in ROGD discussed?

(That said, I do want to point out that the main argument of this article is just beyond stupid. Zinnia Jones has always been an out and proud sex worker who is more than happy to share his t-porn Twitter account with anyone who cares. The idea that people would have to go out of their way to connect Zinnia Jones to porn is ridiculous on the face of it. Which the author eventually concedes, but he has to twist it and misconstrue this as "revenge porn", which is the false accusation that TRAs always resort to when their very public narcissistic exhibitionism is highlighted and lambasted or denounced on KF.)

A message to the clueless TERFs on Ovarit who cross-post to KF, who insisted that Null has somehow become more feminist overtime: go and listen to the most recent MATI where Null was shaming the woman whose daughter Drexel groomed and had violent BDSM sex with when she was "barely legal". Null said that she deserved what happend for "mining the coal". If Null talks in this manner on his podcast about a woman whose daughter was groomed by a black man who was her boyfriend, he will talk to and about the women in his life (his girlfriend, his daughter, his grandaughters) in a similar manner.

What they said (quoting from past posts in this thread, follow the links to read them in context at the time they were posted):

People here have the worst sense of humor I've ever seen and also look like this
Not surprising considering you all came from KF where instead of taking stuff harmlessly foolish people like MovieBob Chipman say and just knowingly going "lol", the goal is to pick apart every post he's ever made to the point any semblance of comedy that could be gotten has been strangled to death and set on fire, you have to know everything about his family and anyone he's ever known, and of course every KF nerd has to constantly boast that they're more adjusted than someone like him. So maybe you don't think women are funny because you aren't a funny person (unless you consider a little creep who can't stop using 4chan catchphrases that died 6 months ago funny) and don't know any funny people, in general.

The weirdest part of any engagement with any of you is how neurotically and awkwardly you try to insert yourselves into peoples' lives, to the point where if they obviously don't like you then you just ramp up doing bizarre creepy shit like using their names or asking them unwanted questions. Everyone on KF is exactly like this, and they all must be the most bitterly lonely people on the planet. Your social lives are blatantly more similar to Joshua than you'd want to let on, but you can't help yourselves.

It's apparently BPD to lol at over the top examples of hypocrisy and tell you that you're going to die alone. Let me guess every woman who from the get-go didn't like you and sensed you were creepy has BPD. Sorry about your life Josh.

View attachment 39245View attachment 39244

The Woman Hate thread where we have been spending most of our time complaining about Null and the Reddit tier actions him and the jannies have been doing got a tard rant from Null.

He says we have been threatening to kill and rape the women when entering the man hate thread but none of us have even said anything like that. So apparently making fun of femcels for acting a certain way in their own thread and also roasting their bad takes equals wanting to rape them.

I cannot believe how hypocritically stupid he is being because Kiwi Farms is full of people who document and laugh at trannies yet the trannies think that equals literally killing them by misgendering them and revealing their dead name. Null always complains about how overdramatic that is but he's acting like himself.

Also not sure if anyone actually threatened Null and the website himself over this but I think he's talking about us being uncertain about Null as a leader and the website's future and taking that as a threat. As someone who can really dish it, he cannot take it at all. What a faggot. "PLEASE STOP BEING MEAN TO KY QUEENS YOU SMELLY INCELS!!!"
Does he usually flip out like this? It doesn't seem normal. I hope he's getting laid for this.
Null is having a really bad day in the woman hate thread. He has told four or five users to kill themselves already.View attachment 39283

Notice how the Null NPC worshipers gave him a Winner sticker on almost every post of his simply for the fact that he posted. Not that he said anything good or interesting but simply because he is their god.

Everyone else who was part of that thread found his sperging incredibly cringeworthy. Only the outsiders gave him the stickers (and the few femcels who came during that)
View attachment 39290

Notice how the Null NPC worshipers gave him a Winner sticker on almost every post of his simply for the fact that he posted. Not that he said anything good or interesting but simply because he is their god.

Everyone else who was part of that thread found his sperging incredibly cringeworthy. Only the outsiders gave him the stickers (and the few femcels who came during that)
Kiwifags be like
>Fuck Reddit
>Site becomes Reddit
@thefrogninja and @Sailfish I have a hypothetical, let me know what you guys think...

This clip is from the 29th of August show.

Null says that Rekieta texted him "in the middle of the night his time", which would be 0:00 in Minnesota, where Rekieta lives. Null doesn't specify what day Rekieta texted him, but it was presumably sometime before this show.

Rekieta said in his response video that, quote, "Null is in Europe". I don't think Rekieta would continue to location-LARP if he knew that Null was lying about his location after Null burned their bridge, so I'll assume Rekieta knows where Null is and is telling the truth about Null being somewhere "in Europe".

0:00 in Minnesota is 6:00 AM in Belgrade.

Why was Null on a train at 6:00 in the morning? 🤔

Null doesn't strike me as someone who would wake up that early to take a train somewhere just for the lulz. My impression of Null is that he would only only be on a train that early to get to somewhere for business.

I wonder if this train ride has something to with Null's new Polish associate who is a drug addict and supposedly "always high" according to Null. According to Gmaps it's about 20-24 hours from Belgrade to Warsaw by train. If we take that as a rough approximation for how long it would take for Null to get from somewhere X in Serbia to somewhere Y in Poland... was Null perhaps on a train at such an early hour because he was going to or returning from Poland to visit his drug addicted associate there?

(Unless Null was coming back home early from a Tinder hook-up the night before in a nearby town, which IMO is unlike Null, so I'll assume the train trip was most likely for business.)

Later in that clip Null says: "It's, like, 8 AM here, I'm on the fucking train, I'm traveling, I got shit to do."

If Rekieta called Null at 0:00 Minnesota time, and they were texting for a couple of hours while Null was on the train, that means Null was presumably on that train at least from 6:00 AM to 8:00 AM, for the two hours of that conversation.
Josh has no friends and nowhere to be so if Josh does any traveling I suspect it's for immigration/VISA purposes. Long ago Josh relayed a story of overstaying in Ukraine or Poland and needed to pay a fine was flagged. The lady at the airport almost took him in so he'd miss his flight, but she let him off and didn't want to deal with Josh who spoke nothing other than English despite living in Europe almost 10 years. It would be just more hassle and paperwork for her.

Well Null, this is why a lot of forums ban right wingers on sight, because they are whiners and criers and perpetual trannies who seethe and cope about losing le culture war. It is true you can't take /pol/ anywhere but that's true of any tranny population.

Null should ban them for being annoying so they can go to /lgbt/ and whine and cry their about women not fucking them while they dilate their stink ditches.
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