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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Way back on Twitter, Null wanted to get verified: He was rejected

Null rejected for verification.jpg

Wonder if this moon is a UK cousin of our Joshy Moon or is this a coincidence? 🤫
Even ignoring the degeneracy of Bart being a kid and Marge's son, it's hard to believe people actually fap to Simpsons in general. I can't think of any art style more sexually repulsive, you could probably use it as a form of conversion therapy to turn people into asexuals with enough exposure to it.

Hey, I think I just found the cure for homosexuality!
Even ignoring the degeneracy of Bart being a kid and Marge's son, it's hard to believe people actually fap to Simpsons in general. I can't think of any art style more sexually repulsive, you could probably use it as a form of conversion therapy to turn people into asexuals with enough exposure to it.

Hey, I think I just found the cure for homosexuality!
Anyone who faps to the Simpsons Artstyle should kys.
I remember a time when I was in high school, and in one of my homeroom classes someone posted a video on Newgrounds where Papa Smurf was flapping it , well ,all the other Smurfs. And one female Smurf was just getting onto everyone else. That was the most stupid and deranged /strange thing on the Internet. It’s in school when I learned the dark side of the Internet.
Look, it's a thread about Null where everyone starts posting about all the weird shit they encountered online as children. I guess this means we can all have some empathy for how Null was fucked up by the internet at a very early age.

Null got self-reflective on MATI this week:

"My issue is, I have a hard time finishing something from start to finish. It is one of my biggest faults. I love to start projects and not finish them. It is something I'm acutely aware of, that I do. If I was able to commit to things long-term, I'd be a much better person."

Look, it's a thread about Null where everyone starts posting about all the weird shit they encountered online as children. I guess this means we can all have some empathy for how Null was fucked up by the internet at a very early age.
Sure there's some empathy, but we saw all kinds of weird shit as kids, but we didn't fap to it. He chose to fap to catboys out of the sea of porn. I just clicked off the Bellsprout tentacle hentai, not download it.

At least he stopped.

No, Kali Yuga is still posting last I checked, I'm surprised he wasn't banned since many have been for much less since Josh is a thin-skinned retard.
When Null threatened to ban me I told him to go right ahead and do it, logged off and never looked up. Later Emp showed me a screenshot where Null said that he did ban me. I didn't even log in to find out.

So when I said "Go ahead and ban me", he did what I asked him to do. It is weird that he won't do the same with Harbringer of Kali Yuga. I think it's sadism. He likes the other person to think like he's giving them a chance, when he's already decided to ban them at the next opportunity.

BTW, this is what Harbringer posted about Null, he was calling Null out over his hysterical insistence that all anime is just dogwhistles for pedos:

you're cutting him slack because he's null, nobody is contesting that anime is full of creepy shit. I'd be willing to cut him slack if I believed for a second he was being honest and genuine, but he's not. Animation is just a way to tell a story and null and others are treating it as if there's this whole edifice that has to be attached to it and that's just laughable and it's so insincere because this is just a reaction to the stupid shit left-wingers do. But guess what, overcorrecting in the other way just makes you look even more foolish. if it was anyone other than null and if it wasn't so easy for them to accuse anyone they disagree with as being a "weeb" you'd use a very different tone.

You know full well they aren't even being honest at all, they're trying to say anyone who likes even a single anime is a weeb.

Yes-manning Josh isn't doing him any favors. I'm going to say this take is batshit crazy, because it is. No, I don't think it's healthy to validate some of this right-wing geist. It's delusional. I think you guys need some soul-searching, because you're turning into right-wing versions of whatever SJWs are with their alarmist and increasingly uncharitable interpretations of media. This road is a left turn off of reality, and if you keep going down it everyone will think you are nuts.

Dude, he's pulling ad hoc arguments out of his ass and meme-ing. He literally used one of those "with jews you lose" style-memes to prove anime is evil. Arguing Spirited Away is pedophilic because he found a shot of a skirt in Kiki's Delivery Service of Kiki falling off her broom after googling around a bit and then having a bunch of ad hoc reasons why aksually it's different. That's not how someone sincerely argues on the internet, lol. And again the really funny part is Spirited Away is a lot like Alice in Wonderland, except with Japanese folklore and NOT being based on a story written by someone who was literally infatuated with a preadolescent girl named Alice.

We uncharitably misinterpret everything lolcows come here to say to laugh and make them sperg out harder. We skim over everyone with a careful eye for the slightest faught to get some laughs and yuks out of them. And here, null has this unhinged take but, in this case alone it's understandable. Please. If this was anyone but null we'd be ripping him harder except using the kiddie gloves, and that's out of respect for all he's done. But it really is an unhinged take from anyone.

It's not a smart or principled take, it's being around on internet communities too much and caring about what people think, if you think because something is from Japan and has an art style that somewhat resembles something else that had something gross, it somehow inherits that... that's just retarded. Null is just engaging in the same sort of pearl-clutching the left does regarding, I dunno, standup comedy or whatever, it's just the right wing version. This is just politically reactionary bullshit. It's a recent concern, a moral panic from the right to match shit from the left.

Equating Spirited Away with pedophilia just means you don't leave the house much and its turning your brain into HP Lovecraft's. It's the exact kind of thinking that led spergs to thinking there was a pedophilia conspiracy under Comet Pizza. Or does Null believe that? I don't follow him closely enough to know.

There's nothing reasonable about thinking that because something was made in a particular country, it has pedophilia naturally imbued in it by association. That's fucking unhinged. It's like coming from the internet where you see a bunch of Furry porn on gamer forums and then watching Disney for the first time and thinking ol' Walt was a furfag and actually getting worked up about it.


And just do null knows, while I think this is an absolute shit tier take, I don't think he's a retard, and I know, more than he could appreciate, what running a forum is like AND having to deal with people sniping at him because they think they want to take on the big man at top. (and null, if you're reading this, I know just how angry you must be behind the scenes over what is going on. over everything.) I'm not doing this, I literally just think this is a garbage take and I'd say that to anyone. Less about anime, it reminds me how I approached music when I was younger and how retarded I was. If I didn't respect him in some way I would just lie.

Someone mentioned techno earlier. Well, if you hate anime because of the art style of the horrible animation quality, that's fine and understandable, but judging anime by weebs is like judging western animation if you only ever saw Disney, or Adult Swim, or something else that is made to appeal to a specific audience. However weebs respond to certain anime doesn't say anything about the anime itself. Imagine getting up in arms over The Smurfs or Batman Beyond because of some other cartoon show.

You're riding his dick right now pretty hard, but in the end he finds Spirited Away too offensive for him, and that's lolcow worthy, because his reasons are feigned, autistic, and conspiratorial for such a g-rated movie. Nobody has to like anime in general, most of it isn't very good, but given his criteria for watching TV to begin with I think the dude has been cooped up inside too long. We'd be trying to extract laughs out of anyone else that found something so tame so upsetting. This "pedophilia is everywhere" is another cringey lolcow take like Satanic Panic. I'm sure some of you will make fun of me for it due to the nature of the right wing shit on this website but most people, conservatives included, will laugh at you along with me in the common culture so feel free to think you've owned me online. Anywhere in real life that matters this is fringe kook take.

Josh is starting to turn into HP Lovecraft.
When Null threatened to ban me I told him to go right ahead and do it, logged off and never looked up. Later Emp showed me a screenshot where Null said that he did ban me. I didn't even log in to find out.

So when I said "Go ahead and ban me", he did what I asked him to do. It is weird that he won't do the same with Harbringer of Kali Yuga. I think it's sadism. He likes the other person to think like he's giving them a chance, when he's already decided to ban them at the next opportunity.

BTW, this is what Harbringer posted about Null, he was calling Null out over his hysterical insistence that all anime is just dogwhistles for pedos:
I'm not an anime fan whatsoever but everything Kali Yuga is saying here is true. Especially about how everyone is hesitant to disagree with Null's dumb opinions out of fear of getting banned or being hated by everyone for daring to question dear leader, so they treat his retarded takes with kids gloves. Josh has literally created a culture of fear and a cult of personality on his own website because he can't handle criticism.