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Kiwifarms Linked Elaine April Gertler Miller / Lainey / Trollcow

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elaine vs jacki take 24351

[MEMBERSONLY]McGill IT got this email today so I had to come here and see what it was all about.

Hello everyone, hope you are well. I’m writing this email to inform you all that there’s someone at McGill who’s running a pedophile gossip website that is distributing child pornography. The site is called lolcow.farm

The person behind this site is called Ines, I would like McGill to launch a formal investigation. I don’t know much about her apart from her ethnicity, Muslim, and her sexuality, lesbian, I’m aware she has a girlfriend. She has claimed to be 28 but I’m unsure of whether this is true or not and multiple people have stated she could be younger. She’s a self proclaimed TERF (a feminist who excludes the rights of transgender women from their advocacy of women's rights) and has defended the distribution of child pornography. She claims to be studying business or something along those lines but I’m unsure of if that’s true. I do know she’s pretty short in height and her build is slim. She potentially has dyed hair or had dyed hair/partly dyed hair. She has skills in IT. She also lives in an apartment off campus but I’m unsure if this is entirely true but it may well be. I am aware identifying this student will be difficult, but hopefully I’ve given enough information to make it possible, it’s imperative that she is found.

Ines has publicly attacked teenagers, threatened them and even hosts content about a 12 year old.

It is imperative that McGill helps to locate this student. Ines is threatening to hand ownership of the site over to a new administrator to avoid responsibility. If she does this, then the site will remain up forever leading to further torture for its victims. The site comes up in search results for people’s names meaning it damages the reputation of anyone victimised by it.

Lolcow.farm violated several laws such as the PIPEDA law and various laws on Child Pornography, harassment, defamation and malicious communication.

Ines has a tumblr which she posts disturbing content on about owning the site.

I have linked an archived version of this at the very bottom with screen grabs.

Ines used a fake identification to sign up with Cloudflare, a service that hides the owners of sites from public search engines. This technically counts as identity theft/fraud.

She uses embedded cookies to steal data of her userbase, such as the tabs they have open on their browsers, IP addresses. She does not have a terms & conditions page.

She has made money off the site, getting her userbase to donate to her so she can keep it running.

This site has targeted hundreds if not thousands of young girls & women, defaming them, uploading naked content of them and posting their passports and addresses, this was done to me. If this university takes my claim seriously, I’d be willing to make a full personal statement and state my full name.

This has to come to an end.

I’m not sure if this is someone McGill would want to represent. I know it’s bizarre for you all to get this email but there are hundreds of girls at risk and I’m on really borrowed time. If you just let Ines go back to her apartment & her laptop, this will never stop.

Ines has hidden nearly every single piece of evidence that she owns the site so hopefully this email will get to someone that can get her laptop seized by a warrant or do more than I can. Ines must not be notified of this beforehand as she has a dead man’s switch in her apartment which corrupts all of her files, therefore, destroying any evidence against her.

I have firsthand accounts from multiple victims of this webpage who have been subjected to attempted kidnapping, attempted human trafficking, child pornography, sexploitation, harassment, data violations and sexual harassment.

There is currently a petition to take down lolcow.farm along with other affiliated sites.

Here is the link



Up until now, no one knew who owned lolcow.farm hence why it hasn’t been taken down.

I know these are very serious allegations but it’s important you take what I’m saying seriously as I can prove it all, I’d just rather do so to a warrant as I’m worried that if any of you go directly to the website, your data could be compromised due to cookies and IP trackers installed in the site.

I know you’re going to hesitate and I would understand if you don’t automatically believe me, however, if you dismiss this, you’ll have to unfortunately live with the knowledge that more women are going to be hurt and unfortunately that’s the truth.

I was going to contact Canada’s data protection office for PIPEDA but I think it would sound better coming from the university rather than a random person online. As a university I feel you know this student better than I do, as I was just targeted by her. I feel you would be able to provide a better report as you have information that I do not have such as her address & last name.

Ines hosts child pornography which I’m guessing is also on her laptop considering it’s posted on a site she owns.

I’ve been publicly harassed by Ines and would like to take her to court.

Please act accordingly. I’d be willing to attend McGill in person to talk about this problem.

I, alongside numerous other young girls just want to stop being harassed publicly.

Last night her harassment got a lot worse. Ines consistently defames people to make them look worse therefore harder to believe. A lot of her victims are underage.

I wasn’t sure where to send this email so I’ve CCed in multiple people as I’m not sure which members of staff will know Ines or who can handle this situation
