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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Public Figure - Niche Jessie Gender / Lostrekkie / James Paul Earl / Jessie Pearl / Jessie Earl

Public figures in internet culture that are predominately seen as part of the cowsphere community


Retired Staff
Recreating this thread here because I foresee potential lulz coming from James' reaction to Matt Walsh's new documentary.

Prepare for gender trouble, and make it double
To inflict the world with devastation!
To groom all kids within our nation!
To denounce the evils of the natural world
To extend our reach until every boy is a girl
Jessie James Earl
Tuna Socket blasts off at the speed of light!
Cut off your penis, or prepare to fight!

Jessie Gender:


James "Jessie" Paul Earl is a breadtube commentator and former Big Gay media asset noted for their work with "The Advocate"; he recieved his stench trench at 27 after crowd funding with a sob story about being scammed out of money. He is autistic (because they all are) and spec'd into nerd culture as well as LGBT/Pop-Left content, especially on his section channel "After Dark" where he spergs about Star Trek and his toy collection.

He has a noticable infatuation with Contrapoints and frequently retweets and attempts to contact Mr. Points in an (insofar) vain attempt to scavenge clout from a more successful and better recieved content creator. James has been covering ContraPoints since at least 2019

He also likes to ape Contrapoint's style like many other middling troony tubers.

Darren Merager Takes:

James, like many troons with social media, has built up the hill they've all been willing to die on and stuck the Derrek Merager flag in the summet. Merager is the True and Honest tranny who, this year, decided to surprise women and girl's with his penis in an all women' spa facility.
Merager has several previous convictions for indecent exposure and is a registered sex offender but that doesn't stop the trans-side of youtube from, in the same vein as post-merge Chris, formulating ludicris and untenable excuses for this tranny PR catastrophe. James has made serveral videos covering the subject culminating in the ultimate excuse that "Merager was underwater the whole time" which has zero bearing on the visibility of his penis in full view of women and children.

The Advocate:

Jessie has written a number of pieces for the online publication "The Advocate" including an article (archive) wherein he espouses the believe that gender dysphoria should not be a medical consideration for those seeking to mutilate and/or chemically disfigure their bodies.

...And this view fosters not only internalized transphobia, but transphobia from others. Go into any comment section on any transgender content, and I’ll place bets you’ll find someone decry that transgender people are mentally ill somewhere in there. If indeed gender dysphoria, a mental illness, is a requirement for being transgender, would that mean they are that far off? And, as I already stated, if you treat gender dysphoria, have you cured your transness too? Is being transgender something we really want to be curable?...

Other articles of interest include "I survived being trans in America, and so can you" (Archive) where James blogs his tragic backstory of autism, disenfranchisement, and empty threats he made to a friend about committing suicide which inevitably landed him in a hospital when said friend phoned the police. The latter half of the article is a bizarre series of out-of-place arguments to Ben Shapiro over quotes I can't source, but I'm sure were said in videos several years older than this 2018 article.

...That night, after I hung up on my friend, she decided to call campus security. After calling me and searching, they eventually found me wandering the campus. I begged them to let me go home, but they refused. They ended up putting me in the back of a police car and drove me to Cayuga Medical Center. I spent the next 12 hours stuck there watching reruns of Everybody Loves Raymond (one of the worst shows to watch if you want to embrace hope for humanity). A doctor eventually released me, after I lied to him saying that I never had any suicidal thoughts or that I wanted to die...

As well as several Vlog style submissions including screeds on toxic masculinity (Archive) which seems to be, at least in the past, one of James' favourite topics (Archive) to discuss. As mentioned before, James is autistic and an autism advocate, his fixation with the topic of toxic masculinity may very well have been the impetus for his transition.

A man talking to men about women about being a woman
Toxic masculinity is being discussed now more than ever, with the #MeToo movement leading the conversation. It may be easy to think that toxic masculinity — or unhealthy, potentially dangerous behaviors performed in attempt to reach an imagined standard of masculinity — can only harm women, but this isn't the case. Jessie Gender breaks down how unrealistic expectations for men, hyper-violent role models, and smothering of emotional expression are just some of the ways toxic masculinity harms men. It's time for each man to redefine what being a man means to him.

Leaving Pride Media:​

James produced this video to announce his departure from The Advocate and associated Pride Media outlets he was employed to write and create content for; the video itself achieved a whopping 640 views on youtube.

Media Critiques:

James has made a hobby out of posting 30+ minute long videos of tepid takes on modern media and the various offenses against troons, such as Harry Potter and Futurama and other subjects no one besides <1% of the population actually care about.



If much of the previous information hasn't convinced you that James is an autistic man with a pornography addiction that has developed autogynophilia; his admissions regarding the "trans movement"; which has been parading the "trans women are real women" mantra for the last everal years actually having nothing to do with "reenforcing gender norms"


serves as a glaring contradiction to the narrative presented by both more socially conscious troons as well as the true homosexual transsexuals who just want to blend into society without issues (or claim to want this)

Here follows several examples of the AGP Snear:



In 2019, as mentioned previously, (unless I edited that out in which case, as mentioned right now) James crowd funded his stench trench which led to some controversy (archive) regarding the origin of the money which James claims to have crowd funded (archive)
I have not uncovered any such evidence of a scam other than he insists it absolutely happened. [Video 1] [Video 2]
Video 1: "I got scammed" uploaded February 24th 2019.

Video 2: "Scammer update" uploaded Mar 2, 2020

It is interesting to note that James released both the "I got scammed" and "Thank you" (featured on his gofundme page and the reddit page) videos on the same day.
You will notice that the background is exactly the same, the lighting is exactly the same, and he is wearing the exact same clothes; the only thing different is that he shook his hair out. It strains credulity that a person who was telling a genuine story about losing 5000 dollars, while displaying genuine frustration and anger over being scammed, could immediately after recording that video switch to happy, relieved, and elated to thank his loyal paypigs for his new faux pussy. Especially over a scam he claims to have on video, yet has not released the video in 2 years.

At best he is a retard who walked into a bank to hand someone he didn't even bother to learn the name of a cheque for $5,000. At worst, he is a scam artist who milked 6,000 sympathy-bux out of his loyal simps. Either way, I find it hilarious.


James also misses his penis. Which seems like an odd thing for a person who intuitively believes and knows on a spiritual and psychological level to be a foreign appendage to think about.

Wahh I've been DOXED:

James recently published a video on Aug 30, 2021 titled "I've Been Targeted and Doxed by Transphobic Hate Raids"; maybe this is true, maybe it's bullshit, I've looked through mentions of him in other posts on the farms and I've found nothing to support his claims of doxing, Now I can't listen to this nasally crybaby for longer than a few minutes at a time, and based on everything else I've dug up, I can only assume this is a bullshit ploy for sympathy clicks and an excuse to whine about the "dangers of being transgender on the internet"
At 9 minutes into the video and all he's done is babble on about how trannies don't have very many safe spaces on the internet when in reality practically the entire mainstream internet caters to their victim complex and censorship mentality. He goes on to talk about some "hate raid" that occurred on a live stream that I'm sure totally happened.
At around 13-14 minutes in, he expounds upon the origin of this "hate raid" and points the finger at an "obscure reddit" that I'm also sure totally exists.


Full Name: Jessie Paul Earl ("Dead Name" - James Paul Earl)
DOB: June 18, 1992
E-mail: jearl1892@gmail.com
Mail: Jessie Earl PO BOX 85787 Seattle, WA 98145
Street: (according to voting records): N 45th St in Seattle, Washington.
Exact Address: 951 N 45th Street #7 Seattle Washington, 98103 (Chez Moni Apartments)
Phone Number: (585) 334 5644 out of service
Cell Phone Number: (716) 517-0825

Social Media:

Twitter: @jessiegender
Facebook: Jessie Gender
Youtube (Main): /losttrekkie
Youtube (Secondary): "After Dark"
Twitch: JessieGender
IMDb: Peak Troon Narcissism
Instagram: jessiegender
Reddit: you guessed it! jessiegender

Doxed by a hammock:




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:story: https://archive.ph/EWM1r#selection-1297.0-1050.71
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one of my guilty pleasures is watching these video essays where they treat modern media as a battleground for ideological warfare.
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How did he cry over being doxed, did he have a KF account cause at the time null had this. (or was it vague victim complex remarks?)
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Usually most lolcows are aware of Kiwifarms or aren't aware until a group or just an individual decides to fuck with them.

this jessie gives me a bad vibe I don't know he's just so me myself and I . I don't care if he is autistic or not he needs to learn to behave like a woman.

clearly he has some or is porn addiction induced autogynophilia.


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made a video on matt walsh cries about it
I don't understand people who start their videos like this; "uh uh uh no makeup uh uh uh totally caught me by surprise"
like nigger you're in your bedroom, not a TV studio with a deadline. Stop trying to trigger my amygdala into thinking there's some sense of urgency to your insipid whining.

Also just a suggestion; it doesn't take too long to rip a video and upload it here. Archiving is important, especially with troons, there's no telling when they'll take their videos down or have them taken down by youtube.
I don't understand people who start their videos like this; "uh uh uh no makeup uh uh uh totally caught me by surprise"
like nigger you're in your bedroom, not a TV studio with a deadline. Stop trying to trigger my amygdala into thinking there's some sense of urgency to your insipid whining.

Also just a suggestion; it doesn't take too long to rip a video and upload it here. Archiving is important, especially with troons, there's no telling when they'll take their videos down or have them taken down by youtube.
i want to achive video not sure how to do that . i do know there is a way to download video from youtube but i procastine and i forget.
i want to achive video not sure how to do that . i do know there is a way to download video from youtube but i procastine and i forget.
There are plenty of options

Saving in 360p is usually small enough to fit into the 104mb hard cap put on uploads by HostGator
This is my first ever post on OnionFarms. I've lurked here ever since KF was nuked from orbit, and today I finally decided to join. This may end up being the biggest mistake of my life, but I couldn't help myself.
this the video that was taken down .no i will not achive this to the fact jess thinks this is a win. if i have time going copy and paste the best of the best in the comment section
this the video that was taken down .no i will not achive this to the fact jess thinks this is a win. if i have time going copy and paste the best of the best in the comment section
Rofl yeah there's no point in trying to archive a 4 and a half hour long video.

The comment section is pretty golden.