Lolcow Ethan Ralph's current biggest, most autistic alog. Devising plans as evil as sending Ralph baby chicks so he'd let them die so he can call the police about it to accuse Ralph of animal cruelty and FINALLY land the Ralphamale in jail!

Kengle X (as we like to call him) is a degenerate paypig who has given money to Cog, Mister Metokur, and even confirmed pedophiles like Flamenco. In fact, Kengle X is one of Flamenco's jannies. Not good look... He seemed to stop posting on Kiwi Farms after Flamenco was deemed a pedophile by its admin Josh. He hasn't posted in over a month but still very active on his Twitter where he talks about Ralph all day.
He has received in unofficial halal thread on Kiwi Farms that's consists largely of posts about him being a sped.

Let Kengle X be a lesson to all future alogs to stop taking shit so seriously, have fun, and don't try to get personally involved with lolcows to the point you're writing them essays.

You'll end up like Kengle X, an unpaid janny for a pedophile you send money to.

In early July 2022 Kengle X returned to the forum after a hiatus which lasted over a month explaining that his hiatus was done in order to "investigate" who was impersonating him on Metokur Fembot's forum. (lies)
Only returning briefly, Kengle X DFEd in early August 2022 and deleted his Twitter and KF account because people kept calling him a pedophile defender as it was revealed that he was actively coaching and protecting streamer Flamenco after new evidence of this pedophilia came to light. More embarrassly he revealed his gay lisp on streamer Stardust's show.
Kengle X has been accused of returning to the forum under the guise of Pit Viper Salesman and has been accused, with evidence, from the Ralphamale himself on Mastodon and Distinguished Toastmaster on Kiwifarms.

edit 2: Kengle X has, once again, resigned his persona Pit Viper Salesman in disgrace. In March 2023 the website was hacked and his DMs were exposed. It revealed 3 important things.
1. Kengle X admitted to several people he was Pit Viper Salesman. People like Gator, Trannymura, and Chingtastic Chong kept it secret.
2. Kengle X worked hand in hand with Mr. Vickers, Harry Morris, TheGatorGamer, and Trannymura to run gayops on lolcow Ethan Ralph. Chingtastic Chong and Trannymura knew the whole time but kept quiet about it.
3. He is a pathetic simp betamale who acts as the "nice guy" to strippers and chases after girls almost half his age, offering to fly 19 year old fansly whores to his home for a "burbon tour."

Click here to get access to Kengle X's DMs as well as a breakdown of his gayops and embarrassing exchanges.
People now suspect Kengle X is back running the @AFStreamWatch twitter account and it makes sense. No one else has that much free time or a big enough grudge to launch such a crusade against America First and lolcow Ethan Ralph. The other big alogs already have Twitter accounts.
edit3: Kengle X was also moonlighting as "in_vexillum" on pedo poast. Told his most trusted confidant and gayoper CringeMomma and some others.
2022-09-17T23:40:32. in_vexillum: oh
2022-09-17T23:40:34. in_vexillum: right
2022-09-17T23:40:38. in_vexillum: i forgot
2022-09-17T23:40:42. in_vexillum: we've talked before
2022-09-17T23:40:46. in_vexillum: I'm Christorian X
2022-09-17T23:41:00. in_vexillum: i hope you can keep that to yourself so I don't have to burn this ID lol
2022-09-18T00:39:15. lalalaaa: Yes, you're safe. Welcome back, I heard you had some people go at you, the kinochet guy?
2022-09-18T02:23:07. in_vexillum: sort of
2022-09-18T02:23:34. in_vexillum: so im not sure what your depth of knowledge is on KF and the streaming community
2022-09-18T02:26:26. in_vexillum: but there is a group connected to Zoom called Plate Gang
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