• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Dusty has a working dick and a working bank account, that's kryptonite to Null.

His pecker only works when he watches a man like me stick it in his wife, and he probably pays money to see it.

A bitch is a bitch is a bitch.

I've been able to smell them my whole life.... And (loud inhale)
I dunno, Destiny has more fun life than Josh, he has money, he has sex with breadtube skanks and he maintains his modesty by keeping his t shirt on while he feasts on flaccid penises. Josh pretends to be his own girlfriend on a website he purchased from speds, he can't even make his female alter ego popular without extreme jannying.

But a bitch is a bitch is a bitch, ya know?

These fucking losers know nothing of sex. Comparing null to destiny is like comparing a go kart to a dune buggy and saying they can be in the UFC.

It's 2 losers, man. You're comparing 2 "nuns".

Can't get none, nobody wants none, ain't never gonna get none.
But a bitch is a bitch is a bitch, ya know?

These fucking losers know nothing of sex. Comparing null to destiny is like comparing a go kart to a dune buggy and saying they can be in the UFC.

It's 2 losers, man. You're comparing 2 "nuns".

Can't get none, nobody wants none, ain't never gonna get none.
That's why i said Destiny is having more fun, Dusty is objectively having more fun in his life than Null.
That's why i said Destiny is having more fun, Dusty is objectively having more fun in his life than Null.

I mean you're right but.... It's still 2 bitches.

I mean your average person has more fun on a drunken weekend than these people get in years.

No fake, I've probably lived Nulls fantasy on leave for a week that he jerks off to his whole life. I am that nigger.

I'm the guy who licked the strippers asshole. I'm the guy you went to jail with. I'm the guy you look at and say this is all your fucking fault 😂

I'm never going to be called number 2.

I'm the ONE.

And that's what both of them wish they could be. They wish they could be the guy. They can't. That's why they talk like doofuses on the internet and taking notes about how "internet cool" they are.

I used to road dog with MSI and I fucked anything that MOVED before I got married. They want that, but their little autistic brains will never let them have that.


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Is he aware that Destiny is a millionaire?

Not only is he a Youtube multi-millionaire, he has the kind of money that allows him to hire professional investigators who are former secret agents to track down Null and everyone he associates with. The kind of former Mossad people that Harvey Weinstein was working with to keep track of his accusers.

Furthermore Josh himself makes no mention as to the legality of his personal hosting revenge pornography, is actually quite waffly on the issue, and has previously stated he is happy to removed content under court order. In essence, Josh believes he can continue to break the law (hosting revenge pornography) because no one has taken him to court over it.

I remember warning Null extensively about all the porn on KiwiFarms when he was threatening to sue Epik over their tweets. What Null doesn't understand is that if Destiny doesn't make an concerted effort to remove the revenge porn from KF, then Destiny's accuser can go to court and claim that Destiny implicitly wants the revenge porn to stay up on KF and that Null is implicitly helping Destiny keep it up "because Destiny is widely known to be social with Null" (we know that this isn't the case, but this has been a persistent rumour about them).

In order to convince the judge that he too has been victimized by the leak and that he too does not want to have this material online (the "Destiny is himself a victim of revenge porn" part of what Frogninja wrote), Destiny has to be able to present evidence in court that he went out of his way to have any known instance of the leaked revenge porn removed from known locations online. He thus has no choice but to make legal threats against KF and other sites hosting the RP, so he can later convince the judge that he really really never wanted this stuff to leak online and is himself victimized by the leak.

Null should be able to understand the legal predicament that Destiny now finds himself in. If he still doesn't get it, he should ask Hardin to explain this to him. If Hardin isn't just about making money off of Null's litigiousness, he should be able to explain this to him in a way that will make him understand Destiny's position.
null 1.png
null 2.png
Null is willing to pay Sharty members to bully Tim Pool with custom-made soyjaks.
why did null shut down the trump thread but left the Elon thread open?
I think it's because by the ill-defined rules of KF, Trump is a politician so he's off limits. The actual reason was pretty clearly that Trump supporters were raiding the thread in the hopes of bullying people like HHH off the site, so Null nipped it in the bud. Elon's thread didn't have that, on top of his reputation being lowered in the right's eyes with him backing up Vivek's statements on H1B.
View attachment 81819
View attachment 81820
Null is willing to pay Sharty members to bully Tim Pool with custom-made soyjaks.
:Null "Hey guys, idk if you're aware but I've ALWAYS liked soyjacks *nervous laughter* here, let me give you money because i suck at drawing and you are clearly better *nervous laughter intensifies* please stop fucking with my site 🥺"

Bitch-Made Behavior.
:Null "Hey guys, idk if you're aware but I've ALWAYS liked soyjacks *nervous laughter* here, let me give you money because i suck at drawing and you are clearly better *nervous laughter intensifies* please stop fucking with my site 🥺"

Bitch-Made Behavior.
It's like when he gave his hacker money.
If you can't beat them, appease them with money and groveling.
I think if Null was smart than Kiwifarms would be collating and organizing this information as the Republican party under Trump is set to implode because it is staffed from top to bottom with pedophiles that are actively raping children or aiding and abetting in it. The fact that Null is not capitalizing on this is baffling to me but otoh we would not be here if Jocelyn was forward thinking.
Why would Null do that? He hates A&H and has spent the last year backing up radfems in the hopes they'll drive off the incels for him.