Nektar Geist
An Onion Among Onions
Let me play with this a little bit

Ken likes to play with things, for a while... before annihilation... dun dun dun dun dun FLASH A HA!
Change it back and make dimension dark the default not make dark theme legacy a bright eye rape theme.

It's never going to happen. This is how Ken sees the world. tbf, all the old crumblies/other random dribblers*, whom's arses Ken wipes, are just happy they don't have a darkie stealing their stuff and raping them.
*fr tho Ken, you are doing the Lord's work (not your blasphemy of an idea of an all powerful), you are literally better than all these other posters. Not me tho. I'm not the one going to hell for worshipping a false god. Still, that's pretty good, although the competition isn't much, I mean, look at that camp twat Daniel Lopez.