• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Then stop being a faggot and replying to every single post Chase makes on whatever sock.
Why bother? He'll continue to shit up other shit up other threads by continuously typing stuff that's complete bullshit like the gamergate stuff. You act as though he'll stop just because we are ignore him however this thinking is flawed.
@kiwifails @MagnesiumCorp
Alright men. Time to shake hands, unzip your pants, touch tips, and consider yourselves lovers from here on out. This is a forum of peace. We make whoopee. Not war. Here every man is another man's power bottom and soft top. None of our farts make a sound. This is our sacred oath. That we shall never lust after womankind. Nor hold the lack of externally manifested gonads against her despite the fact that it's nature's way of saying "bitch, you ain't got no fuckin' balls"
Gay and not happening there shall be no peace between us @MagnesiumCorp will find no rest or quarter
I always believed this too but this is the first time I have blocked anyone on a xenforo site. Only because his posts are that OT and annoying.
Perhaps you are your right his autism is beyond annoying at this point he's just going to continue acting like a insufferable lying nigger
What did he claim Ken said? Quick, before @KampungBoy feels the need to be a lulz killing fag with his broom
Ken told him this
So now in response he's now claiming it was actually ken who told him The exact opposite of this or some such nonsense. He basically takes every argument and reverses it.
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So now I'm response he's now claiming it was actually ken who told him The exact opposite of this or some such nonsense. He basically takes every argument and reverses it
Oh that's quite on brand delusions. Kengle is a weird autistic robot with most of his responses to users but his point there was clear.
It's like how he keeps telling himself that "everyone" has changed their minds and no one actually thinks he's Chase anymore (he is).
Also, here's a gif for everyone gay enough to care that this is spilling over to the Josh thread
joshua-conner-moon-kiwi-farms (1).gif

He's fat, he's bad, he's a hypocrite, he's a liar

Oh that's quite on brand delusions. Kengle is a weird autistic robot with most of his responses to users but his point there was clear.
It's like how he keeps telling himself that "everyone" has changed their minds and no one actually thinks he's Chase anymore (he is).
Also, here's a gif for everyone gay enough to care that this is spilling over to the Josh thread
View attachment 64257
He's fat, he's bad, he's a hypocrite, he's a liar
The issue that bothers me is his tendency to ignore criticism and redirect accusations towards others. For instance, when confronted about his problematic "lolicon" cultural defense, instead of realizing that nobody was accepting this , he dismissed it and labeled others as pedophiles. And continue to double down. Similarly, when people tell him that he is being annoying or behaves strangely, rather than reflecting on his actions, he labels them as annoying and immature. It seems like he cannot accept constructive feedback; instead, he reflects their criticisms back onto those providing it. His behaviors appear so juvenile that it makes me question if he's cognitively impaired.
he dismissed it and labeled others as pedophiles. And continue to double down
Well he learned it from watching us lol. Ain't even mad at that part. It took me getting capped at for defending Dark Ninja to finally join in on pedo-paintball
it makes me question if he's cognitively impaired
There is zero chance dude's not hopelessly strung out on meth. The obsessive fixation, the bizarre long winded rambling, only sleeping for 4 hours in between sperg outs, the delusions of grandeur, the paranoia that we're all plotting, etc.
You do know meth causes brain damage with every use, right? I'm sure you're not concerned about that since the brain isn't a vital organ for you but seriously, put the pipe down.
Meth Addiction Hotline:
(888) 987-1784
Well he learned it from watching us lol. Ain't even mad at that part. It took me getting capped at for defending Dark Ninja to finally join in on pedo-paintball
I try not to just throw the term around I base it on things that he's said and behaviors he's done. And I am inclined to believe he is at the very least into lolicon which explains the vtuber obsession
There is zero chance dude's not hopelessly strung out on meth. The obsessive fixation, the bizarre long winded rambling, only sleeping for 4 hours in between sperg outs, the delusions of grandeur, the paranoia that we're all plotting, etc.
You do know meth causes brain damage with every use, right? I'm sure you're not concerned about that since the brain isn't a vital organ for you but seriously, put the pipe down.
Meth Addiction Hotline:
(888) 987-1784
However in hindsight a considerable amount of what he's been saying might just be drug-induced mania mixed with unregulated mental Illness inclined to believe he's self-medicating.
I try not to just throw the term around I base it on things that he's said and behaviors he's done. And I am inclined to believe he is at the very least into lolicon which explains the vtuber obsession
That's good of you, how things should be really. That lolicon defense was some of the most bizarre mental gymnastics I've seen online to the point I want to believe he was (((just pretending to be retarded)))
However in hindsight a considerable amount of what he's been saying might just be drug-induced mania mixed with unregulated mental Illness inclined to believe he's self-medicating.
If what they say about his animal abuse charges is true then yeah, probably some underlying severe mental affliction. But it's impossible to separate a tweaker from mental illness. These people intentionally choose to pay money to fry their brains and slip into walking nightmares where the shadow bunnies are out to get them. And even if they quit, they're still permafucked since they'll always have "I'm a dumb fucking tweaker" written in the lines of their face until they die.
Fuck I hate tweakers
That's good of you, how things should be really. That lolicon defense was some of the most bizarre mental gymnastics I've seen online to the point I want to believe he was (((just pretending to be retarded)))

If what they say about his animal abuse charges is true then yeah, probably some underlying severe mental affliction. But it's impossible to separate a tweaker from mental illness. These people intentionally choose to pay money to fry their brains and slip into walking nightmares where the shadow bunnies are out to get them. And even if they quit, they're still permafucked since they'll always have "I'm a dumb fucking tweaker" written in the lines of their face until they die.
Fuck I hate tweakers
There ain't no bunch of druggies I despise more than tweakers. Can't even turn your back on 'em for two seconds without worrying they'll go off the deep end. Those stories about chase abusing animals Total giveaway he's a damn meth head. Who the hell tries to sacrifice a dog to Satan unless they're high af on crank? Seriously,
There ain't no bunch of druggies I despise more than tweakers. Can't even turn your back on 'em for two seconds without worrying they'll go off the deep end.
If it's not the psychotic behavior, it's the stealing. The pieces of shit will rob you then stand around pretending to help you look for what they got in their pocket. I mostly joke about wanting to see people purged but every glass dick appreciator needs a bit of "Filipino drug reform" in their lives
Those stories about chase abusing animals Total giveaway he's a damn meth head. Who the hell tries to sacrifice a dog to Satan unless they're high af on crank? Seriously,
Sounds like Satan decides to tax him $3K for being a piece of shit, tbh. Karma is a bitch bunny
If it's not the psychotic behavior, it's the stealing. The pieces of shit will rob you then stand around pretending to help you look for what they got in their pocket. I mostly joke about wanting to see people purged but every glass dick appreciator needs a bit of "Filipino drug reform" in their lives

Sounds like Satan decides to tax him $3K for being a piece of shit, tbh. Karma is a bitch bunny
Oh yeah you can't trust them they'll rob you blind they'll even try selling you the t.v that they stole from you.

I still can't figure out the $3,000 you'd think if he was a meth addict he'd be smoking every last dollar of it. That's why I still hold reserve judgment that it may not be drugs(entirely) then again who else would be sacrificing dogs to Satan and spending $3,000 on pink anime rabbits and then stalking them for them for over a year. Mental illness alone doesn't explain it. A lot of them self medicate.
I still can't figure out the $3,000 you'd think if he was a meth addict he'd be smoking every last dollar of it.
Meth is favored by broke niggers because of how cheap and long lasting it is. You can drive yourself insane like 4 days in a row for ~$50. He could have easily been sitting on half an ounce and in a dopamine/meth craze dumped a bunch of donos on her. I'm tempted to go back through her catalog and try to find the stream Chase lost touch with reality on. There's no way she ignored a whale and his superchats would be easily discernable
Meth is favored by broke niggers because of how cheap and long lasting it is. You can drive yourself insane like 4 days in a row for ~$50. He could have easily been sitting on half an ounce and in a dopamine/meth craze dumped a bunch of donos on her. I'm tempted to go back through her catalog and try to find the stream Chase lost touch with reality on. There's no way she ignored a whale and his superchats would be easily discernable
You know now that you mention that's quite a possibility. And that's not a bad idea I wonder if some of the streams are archived because she did interact with him on numerous occasions until he went completely off the rails.
Josh claims not only does the site make no profit but in fact that it does not break even. This is an obvious lie or else how is he making up the rest of the costs to run the site? Never mind live and have a place to stay as he claims. Reminder that he claims to be stuck in an AirBnB for months so how is he paying for that? What are you putting KF on your capital one card Josh?
He uses site donations (bitcoin, T&H) but mostly profits from the yearly merch runs. He's paying for the AirBnB and pizzas with MATI/gumroad money. Nobody is tracking how much he's making because that's exclusive to DSP people.
How else does he claim to have enough money to return to America and buy a bunch of guns
Claims are free. Remember how Josh wanted to be back in the US 2 months ago?
He uses site donations (bitcoin, T&H) but mostly profits from the yearly merch runs. He's paying for the AirBnB and pizzas with MATI/gumroad money. Nobody is tracking how much he's making because that's exclusive to DSP people.

Claims are free. Remember how Josh wanted to be back in the US 2 months ago?
Hold up... Jocelyn has claimed at least once that Beauty Parlour users make up most of his sites revenue.

Now I'm not saying he's a lying fat pedophile... but...

How can he use that claim as a defense for his favorite area of the site when he has also said that it's stream donations, T&H, and merch runs that make up most of the income?

Either he gets a consistent influx of women paying for T&H or he assumes that it's mostly BP users superchatting and buying merch. I wouldn't be surprised if that was true considering the bizzarely large group of simps he has. But he can't objectively prove that's the case.
How can he use that claim as a defense for his favorite area of the site when he has also said that it's stream donations, T&H, and merch runs that make up most of the income?
I've long said that he must have had Altistic Right graph sperg and realized the women were paypigging the most. There's also his long term goal of trying to rally censored people under his banner, in this case terfs, as well as giving him an outlet for his fatherless male feminist tendencies
Hold up... Jocelyn has claimed at least once that Beauty Parlour users make up most of his sites revenue.

Now I'm not saying he's a lying fat pedophile... but...

How can he use that claim as a defense for his favorite area of the site when he has also said that it's stream donations, T&H, and merch runs that make up most of the income?

Either he gets a consistent influx of women paying for T&H or he assumes that it's mostly BP users superchatting and buying merch. I wouldn't be surprised if that was true considering the bizzarely large group of simps he has. But he can't objectively prove that's the case.
It's all "most of the income" when you're a lying fat pedophile.

The whole "site doesn't turn a profit" thing is designed to get people to give more money.
What if Josh is true income comes from other sources that we're unaware of? I know this is highly speculative however he has received large amounts of donations through his legal fund and other campaigns. He could be growing investments offshore. I really don't understand how he supports the site in himself unless he really is raking in more donations than aptly admitting.
What if Josh is true income comes from other sources that we're unaware of? I know this is highly speculative however he has received large amounts of donations through his legal fund and other campaigns. He could be growing investments offshore. I really don't understand how he supports the site in himself unless he really is raking in more donations than aptly admitting.
Well I've considered this before. Josh could easily direct the site's real whales to gibs via Monero due to that coin not having a public ledger so as to not have to pay taxes. But based on the times I've spoken to him he's incredibly paranoid and dedicated to keeping everything very concretely within the bounds of the law. Something something, the Teflon Don was finally got because of taxes.
From my understanding Josh really wants to start using surplus funds to start investing in things but hasn't done so. Kiwi Farms is a very expensive website but Josh's cost of living is not. Having a gaggle of dumbass cult members like Strawberry Douche who donate $100/month are enough to cover his life style and all the other stuff could easily find the site's maintenance and defense
Well I've considered this before. Josh could easily direct the site's real whales to gibs via Monero due to that coin not having a public ledger so as to not have to pay taxes
I could see him doing that to avoid paying taxes. Or some other tactics
. But based on the times I've spoken to him he's incredibly paranoid and dedicated to keeping everything very concretely within the bounds of the law.
No not really, he hosts beastiality torture porn on his website and he has hosted Csam on his website.
Something something, the Teflon Don was finally got because of taxes.
From my understanding Josh really wants to start using surplus funds to start investing in things but hasn't done so. Kiwi Farms is a very expensive website
Yes kiwi farms is a very expensive website which leads questions to how he funds it. And why he is so secretive about it.
but Josh's cost of living is not. Having a gaggle of dumbass cult members like Strawberry Douche who donate $100/month are enough to cover his life style and all the other stuff could easily find the site's maintenance and defense
Possibly however the overt secrecy and misdirection towards how he funds things lends credence to conspiracies. Given the type of material that he's hosted on his website the type of people that orbit kiwi farms.