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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Because every time I come into your sight you do a little gay dance for me and it's comical to make fun of the fact you can't quit me and never will.
Every time you come back here it's like taking a lighted match to your thread and bringing it back to life. Every single time Ash. Since you are so obsessed with forums, why not start your own? I am sure with that comfy office job you have, you could rent a domain name and set up an account on HostGator. After that you just go to your Cpanel and download the software of your choice.
People with BPD aren't able to maintain relationships and I don't engage in pointless fuckery with people.
Yes you do.
I find it odd how all ex KF members or whatever you'd call them always seem to scrutinize the victims of psycho trolls way more than the aggressors, why is that?
Like this guy is impersonating me, he shits up threads,
No I didn't. You just ignore when I was banting with people in this very thread. I, in fact, replied to others in this thread without mentioning you once.
he brings me up out of nowhere
Other users have done this as well. When I brought up 'I came back with Ashley's facedox on Kiwifarms' that was when you decided to flip your shit. You saw me in this thread for weeks and it was only today that you did this.
and in no context relevant to the thread yet you have nothing to say to that behavior.
Because who gives a shit?
He clearly acts like a male stalker.
You're rejoining the website that is filled with them.
He's perfectly free to post here
Yeah, because I don't flip my shit and attack others users for basically nothing.
just as long as he doesn't say this community is terrible or any of you are personally terrible or Ken is a creepy loser.
See what I mean? Why would anyone give two fucks about our spat? And I don't bring how up how terrible this community because guess what, nobody else gives a flying fuck. The fact you keep hammering this in and ignore all of your other posts where you actively interact with this community proves my point that your pearl-clutching is bullshit.
Lyrica will absolutely get you high which is what one of the nazi losers who fucked with me for years was doing.
No he didn't.
Tell me Ashley, who was it that destroyed Kiwifarms General because she didn't like having her thread open? Why would anyone have a problem with me posting when I don't actively try to destroy this website?
Every time you come back here it's like taking a lighted match to your thread and bringing it back to life. Every single time Ash. Since you are so obsessed with forums, why not start your own? I am sure with that comfy office job you have, you could rent a domain name and set up an account on HostGator. After that you just go to your Cpanel and download the software of your choice.
Why should anyone feel compelled to not fuck with you, actually? A good question is why are you trying to piggyback on the middling success of a terrorist site that has been banned in multiple countries? There is some ok discussion about Joshua Moon who is a crazy asshole and deserves justice, but most of it is unreadable fucking garbage with idiots posting racism or anti-trans bullshit. Why are you allowing a dumbass who is still impersonating me and posting my personal information in a threatening manner to post here? When he's not talking about me he adds nothing, it's all idiot shit about streamers he cares about. Did you not see where he posted dozens of times on the previous pages? Are you going to ban him over that since you take all of this so seriously?
Because every time I come into your sight you do a little gay dance for me and it's comical to make fun of the fact you can't quit me and never will.
He clearly acts like a male stalker.
How is it that I'm stalking you when you admit you come to interact with me? That's not how stalking works. Stalking victims don't interact with their stalkers.
Why should anyone feel compelled to not fuck with you, actually? A good question is why are you trying to piggyback on the middling success of a terrorist site that has been banned in multiple countries? There is some ok discussion about Joshua Moon who is a crazy asshole and deserves justice, but most of it is unreadable fucking garbage with idiots posting racism or anti-trans bullshit.
Yet, only today you had a problem with it.
Why are you allowing a dumbass who is still impersonating me and posting my personal information in a threatening manner to post here?
HOLY SHIT THIS RETARD. Didn't you type out explicitly how you enjoy coming here because I 'do a gay dance' for you? Now its "I'm threatening you!" fucking A. You're a fat bitch.
When he's not talking about me he adds nothing, it's all idiot shit about streamers he cares about. Did you not see where he posted dozens of times on the previous pages? Are you going to ban him over that since you take all of this so seriously?
Who gives a shit? Why should I be banned? For what? Reminder to everybody here, I was doing this for weeks and not a single peep about it from Blockhead over here.
"Yes I am a stalker, what are you going to do about it". Why is this guy allowed to post here?
That's not how stalking works. If you interact with me voluntarily, you're not getting stalked. You just said you enjoy me doing 'gay dances' for you, so that means you are looking to interact with me.
That's not how stalking works. If you interact with me voluntarily, you're not getting stalked. You just said you enjoy me doing 'gay dances' for you, so that means you are looking to interact with me.
It would reflect really poorly on me if a single guy who was obsessed with me wasn't an autistic turbo loser. Can you name a single thing you've done to make you relevant or even interesting? This would hurt a lot more if I didn't know you were a reject and an incel. All this creepy bluster about how you totes have my address and OH my god my facedox and yet you're a fat little nerd who I can just shoot if you get too real with it.
This is why you're BPD Ashley, tell me how is it you're both laughing at me but you're feeling threatened by my posts? Are you just retarded, don't answer that because you are.
This is why you're BPD Ashley, tell me how is it you're both laughing at me but you're feeling threatened by my posts? Are you just retarded, don't answer that because you are.
Because you want to posture as a menacing psycho but you're also a little dicked fruitloop who loses his shit online if women don't give him positive attention. You want me to think you're dangerous but you're a scared little bitch who will never be brave enough to say any of this without anonymity.
Can you name a single thing you've done to make you relevant or even interesting?
To who or and why should I?
This would hurt a lot more if I didn't know you were a reject and an incel. All this creepy bluster about how you totes have my address and OH my god my facedox
Which you're complaining about right now.
yet you're a fat little nerd who I can just shoot if you get too real with it.
Yeah bullshit you have you house blurred on Google because you're too afraid of internet stalkers coming to your house.
Never change you fat ass.


It's awesome you have my addy and facedox and bring it up all the time menacingly man, here's a little preview of what happens if you ever get a little bit brave.