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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
HHH was the one that whined so much about negrates that almost got A&N removed (and why all the negative ratings were removed for a stint)
That's not true, a lot of other people on both sides of the flame wars were doing it.
and the thread was to avoid him shitting up everything cause half the idiots will respond to him making any conversation unreadable. Blocking him alone isn't enough when you start seeing 50 responses to him anyway.
As someone who saw that drama go down live and read through the archived pictures, that's not true. My main knowledge of you as a poster is the time Odd Opossum asked for proof Germany lowered the age of consent, and your response was to call him a communist, so I highly doubt you're an unbiased observer. I know this forum is getting an influx of banned A&H posters, but I'm not going to pretend like that crowd isn't just as stupid and prone to embarrassing themselves as anyone else just because it's the Beauty Parlor's turn to fall on their face.
Imagine him sending a work email like this.
I'm loling hard at the idea of some small town cop that arrested rekieta waking up to 22 increasingly aggressive emails from Josh.
Isn't Reikeita mostly known for defending a voice actor credibly accused of SA by multiple people? He doesn't care that Rackets loves a rapist but now that their arguing personally affected him he wants to pay cash money to further humiliate him by any means. This is all totally about his enlightened battle to protect freedom of speech tho guys.
Isn't Reikeita mostly known for defending a voice actor credibly accused of SA by multiple people? He doesn't care that Rackets loves a rapist but now that their arguing personally affected him he wants to pay cash money to further humiliate him by any means. This is all totally about his enlightened battle to protect freedom of speech tho guys.
Yes and no, I think it's more to do with Josh's distorted view of himself. You cannot embarrass him even with your tangential ties to him, even if you have provided him services or advice in the past. The problem is his line for what is and isn't an embarrassment to him is thin at the best of times and incoherent at all times.
Yes and no, I think it's more to do with Josh's distorted view of himself. You cannot embarrass him even with your tangential ties to him, even if you have provided him services or advice in the past. The problem is his line for what is and isn't an embarrassment to him is thin at the best of times and incoherent at all times.
This exactly. When Josh turned on Dick Masterson it was after he got booty blasted for insisting Dick's house was a mansion. It wasn't any of the stuff that Dick did that Josh knew about BTW like the mint salad stuff.

It was all because he took a fat L in front of his "community".
It's cool to be such a loser that even bottomfeeders like Dick Masterson, a 50+ year old man who got famous for doing a sexist rant on a trashy 90s talk show, styles on you.
Welp that's Josh for you, Now I'm wondering wth was the original own of KF thinking when lending his site over to Josh
This exactly. When Josh turned on Dick Masterson it was after he got booty blasted for insisting Dick's house was a mansion. It wasn't any of the stuff that Dick did that Josh knew about BTW like the mint salad stuff.

It was all because he took a fat L in front of his "community".
Or the Cody Wilson stuff the guy was caught with a 16 year old and what was Null's reaction? "I don't consider the well being of whores"
null 3.png

Well how is this for a goverment lie a 30 year old man creeped on a girl that looked like she was 13 or younger.
Whoa lots to unpack here...
View attachment 58187
1. Null is "aggressively" contacting parties involved in the Rekieta Case

2. He has been "dissuaded" from contacting at least one of these parties

3. The bodycam footage, supposedly here any day now, is a source of worry for Josh or at least in terms of it's release

I don't think Josh is getting the footage and he is probably at serious risk of doing what he warned people not to do during the Chris Chan trial. That being that if people meddle in the case too much it could poison the well and end up getting Chris or in this case Rekieta off. Not saying this is illegal but it feels like something you shouldn't admit.
Holy shit: Don't touch the poop? He is just going in balls deep in this and wants to role-play as a prosecutor and fuck up Nick Rekieta's legal defense. Up to this point he was lucky because the lawsuits that were dismissed were due to procedural errors by plaintiffs who foolishly represented themselves. Now he's messing around with a real attorney representing Nick Rekieta and he is going to get his ass kicked.
Did you get banned over the "civil war" between Lidl and that other woman? I forget her username but she used Q&A alot. I remember you where a fine poster so I'd love to hear fatboys reasoning for banning you.
No, I had nothing to do with that. See this post.
Holy shit: Don't touch the poop? He is just going in balls deep in this and wants to role-play as a prosecutor and fuck up Nick Rekieta's legal defense. Up to this point he was lucky because the lawsuits that were dismissed were due to procedural errors by plaintiffs who foolishly represented themselves. Now he's messing around with a real attorney representing Nick Rekieta and he is going to get his ass kicked.
A fool and his fake Jewgold are soon parted!
Holy shit: Don't touch the poop? He is just going in balls deep in this and wants to role-play as a prosecutor and fuck up Nick Rekieta's legal defense. Up to this point he was lucky because the lawsuits that were dismissed were due to procedural errors by plaintiffs who foolishly represented themselves. Now he's messing around with a real attorney representing Nick Rekieta and he is going to get his ass kicked.
Sounds like he is doing his best to harass other third parties as well.

Let's also factor in that it sounds like he was getting Hardin's advice on this, meaning his is paying out of the scam fund for advice on how to best alog lolcows. this is actual litigation waiting to happen Jewsh, you are playing with real fire here.