Deleted member 158
"Three days ago, January 23rd 2016, Joshua and I ate pizza and watched King of the Hill. He was talking about how he had gained weight and it was hard to find clothes for people his size here, so I showed him one of my favorite episodes — Husky Bobby, from Season 2."
"We were waiting to go to Katipunan to pick up Modafinil — an alternative to Adderall, which was what he really wanted, and even went so far as to ask Ron in Japan how to acquire. The guy with it texted me, “sorry, I can’t get there until 7PM. Is that OK?” It wasn’t OK for Josh."
"His apartment was full of empty two liters of Coke Zero, spilled coffee and other garbage, I offered to get him a professional cleaning service and I even had my personal assistant Mochi clean up after him multiple times when he refused because he didn’t want strange people around. When the donations stopped coming, I handed him a bag of cash, told him it was an anonymous Bitcoin donation but it was really me. When I was going to Japan on a trip planned way in advance, I didn’t want him to feel left out so I asked if he could come along. I helped him arrange two job offers in the small tech sector in a third world country — both of which paid more than I make — and he refused both."
- A Story By Hotwheels
A man had a dream.
A dream of an imageboard. One to rule them all.
One of user board creation and uncucked administration.
Actually, he was high off weed, and his name was Fredrick "Hotwheels" Brennan (Also known as "Kikewheels" and/or "Cripplekike" for his later betrayal of the community, a reoccurring theme with these people, huh? You'll learn more later), a previous resident of the "incel" NEET imageboard Wizardchan. 8chan was the creation of a high episode, and one made in response to the declining state of 4chan, subjected to Gamergate drama and an influx of low quality users not privy to the sites culture and history.
The site maintained a higher quality userbase than 4chan for many years, but saw its death at the hands of its incompetent, malicious administrators:
- Hotwheels - The wheelchair-bound man who gave birth to the idea of 8chan. His legacy now is one of a person who betrayed his community and had broken the trust between him and the anonymous collective.
- Josh - The man? you all know and love. A friend of Hotwheels and in the beginning claimed to be the chosen one who could bring 8chan to greatness. Turned out to be an abysmal developer who leaked IPs and sabotaged other software to get his way.
- Jim - A grimy businessman who had taken over 8chan's finances and later full operation out of necessity. A self-described freemason and pig farmer. The main competitor of Hiroyuki, the current owner of 4chan. The main antagonist of Josh aside from Vordy.
Let's see how it went!

The IRC logs:

Josh had maliciously tampered with the source code of the original software, Vichan, to never delete posts within the database, destroying performance and "eating" posts, meaning that when you had submitted a post, there was a good chance it would fail to become visible and you'd have to submit it again. This was Josh's work to push his own imageboard software forward, and Lo and Behold!, Hotwheels removing Josh's shitty code made it work nicely again!
To make Infinity Next he received a $12,000 donation from Hotwheels. Anonymously.
The software was a disaster. The money of course was never seen again.


Used 8chan? You would've had your IPs possibly stored for years alongside your posts and additional information (Like your browser user agent).
Did the community know about this? Nope, but I'd bet Josh did. He was a close friend and worker with Hotwheels.
However, Josh stated in a farewell post on medium that he left because of backdoors.

Truth or fiction? May have been a reason he left, but certainly not the only one.
Josh had many of his own security problems too:

Kiwifarms did this too, actually, but we'll look into that at a later time.
Passwords were stored in plaintext (Image has some other funny info about Jim as well)

Leaking user IPs again:

Aside from Josh 8chan deserves its own thread documenting its batshit insane administration and operation. Might make for a good future project.

Some juicy /cow/ moments through time:
Oldfag sticker sperging + Josh's hugbox protection

Internet tough guy persona with other imageboard developers Stephen Lynx and Drybones (Both of which who are still successful to this day)

Nice little observation on Josh's pattern of behavior + some talk of him even trying to host fucking Wizardchan too

"If I don't get this lolcow, NO ONE DOES!"

Past CWCki admin KatsuKitty's extreme butthurt over being banhammered from another lolcow forum.

Trolls impersonate Josh with his old Blockland name killing over 9000 students:

What do you think? Does he have lolcow typing?

Random spergout over text sizing:

Some updates in 2017 on Josh's chat logs:

And perhaps the funniest of all, the time Josh felt as though he was hunted by bikers:

Links for the ambitious!
https://web.archive.org/web/20150118180006/http://8ch.net/cow/res/1430.html#1430 - /cow/ cwcki
https://web.archive.org/web/20141115182558/http://pastebin.com/ggQdHniE - Ziltoid Hookers
https://web.archive.org/web/20180425031038/http://nullki.wikia.com/wiki/Nullki_Wiki - Null wiki
https://web.archive.org/web/20150125053019/http://8ch.net/cow/res/69.html - /cow/ josh
https://web.archive.org/web/20151020061253/http://8ch.net/cow/res/141083.html - /cow/ cwcki
https://web.archive.org/web/20160502140726/http://8ch.net/cow/res/188409.html - /cow/ Null/Josh
https://web.archive.org/web/20160502121240/http://8ch.net/cow/res/196525.html - e?
https://web.archive.org/web/20160502140637/http://8ch.net/cow/res/197515.html#197515 - /cow/ Null chronicles
https://web.archive.org/web/20160501034857/http://8ch.net/cow/res/203092.html - /cow/ Null/Josh
https://web.archive.org/web/20160502121254/http://8ch.net/cow/res/209007.html - /cow/ Josh
https://web.archive.org/web/20160502190145/http://8ch.net/next/res/3056.html - /next/ progress
https://web.archive.org/web/20141115182558/http://pastebin.com/ggQdHniE - Ziltoid Hookers
https://web.archive.org/web/20180425031038/http://nullki.wikia.com/wiki/Nullki_Wiki - Null wiki
https://web.archive.org/web/20150125053019/http://8ch.net/cow/res/69.html - /cow/ josh
https://web.archive.org/web/20151020061253/http://8ch.net/cow/res/141083.html - /cow/ cwcki
https://web.archive.org/web/20160502140726/http://8ch.net/cow/res/188409.html - /cow/ Null/Josh
https://web.archive.org/web/20160502121240/http://8ch.net/cow/res/196525.html - e?
https://web.archive.org/web/20160502140637/http://8ch.net/cow/res/197515.html#197515 - /cow/ Null chronicles

eternal null/joshua moon thread
old one is autosaging >>197515Josh is no doubt currently plotting an elaborate and autistic revenge plan. He has changed his kiwifarms avatar to Kylo Ren to better reflect his angst.

Null/Josh thread
Old one hit the bump limit >>199613In our last episode Josh's revenge attempt failed spectacularly, because he went about it in the dumbest way possible. For future reference: if you have incriminating evidence, just release it. Don't smugly gloat about having it, and tell everyone that you will...
https://web.archive.org/web/20160502121254/http://8ch.net/cow/res/209007.html - /cow/ Josh
https://web.archive.org/web/20160502190145/http://8ch.net/next/res/3056.html - /next/ progress
8kun - InstallGentoo Wiki

Why I Quit 8chan: Former Lead Developer Tells All
Two days ago I quit my job and boarded a flight to New York City. For the last two years I have been lead developer for the website 8chan…
The bikers peeled off his trail pretty quickly, sadly, but it wasn't too long until Josh found himself some new "Bikers", this time pink and living in stalls:
I don't think Jim's pigs getting cancer from consuming Josh would be too good for his business.
His time with 8chan concluded within an IRC chat with Hotwheels. The Moot and Snacks of recent times.

His official narrative is a bit different:

The backdoors did become real.
What did Hotwheels have to say about Josh during this time?
Infinity Never.

Enlightening? Very!
And with his farewell address his legacy of 8chan concluded, but his name did not.
The Kiwifarms was his next venture that he has continued to this day, and with it you'll see him in the drivers seat once again, and this time far more ridiculous.
Stay tuned!