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TransGarlic Transgender women

I'm a garlic clove trapped in an onion bulb.


Hellovan Onion
OK I have to say something I hate I hate. I hate so much when someone that’s male transitions into a female and says I have no strength to do anything. I may not be able to carry a refrigerator down the a flight of stairs, but I can push it around my house. I can put it on a dolly and move it. not only that in sports there are transgender women that are breaking records in a lot strength based sports.

The Gays From LA

The Gays From LA Took My K.Flay Away
Hellovan Onion
OK I have to say something I hate I hate. I hate so much when someone that’s male transitions into a female and says I have no strength to do anything. I may not be able to carry a refrigerator down the a flight of stairs, but I can push it around my house. I can put it on a dolly and move it. not only that in sports there are transgender women that are breaking records in a lot strength based sports.
The reason they can't do anything is because they've fucked up their metabolism on HRT. Metabolism is how the body turns the stuff you eat into energy. When a male body has been built to process testosterone, and all of a sudden the testosterone is missing (because the troon took testosterone-blockers, or they cut their balls off in an orchiectomy), the body responds to that loss of the expected hormone through various mechanism, one of which is an increased appetite. Troons will often talk about how they develop certain food cravings at the beginning of their transitions, how they'll start to crave pickles or eggs or meat or whatever. That's their body responding to the lack of testosterone, which the body mistakes as being caused by a lack of food. But since the loss of testosterone has so many other knock-on-effects, the troon starts eating more to make up for the lost testosterone, but this extra food doesn't give him any energy, because the issue isn't food, it's the loss of testosterone. Instead, eating more just makes the troon fat and lethargic.


Hellovan Onion
The reason they can't do anything is because they've fucked up their metabolism on HRT. Metabolism is how the body turns the stuff you eat into energy. When a male body has been built to process testosterone, and all of a sudden the testosterone is missing (because the troon took testosterone-blockers, or they cut their balls off in an orchiectomy), the body responds to that loss of the expected hormone through various mechanism, one of which is an increased appetite. Troons will often talk about how they develop certain food cravings at the beginning of their transitions, how they'll start to crave pickles or eggs or meat or whatever. That's their body responding to the lack of testosterone, which the body mistakes as being caused by a lack of food. But since the loss of testosterone has so many other knock-on-effects, the troon starts eating more to make up for the lost testosterone, but this extra food doesn't give him any energy, because the issue isn't food, it's the loss of testosterone. Instead, eating more just makes the troon fat and lethargic.
The only time I’ve noticed that this isn’t the case is when they keep being athletic. I do worry about those who have gained weight because I’m not very sure, but I’m I think bone density goes lower and when they age, the bones are going to get more weak and that’s gonna cause other health issues.

The Gays From LA

The Gays From LA Took My K.Flay Away
Hellovan Onion
"I would recommend that TRAs look at their behaviour towards the now single mothers and domestic abuse survivors in the trans-widow community, and ask how gaslighting and insults and death threats and rape threats square with their mandate to 'be kind'. "

Behind The Looking Glass - Teaser - Lime Soda Films Feature-Length Documentary

Behind The Looking Glass is a film documenting the stories of women whose partners 'transitioned'.

Blaine Gaven Ross

annoying skitzo pedo groomer troon
SpergCage Resident
Women bitching about nuwomen to incels who find any sort of sex icky.

But no seriously you're not treating men like women and giving them what they want by playing into jealousy. I'm just making a slight joke.

The Gays From LA

The Gays From LA Took My K.Flay Away
Hellovan Onion
The troons have discovered Burning Man as a new opportunity to sexually harass everyone:

I’m a passable trans woman. I have not had a bottom op. How safe is it for me to go nude at Burning man?


>I'm passable
>I've not had SRS

OK, you just want to show off your gurldique then, and you want to bother female Burners with it.

* note: Burning Man, like a lot of music festivals, tolerates public nudity. If you want to play content cop and rub Youtube's double standards in their faces once again, there are literally dozens and dozens of Burning Man videos on Youtube, especially from older editions, where public nudity is in full display, not a single one of which is behind an age-wall. I bet the Burner woman who made this video about public nudity at Burning Man years ago, trying to rationalize and justify it, definitely wasn't thinking about troons walking around with their gurldiques out at BM:



Cringe, but Free
Remarkable Onion
The troons have discovered Burning Man as a new opportunity to sexually harass everyone:

>I'm passable
>I've not had SRS

OK, you just want to show off your gurldique then, and you want to bother female Burners with it.

* note: Burning Man, like a lot of music festivals, tolerates public nudity. If you want to play content cop and rub Youtube's double standards in their faces once again, there are literally dozens and dozens of Burning Man videos on Youtube, especially from older editions, where public nudity is in full display, not a single one of which is behind an age-wall. I bet the Burner woman who made this video about public nudity at Burning Man years ago, trying to rationalize and justify it, definitely wasn't thinking about troons walking around with their gurldiques out at BM.
You just know he'd demand access to the traditionally female-only spaces with his gross ol ' gurldique out and trying to touch them with it.

The Gays From LA

The Gays From LA Took My K.Flay Away
Hellovan Onion
You just know he'd demand access to the traditionally female-only spaces with his gross ol ' gurldique out and trying to touch them with it.

I was shocked to discover that Burning Man actually has a menstruation camp called "Camp Period" at their event - where Burner women can go to pick up free tampons and pads if they run out of any in the middle of the playa desert (where BM is being held) - but "Camp Period" are so scared of being targeted by troons that they've made their menstruation camp all-inclusive. You can basically already guess which camp the troon from the above post is going to end up joining, just to be extra gross and annoying... Here's the post about "Camp Period" on the Burning Man subreddit:

Camp Period is looking for campers! (self.BurningMan)
submitted 5 days ago by Quiet_Rice_4671

Regardless of mud and rain
The uterus bleeds and cramps in pain.
Camp Period returns for our second year on playa
Your number one pad and tampon supplier.
We’re looking for Crampers to join us in the heat
We welcome all humans, including those who don’t bleed.

Camp Period camper applications are open! We are a second year camp dedicated to providing menstrual resources to Black Rock City. Please fill out this form if interested! Dues and details can be found there as well.


IMO, some TERFs should try to stealth at Camp Period so they can infiltrate Burning Man and bring the light of TERFdom to Black Rock City.
You could really go wild with this TERFs, bring along and burn an effigy of a troon instead of The Man, etc.


Hellovan Onion
Hey, so the reason why I’m posting this is because there are women who suffer from endometriosis, and if it can be cured or treated with this method. this can help women suffering from endometriosis. for those unaware it has been an ongoing battle for people who don’t understand the disease to sort of mock it. for a very, very long time there was a certain amount of women who when they had their period they couldn’t really function. Their pain was dismissed now to the point. overtime people realize that this is real natural disease and people have made lighthearted jokes.(specially women who suffer the disease.) how the problem is, all jokes aside, whether the intentions good or bad. certain numbers of the transgender community have procedure to mock women, claiming that they are literally having periods. I kid you not if I did a compare and contrast of women joking about how bad their period is or the trials and tribulations of people reacting to women during their cycles or stories of how women are treated on their period. you would see similarities with certain transgender individuals. I want to believe that they’re trying to sympathize and understand women with an actual medical condition and I realize life is not that kind. if there’s a way to cure or treat endometriosis. perhaps it can curb or diminish certain stereotypes or female tropes you see on TV or reading books. because I truly feel like certain stereotypes about women fuel ideas, certain transgender women have about women.

this is an example of lighthearted jokes.
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The Gays From LA

The Gays From LA Took My K.Flay Away
Hellovan Onion
I saw a fucking troon on Al Jazeera of all places:

Damn, and the one thing I really liked about the War in Ghaza is that I didn't have to see any troons on either side. Thanks Al Jazeera for ruining that. Now I hate Islamists even more, because they broke the troon-truce first.