Slow drip of content useful for starting threads or adding to existing threads
June 1, 2024: Donald Trump refers to himself as a political prisoner and blames Biden:
June 1, 2024: Elon Musk plans to hold a livestream event with Donald Trump on
June 1, 2024: Kiwifarms: Uploads are broken:

Movie Night

In the process of being set up

The Daiymo General

The Gays From LA

The Gays From LA Took My K.Flay Away
Hellovan Onion
Can you imagine living next door to Ethan, being his neighbour and having to witness such scenes on the regular?


The chat went nuts at the science, best STEM promotion ever:


The Gays From LA

The Gays From LA Took My K.Flay Away
Hellovan Onion
Doctor D's theory about "emotional incels" was recently confirmed through scientific research:

Here, we argue that incels evidence changes to sexism as a “special case” of prejudice (Glick and Fiske, 1996), as incels desire heterosexual intimacy but their feelings toward women are characterized by antipathy.
These cases demonstrate a shift in sexist practices, wherein heterosexual men crave sexual intimacy that is free of benevolence and is instead characterized by untapered hostility toward women.

I hope Doctor D and Professor DJAxel will do a Livestream discussing this ground breaking study of inceldom.

Crimson Fucker

Hellovan Onion
Let's go over some of his statements in this video:

0:33 "Kiwis live in fear of one another over being exposed and being publicly humiliated by one another". I remember I once asked a Kiwi over DM if a certain Youtube account was theirs because I had noticed some similarities between their posting style and the videos on that channel. They confirmed it, and thanked me for not doxxing them. It never even crossed my mind to doxx another Kiwi. Why would I doxx a Kiwi when I know the TRAs will destroy them, and that they wanted to destroy the rest of us likewise?

It's the troons that want to doxx Kiwis, Ethan, they want to doxx so they can come to our houses to beat us up. They openly said so during #DropKiwiFarms and they said they also want "someone" to murder Null:

View attachment 33835

I know there were Kiwis doxxing themselves who were "punished" for doing so. I remember one incident with a Kiwi who had a mental breakdown on the forum which spilled over into his Youtube account with him posting videos there addressing KF wile rambling about his parents. Null made a containment thread while this guy was coming unglued and doxxing himself, but I remember there where Kiwis in that thread urging him to calm the fuck down. The Kiwis were also contacting LE in his hometown because he apparently had a gun and was threatening to shoot himself. He had apparently had such a meltdown before he got on KF, and supposedly the officer who showed up at his house and took his gun away had stopped him from killing himself another time. Last I hear this guy was studying to become a lawyer, so I guess he ended up well.

This idea that we were keeping the tabs on one another to doxx eachother? All I can say is, that wasn't me. Kiwis don't live in fear of one another, they live in fear of TRAs exposing them and targeting them for not believing in gender ideology and refusing to bow down to the TRA moral police. Kiwis are heterics and apostates for not believing in the new woke dogma of gender ideology.
Well to be fair you were not really like the other kiwis and sort of said it yourself. I'd say you are the exception to this as most would jump at a chance to dox someone they beef with on the forums for both clout and spite. A lot of the users are probably children or man children who can't comprehend the consequences of their actions and see it as a game. They can use the troons to help keep users in line because they fear what will happen if they get doxed. They hate eachother almost as much as everyone else hates them, it's obvious to anyone looking in.


Straightest Gay
Hellovan Onion
Well to be fair you were not really like the other kiwis and sort of said it yourself. I'd say you are the exception to this as most would jump at a chance to dox someone they beef with on the forums for both clout and spite. A lot of the users are probably children or man children who can't comprehend the consequences of their actions and see it as a game. They can use the troons to help keep users in line because they fear what will happen if they get doxed. They hate eachother almost as much as everyone else hates them, it's obvious to anyone looking in.
I've had to perform counter-ops for former kiwifags because they were retarded so I have a unique perspective.
A lot kiwifags aren't maliciously seeking to dox each other but will do-so the second you give them a slight reason.
You called someone a faggot/degenerate? Someone will spend a week trying to figure out who you are.
It's not out of malice but because to them it's usually the most effective way to shut someone up.

Not enough minerals Not enough

minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals
Hellovan Onion
Who was the one that originally said "Kiwifarms is the modern day Alexandria Library"

That sure is a knee slapper in my book

Crimson Fucker

Hellovan Onion
I've had to perform counter-ops for former kiwifags because they were retarded so I have a unique perspective.
A lot kiwifags aren't maliciously seeking to dox each other but will do-so the second you give them a slight reason.
You called someone a faggot/degenerate? Someone will spend a week trying to figure out who you are.
It's not out of malice but because to them it's usually the most effective way to shut someone up.
Yeah, i should have specified its more of a retaliatory spite thing as opposed to no reason at all. They usually get into a disagreement and want to flex and climb the hierarchy and lower the other person's status for personal gain and to silence them. Like a petty uncalled for revenge thing. "He called me retarded so i have to dox them" mentality out of sheer spite built up from being chronically online. At this point I don't even think grass touching can be effective treatment for this particular brand of autism. @The Gays From LA is just too mature to behave like this. Hence why i said not like the other kiwis