Slow drip of content useful for starting threads or adding to existing threads
June 1, 2024: Donald Trump refers to himself as a political prisoner and blames Biden:
June 1, 2024: Elon Musk plans to hold a livestream event with Donald Trump on
June 1, 2024: Kiwifarms: Uploads are broken:

Movie Night

In the process of being set up



Literally Ashley Hutsell Jankowski Address in my banner
Hellovan Onion
Can anyone really comprehend sloths? The species that is both unrelenting fail and adorably stupid?

They'll basically die if they touch the ground.



The two-toed sloth is a member of the superorder Xenarthra, which is a group of South American mammals that showed up roughly 60 millions years ago. It represents the absolute pinnacle of its species' evolution. This is the design that beat out all its competitors by achieving the best reproductive fitness. Maybe I'm not making myself clear. Dude fucks, is what I'm saying here. This thing which Equadorian tribes named with various forms of the words "eat, sleep, dirty" in their native language has been successfully getting laid for 60 million years. I reference this every time someone on the Internet calls me a virgin. This is not speculation, okay. Evolution is a science. My "sloth method" for picking up girls—in which I eat, sleep, and stay dirty by not showering for let's say 72 hours a stretch, while playing Hearthstone on my Android or maybe something like Civ 6 on my desktop—has proven to work in certain circumstances. This is not speculation. This is scientific fact. I am quite possibly the grandfather of an entirely divergent species of human: one that, like the two-toed sloth, eschews the modern idea of "pursuit" in favor of sitting pretty much motionless and vegging out until some day somehow you end up near enough to some probably universally-despised female to make a kind of sweaty and unenthusiastic attempt at passing on your genetic material, and still likely fail, but shit at least you'll be able to say it happened, right, and that you've unburdened yourself with the pressure.
Obligatory copypasta, never liked those smelly fuckers with their creepy half smile :chimera:


The Only Good Phoneposter
Baby Onion
Sloths are part of an entire clade of lolcow animals that includes anteaters and armadillos as well. All those weird little dudes just couldn't catch a break. Their metabolisms were too cucked to hang with the American Chad mammals, so they just shrank and morphed to fill in weird ecological gaps instead. They're like the animal versions of schizocows: they dindu nuffin, they were just born funny.
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Hoes mad
Hellovan Onion
Everyone throwing all this shade at sloths and koalas and shit and nobody has anything to say about fucking pandas.